Why didn't Rey Turn to the dark side?

Rey is so inexperienced and everything was leading for to turn to the dark side.
>The person who respects her is Kylo
>Her mentor is dead.
>She is literally nothing
If the dark side is so easy for someone to be tricked into why didn't she join? In fact that would have been the perfect twist and given the new trilogy something new and fresh!

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ummmm, no sweetie. women don't turn to the dark side. only wh*te m*les do.

Then who would fight against Darth Rey and Kylo Ren? Finn and Poe? lmao

It would have redeemed her MareySueness because she can actually pose a threat as dark side user unlike Kylo Ren or Snoke. But no, she'll be a Disney Princess who cannot be bad, ever.

woman can't be bad

It would be great BLACKED propaganda even.

She's not a very good actor.

source: I just got in from seeing it.



Did you expect Rey to have any internal conflict whatsoever? She is literally the exact same person she was at the beginning of The Force Awakens--a Mary Sue, through and through.

So was anakin

You say this jokingly but this is a legitimate problem.

Star Wars movies need a good guy who can use the force. If Rey and kylo are bad then who is the good guy who laser sword fights the bad guy at end?

Because the feminist media would have a fucking shitstorm.

Why the fuck they didn't make Fin a force user so you can have Fin in the light side being a bitch, Rey doing her donnutsteel grey jedi and Kylo dark side

I don’t know man. I was wary of Finn before TFA came out. He was actually great in that movie and then he got demoted to fucking comedy relief.

All I know is that having kylo and Rey on the same side doesn’t work

Urrrrmmm, are you saying women can be bad, sweetie?

Yes,There human as well

When she fights she's not cool and calm she looks like she's angry as fuck. Like Luke when he slipped for a moment in the RotJ end fight. Seems un jedi like.

the good side wouldn't have any characters left otherwise

Because then they would have ruined their precious queen and given her an actual flaw

I thought Finn was comic relief in TFA. Not as bad in comparison to TLJ but he wasn't really getting anything done in the first movie it's just that his character was at least relevant to the story.

The Last Jedi is the first Star Wars feature since Empire to feel like a genuinely great, classic in the making, game-changing film in addition to being a great continuation of the mythos, and the fact that fans have had so much to argue about in the details of that is proof not only of its artistic success and but just how brave Rian Johnson was to take the risks he took. It’s a bold film that dared not only to be political and of the moment within the universal pop-mythos, but to actively interrogate, challenge, and recontextualize the very foundations of that mythos. And as a result, Star Wars feels like it has more chance for change, growth, and genuinely culture endurance since at any point since the prequels.

Does it need one when Force Ghosts can actually manipulate things on the physical plane.

>Force Ghosts can actually manipulate things on the physical plane.
maybe the planet Luke was on was a Force conduit or something

I swear you just replaced MoS with TLJ, Superman with Empire, Rian Johnson with Zack Snyder and DCEU with Star Wars

I'm sure a book will explain it.

Can't do that it makes another "bitch" woman character which is against progressive beliefs.

I wouldn’t go that far

I would guess that a book will say something about how the force energy flowing blah blah blah original Jedi temple blah blah mysterious and strange blah. Something like that.

but kylo doesnt have sith eyes so he is not really dark side right?

>She is literally the exact same person she was at the beginning of The Force Awakens
Is one of the core issues with Nu Wars

People complain about how it was jarring that Anakin suddenly turned to the dark side. It would've been 10 times more jarring if Rey, who's never shown any sign of wanting to join the dark side were to do so. Some of the comments in this thread are brainlet tier

The trilogy isn't over yet.


please send me your address. it appears you lost our check.

t. Mouse

Is there a character more boring than Rey in the SW universe?

It's not like her joining him would immediately mean she's off to do evil things

>Snoke betrays Kylo because Rey has more raw power than him with his years of training
>Kylo realizes what his father said was correct, that Snoke only lusted after power and would discard Ben as soon as he found something better
>Rey becomes evil
>Kylo redeems himself, becomes a renegade Jedi who disbands from the First Order to destroy Snoke and Rey if he has to, so no one else has to endure manipulation, suffering and downfall at the hands of Snoke
You'll never get kino like this with Disney in charge.

That guy who runs a 1950's diner

man can you imagine the stank on that cunt?

>Dexter Jettster
Brainlet detected

i want to sex rey

Finn was comic relief in the first one as well but that was okay because of the plot. By the end of the movie he had been in some major fights and was a legitimate hero. Then TLJ comes along and he reverts back to being the comic relief coward. His arc in the first movie was about bravery and doing what is right, then in the second one they make him a fag who is about to abandon ship.

I was really hoping his character would be the moral compass while Rey is fighting the urge to go to the dark side, they fucked all of that up.

Rey should have turned to the dark
Ben should have redeemed himself and turned to the light

a twist on a twist

>both parents were nobodies
>both extremely gifted in the force

should have gone dark

They should have redeemed Kylo ren, and replace Rey as the resistances last hope. Rey would be tempted by the side.

>And as a result, Star Wars feels like it has more chance for change, growth, and genuinely culture endurance since at any point since the prequels.

What makes this copypasta so hilarious is how effectively dead-ended the main series is, now.

Episode IX has been rendered the most predictable waste of time imaginable, a countdown to Rey battling Ren one more fucking time, and winning. You could throw any director you like at this tedious outcome, and it doesn't matter.

It makes me tired even thinking about it.

Rey is now Mary Sue officially so she should just become a grey jedi at this point. She reads all the jedi books that she stole and then also embraces the dark side enough to use dark side abilities but not become taken by it. Then, she fights Kylo who created his own dark side martial art that is the combination of Vader's and Snoke's teachings with a focus on restraint. It makes it so now they are no longer fighting as Jedi vs Sith or light vs dark but somewhere in-between which I think is the point they wanted to stress in TLJ.

Haven't you watched the movie
Rey doesn't go dark precisely because her parents were nothing
Kylo went dark because he is son and nephew of important people and he can't stand the expectation
Rey also wanted friends. And Kylo hasn't been a good friend. The light side has everything she needs and the dark side has nothing.

I saw the movie today. Rey is still boring as fuck. I was excited to see snoke. I though he had potential to be cooler than Palpatine. Then they just kill him in the lamest way possible. I didn't hate the movie. But God there were some many stupid parts. I was hoping they would turn her to the dark side but I knew the movie didn't have the balls to do something risky like that.

I hated this character but I honestly thought her plowing the ship into the other ships was a pretty cool scene.

Uhm, no sweetie.

user, in NUwars there are only two answers
>bad writing
>she's a woman, he's a white man

because a woman would never, EVER turn to the dark side

if you pay attention to the movie you'll notice that they're both changing, Kylo will be good guy and Rey bad, and I hope she's the one that grabs Vaders sabercrystal from lukes hut instead of kylo

Yeah. Finn would have made a good Samwise type of character like in the first one instead of Scooby Fucking Doo

Why have luke say she gave in to dark side as soon as she tried using force, then have her go into the cave and fucking nothing comes of it

>she goes balls deep in the dark side cave
>entirely unaffected by it

>reach out your hand...the dark side of force is down there...below where you sit...it's a sea cave...it has disgusting seaweeds around it...
Am I the only one bothered by this?

Because she isn't edgy like Luke or Kylo

Rey consistently shows a tendency towards the Dark Side, even in TFA. In the final fight with Kylo she's unbalanced and angry, lashing out at Kylo, until she focuses and calms down, beating him as a result. However it's TLJ that really brings this to the fore. In her force conversations with Kylo it's Rey who's emotional, angry, lashing out at Kylo. In the first lesson she is drawn towards the Dark Side focus of the island, to the horror of Luke, who tells her that she didn't even try and resist. In her fight with Luke she's angry and emotional, even threatening him with a lightsaber.

There's foreshadowing from Kylo too, who says he can see Rey falling. Rey also says she sees Kylo turning to the light, which admittedly would have been a much better story. The final straw for Rey should have been the revelation about her parents, the one thing that was driving her now shown to be nothing more than a lie.

And then it was all for nothing and she's still good and Kylo is still evil.

Yet there's quite literally no reason for her not to be. She grows up in extreme poverty getting fucked over daily by scumbags. Her parents abandoned her on a shit planet forcing her to scavenge dangerous wrecks just to eat. The one thing that drives her on is finding her parents, and then they're revealed to be nameless drunkards who are probably dead.

Rey should have a ton of anger and frustration against the galaxy. Anakin came from better circumstances in many ways; he at least had his mother, and Watto didn't seem to be a particularly cruel master, yet he still falls to the Dark Side. Luke came from downright privileged circumstances by comparison, and he still nearly falls. Yet perfect Rey, who comes from worse beginnings than either of them, remains pure.

Rich kids are edgy. Poor kids aren't.
thats what rich kids want to believe because they would have worried to death if they believed poor kids are angry about their lots

It was disappointing for Luke to foreshadow it with the "You went straight to the darkside" only for her to be completely unchallenged and steadfast.

Rey is a pretty boring ass character. She has yet to make any real mistakes (she lectures luke, she predicts Kylo's change, she beats everyone she fights) and she has no interesting personality. What can you describe her as? She's not even particularly arrogant like Anakin, she's not "pure" like Luke. She's just a pretty normal person essentially. Besides a bit of backstory about her parents she's got nothing going on.

Poe and Kylo are easily the best in the series so far but Rey will eat up screen time like a dead weight.

This is a joke right? In two movies alone she’s shown more tendency towards the dark side than Anakin in the whole prequel trilogy

Are you a girl?
Why are you calling me sweetie!

Damn. And we see that Kylo has a tendency towards the light, that he is redeemable. It would work, if only Snoke had actually wanted her as an apprentice.

>He doesn't sweetie post

Are you joking? The closest Rey ever got to seeming like she wasn't an angry autist was when she bypassed the compressor when she looked like a happy autist.

Same as Luke. She doesn't want power, there's nothing to tempt her with.

Temptation not the point when she is afraid and lonely, just like Anakin

What the actual fuck does Rey want anyway? Everything so far has been “well, I guess I’ll do this next.”

She must be doing it for love, since she got angry at Luke for being a big meanie to his poor qt nephew Kylo! How can a gross oldnman be mean to such a hunk yee hee. Fucking women am I right?

In TFA she was naive and determined, in TLJ she had no character at all though.

Star Wars is the mono-myth as told through the lens of Luke Skywalker, farmboy whom wants to fight in the galactic battle. Making it about jewish moral relativism and post-modernism is only appreciated by limp-wristed faggots who think having an "intellectual Stah Wahs" film is even something desirable.

Luke wanted to go beyond his farm life, to join a good cause and make a difference, to become a great Jedi, save his friends, and redeem his father.

Power is a great temptation to accomplish some of those things.

because she's a mary sue, who can't become villians

This is the reason, and it's such a sad state of affairs that so much political bullshit has seeped into movies this way

It was her turn to not turn

>how to write five paragraphs yet say absolutely nothing

No, old Star Wars movies need a good guy who can use the force. "New" Star Wars movies do whatever they feel like with the spirit of the whole thing.

what are you talking about, she makes the wrong choice in going to Kylo Ren as a friend, she heads down into that dark side hole without knowing how dangerous it might be or what would happen, she's impatient, she's emotional, she's got flaws-- at least this time
I can totally see how she was a Mary Sue in the last one, but I think this movie mostly redeemed her character

she wanted to find her parents, and she wanted and still wants to figure out what being a Jedi or a Force user in general actually means and how to handle it, and she wants the resistance or whatever it's called to win

They're not portrayed as flaws. Everyone still loves her as well.

And she faced zero consequences for any if it...that's..what makes a Mary sue user....

Luke calls her out on all of those, and he's never shown to be wrong
he's the only one around her for most of the movie, so basically almost 100% of the people who see her do shit tell her to stop doing shit wrong

>Why didn't Rey Turn to the dark side?
she has

the force is female sweetie. deal with it faggut.

Remember how Luke was supposed to turn to the dark side because his face is huge and behind everyone in the poster, which only happens on starwars posters if youre a bad guy?
Turns out its nothing lol, its just different from the other SEVEN FUCKING MOVIES WHERE IT'S TRUE

and continues to

Luke gets bitchslapped by Yoda and tells Luke his way is wrong, and Rey's is right.


Looks like some dystopian zoo.



>dystopian zoo
The globalist jews who control our media are trying to destroy the past and traditions of western whites in effort to create their "brave new world".

I keep seeing people say this, but I still don't get how the movie was political. I guess the bit about how the casino people sell to both sides and how the children get beat by masters?

I mean that wasn't really new to starwars.

It was very hamfisted. It stopped the movie dead in it's tracks.

Best scene in the movie. I wish Rose would've let Finn kamikaze though, so there's the double standard there

The children and war profiteering thing was bad, the free willy shit with the animals was unbearable, and I'm an anti-war anti-child slavery (wow yes really I'm that radical) anti-animal abuse believing dude. That shit felt like a filler episode halfway through a film.
And then there's all the shit happening in the metacontext, where the white dude gets shat on by his pink haired female superior for daring to have agency, the leads are again a woman and a black dude and apparently that makes it super duper progressive, the villains are all white dudes (and ayy lmaos) and apparently that makes it about smashing the white patriarchy, it goes on.
Thing is, it's not even Sup Forums making these claims, it's """""academia""""" claiming these things, with positive connotations obviously, and nobody involved is exactly disputing these theories.

I forgot they did this
why did they do this
like holy shit what is even the point
we get it, he lives with no frills, what more can this tell us