There has been an astronomical amount of threads / posts about this film

There has been an astronomical amount of threads / posts about this film.

Most of these threads have reached 200 posts + .

Am I the only one who thinks paid shills are amist on Sup Forums? The film fits in well with the mentality of a lot of Sup Forums posters here. And supporting is the contrarian choice which Sup Forums propagates too.

yes, paid shills for a film that is already greenlit for a sequel

>Am I the only one who thinks paid shills are amist on Sup Forums?
It's a movie with a nigger as the main character and a political message. This board is filled with borderline Nazis who spend all their time talking white identity politics. Are you surprised?

why would you need to pay shils on here, honestly?

when screeching HHAHAHHA INHALES OH NONONONO HAHAHHA autists will do it for free all day every day.

>people discussing relevant films that was just released

this board wasnt always shitposting, we used to discuss films and shows here once, believe it or not.

>Most of these threads have reached 200 posts + .
Even of the thread was started by a shill, it would mean it's of interest to someone, unless it's just a thread of shills talking to eachother. And I dont see that as very productive marketing.

So why did you make another?

he's a shill too.

So Landis is playing both sides then?
This guy must be a purebred ashkenazi.

Yep paid shills (a first for Netflix) plus Max posting it all day

> state political opinion to the right of Stalin.
> be called white suprmisist.
The literal state of western culture



>Max Landis hardly spoken about until this release
>Unusual amount of threads about a film of this scale.

Even the sexual harassment case for Landis seems all to coincidental to me.

What is the film's political message?


orcs, elves and niggers.

You have listed three nouns. This is not a political message. Is this the upper limits of your ability to be articulate?

Will Smith with a shotgun and an orc
instant 7/10

This movie was fucking trash, 2/10 fuckfest, even worse than Suicide Squad. David Gayer is a hack

It's a movie people didn't have to go to the theaters to see and is available for everyone with Netflix or pirate ability day 1.

there are several interest groups creating controversy about this movie.
>female supremecists that hate the women in the movie
>nazis that hate will smith
>old guard studios that hate netflix
>old guard movie reviewers who are butt bitches to the studios
>normal people that dont have an agenda, like the movie, and see the interest groups shilling against it and say, "wtf is going on? are movies really this corrupt?"
yes they are

and i forgot BLM and SJWs who hate the racial allegory