Ok now we can all agree that Kirk > Picard, right?
Ok now we can all agree that Kirk > Picard, right?
Yeah faggot.
hell no
Shat is 86? Holy shit.
Kirk was always the better choice.
Shatner is a proud manlet that has gotten so much pussy, he had to move onto alien pussy. /lanklets BTFO/
How do you do it Shatner?
Always was a Kirk guy. Kirk, James Bond and Tony Stark (before the MCU turned him into a soyboy) were my Trinity of Favorites. They still are.
I don't like to pick, they're both great characters with their own admirable qualities
Still trying to suck up him.
Just what?
Kirk would fuck Picard until he loved him.
I thought Patrick Stewart was a giant...
reminder this isn't rape
I wonder if I'll be shitposting at 86 too
He's a giant british poof, he is. And the way he fawns over magneto...don't get me started.
There's no rape in space, where no one can hear you scream.
Picard was always a numale on a ship full of creepy socialist robots. The TNG Enterprise is a fucking nightmare cold and devoid of humanity.
Yeah, the Stepford Crew always creeped me out. They were barely more human than Data.
Movie Kirk is better than movie Picard. That's the best I can give you.
Ppl who havnt shitposted in the same thread as based shatner.
Shatnet wins
There's actually a good chance Billy Boy started this thread.
Kirks show is the only Star Trek worth watching unironically
but riker is so soft and warm with his gut and beard
No homo but Shatner is a truly beautiful man. Not just physically but in intellect and grace. A national treasure.
by far. not even close.
only faggots choose picuck. alpha kirk always.
Can you imagine that faggot trying to yell "KHAAAAAAAANNN!!!" He would get the vapors.
Fuck off Shatner.
Bill go to sleep
stewart needs to up his game and start posting here.
Go to bed bill, also it's sisko>all
A giant faggot.
he's certainly the alpha's choice
Kirk was the more ballsy captain, Picard was a father to his crew.
That's the captain of a federation starship? Fuck outta here. Shame.
> not talking about the best captain
Pre-movie kirk was a mary sue.
>cornered by supremely powerful alien
>invent some utter bullshit about a corbamite device
>they always buy it
Trek 2 was almost a deconstruction in that he fucks up and there are consequences
enemy was dumb
thought not as dumb as your fucking reply you nigger
>not realising the enemy becoming retarded to let the hero win is a sign of a mary sue
>everything makes a character a mary sue!
it never ceases to amaze me that there was any debate about this in the first place
>list one thing
>it becomes "everything"
>implying you wouldn't find some way to twist a 'bad' thing into secretly a good thing and thus it still makes a mary sue
Don't play dumb. This is Sup Forums
Hi Bill.
Love your work. Keep rustling those jimmies xx
Picard is a faggot wimp, played by a faggot wimp.
Kirk is tough.
When will they learn?
>6' 1"
By a fucking mile
Fuck that French cunt
Shatner > Stewart
Picard > Kirk
based black cocks
Stay mad manlet. The real men will singlehandedly save the Alpha and Beta Quadrant
Yfw Shatner started this thread
What the fuck. Dude looks 50 at most.
Shatner is /our guy/, Stewart is not
I'll be sad when you die shatner, you truly were the best captian
>50 at most.
He looks younger than 30 old britbongs.
umm Nanette Cole for me, honey