Hey Sup Forums, Michael Cera here, literally ask me anything.
Hey Sup Forums, Michael Cera here, literally ask me anything
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No, Michael Cera
Do you plan to work with Sebastian Silva again in the future?
I'm always open to this prospect user, he's a good dude.
I loved your performance in The Social Network, great job?
Why would he say who to 'moot' if he didn't know who moot is. That's like if you said 'adjective?' and he said 'who'? Confirmed larp ezpz see you shitposting in the latest star wars thread famm
If Cera got super buff could he play NightWing?
Would he be a hunk ? He kinda looks like a baby bird now
Is your career dead?
Your jewish fat pal has 2 Oscar nominations...
Favorite roll and/or role?
Holy shit btfo
why do I hate everything you've ever been in
Somersault, Zuckerberg
That wasn't me
I just assumed "moot" was a nickname, guess I was right
heres my question: you look like a bird
Why'd you abandon this look?
Why does everyone say you're literally me?
Maybe you're just a hateful person, a bitter, hate-filled person.
Try yoga.
ice cold
Michael, can I get Emma Stone's number...I want it for....reasons
also, Scott Pilgrim is a fun movie, nice work
Too many haters yelling out 'just' wherever I went. I didn't get it.
I haven't got Emma Stone's number, true story.
>also, Scott Pilgrim is a fun movie, nice work
Do you plan on ever getting a chin implant?
Wally Brando movie when?
What's next for you in the DCEU? You did a good job as Lex.
well, can I get one of your celebrity friends numbers, so they can give me Emma's number? or hey, even MEW's number would be great?
and hey, Arrested Development is a good show too
he is, actually, a version from the future who has gone to make the most confusing movie ever as Cera, Samberg and Zuckerberg are all in the movie playing 3 characters with the same name...Jim
also, where are my paaannnnnnnnntssss
Cera, how can you be almost 30 year old and still look like a kid? Is it some kind of disease?
Why do you look so much like that guy from that shitty Facebook movie?