"stealing my pussy is a red fucking line"
Really? Throwing kids out of airlocks is fine but rape is going too far?
"stealing my pussy is a red fucking line"
Really? Throwing kids out of airlocks is fine but rape is going too far?
Liked the episode but that line was really jarring.The evil white male nerd thing is kind of played out now too, not sure why liberals target them so much when most are on their side.
She didn't know about that yet.
>he didn't make her his sex slave
that's where robert fucked up
Whine about your loss of privilege some more.
She didn't know about that yet dingus
I would have turned her mouth into an asshole desu
>using the tech for beta vydia power trips instead of virtual sex slaves
I don’t identify with that guy or “nerds” at all.
Stop rping as a black woman, you'll never be either.
Be better if she checked and she did have a pussy.
It could have served as a dark foreshadowing of his true intention with her, and it would have added more tension in the scene where she's seducing him to buy time
Yep, missed opportunity there.
Okay, for someone who's never seen what ever you're talking about, what the fuck is going on?
what show is this ridiculous line from?
I don't know what this is. Is that Meadow Soprano?
Black Mirror, season 4, episode 1.
Space Fleet
Black Mirror S4 first ep
Star Trek
Post superior version
How do you steal a pussy
wew that is not Meadow Soprano
Kidnap OP.
Ask a Barbie doll.
Its a simulation and the autist that made it wanted to keep everything pg as the tv show was, its a Star Trek parody that ends up being a decent Star Trek ep.
>Meth Damon = Q
>qt girl = Pickard
>blackchick = Uhura
>Chad = Khan
>Jimmy Simpson = Based
>Black dude = Comedic relief
>Russian girl = hot alien that should be part of every ST show, but they barely do that anymore instead they put some variant of Worf/Doctor
I would never have got that it was a Star Trek parody without this breakdown, thanks user!
Don't worry about it, it was my privilege.
no, it's sexy baby from that episode of 30 rock where they made fun of sarah silverman
if you don't enlarge the image, the right hand side of the screen looks like the top half of arnie. like his eyes
Woman logic: they value their pussy at next to nothing and yet rape is somehow "teh worst crime EVAR!!1!"
nice larp, faggot
Because they are cowards that tend to only attack people that don't fight them back.
To do what Matt Damon did in the episode: to break them.
Nerds are the most submissive so of course when they watch this show they're all like "IM NOT LIKE THAT, PLEASE TELL ME WHAT TO DO MISTRESS!!"
>Throwing kids out of airlocks is fine
That story didn't happen until way later in the episode.
And what's supposed to be bad about that line? I'm pretty sure I'd be pissed if someone deleted my dick from existence.