Why does Star Wars Rebels have better writing than the sequel movies?

Why does Star Wars Rebels have better writing than the sequel movies?

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Why hasn't Ezra fucked Sabine yet?

>ywn see Thrawn in a SW movie

She could be his older sister.

Filoni is the only person that actually cares about SW at this point.

They could really go with better artstyle.

....and? Where do you think you are?

>that smugthrawn

>It's a 'people try to convince themselves that they haven't wasted their time watching a cartoon for babies because it's not as disappointing as the sequel trilogy' episode

Filoni is Lucas' hand-picked successor and actually understands Star Wars

Do you think Dave Filoni will get called by Disney to do movies?


>The people who wrote it know and love the source material
>It's based on the Expanded Universe not the Disney Jewniverse
>The writers are not women
Top 3 reasons but there are more

Because they're cartoons and you're a full-grown autistic man-child with pleb taste.

The writers actually give a shit.
It's clear that Sabine is the only thing that's forced on them, because she's the only character they can't make not shit.
Everyone else, even fucking Zeb, got a staggering amount of improvement from where they were in S1

Kino webm btw

The age difference is at most a few years. It isn't like she is 5 years older or anything.

If you think about Darth Maul's character arc was pretty epic as a whole.

Delet this! Final episodes will deliver!

May have to check it out then. I dropped it half way season 1 despite the fact that I loved clone wars.

>Do you think Dave Filoni will get called by Disney to do movies?

Funniest post of the week

>I dropped it half way season 1 despite the fact that I loved clone wars.

The beginning of every season is pretty slow and then it gets legendary toward the end. You just gotta watch the slow ones because they all feed into the season-long story arc.

The show is legitimately good by the end of Season 1 though.

I thought it looked terrible before i actually watched it but i dont mind it

Yeah Spider Maul was very epic.

S1 gets better once Tarkin turns up.
S2 is generally good
S3 has ups and downs, with Maul vs Kenobi probably being the highpoint for the entire series
Haven't seen S4

A good rule of thumb is that a Kanan or post S1 Zeb episode will be good, a Ezra/Hera episode will probably be good, a Chopper episode will be 50/50, and a Sabine episode will be shit.
Sadly, because it's more serialized than TCW, you can't really skip episodes.

I dont remember season 1 of the clone wars being all that great either

>star wars rebels

how to spot a Sup Forumsposter 101


>shilling your own videos

I wish i could make a video that got 700k+ views, i've only ever gotten 600+ views


>Maul vs Kenobi probably being the highpoint for the entire series
Maul vs Kenobi was great, but the highpoint of the series was Twlight of the Apprentice. It easily stands on par with the best of the Clone Wars and the best of the movies.

>The writers actually give a shit.
Webm unrelated? Maul is a fucking joke.


I don't know the politics behind this. Doesn't Disney like Filoni? I mean, he managed to create a coherent, successful narrative that stretches over multiple shows that also can stand on it's own while being true to the original movies. What's wrong with that?

He's not a woman

Remember who the current Lucasfilm president is.
Filoni is pretty much the antithesis of what Kennedy wants, and his connections are probably the only reason he's still around.

>didn't see Rey take the books

this is a shit scene which paints him as some moustache twirler

this is the superior scene

She isn't disney though, she's just a suit put in charge to take care of the star wars sequels and it's not going well either. I think it's only a matter of time until they pull the plug.

She won't be president forever. Fuck maybe they even get desperate enough eventually to take George's advice in order to fix the clusterfuck.

it's better than TLJ, but not rogue one or force awakens. rebels is ass

It might be because it's a show, but Rebels has a lot more character development than the nuWars movies, if that counts for something.

She's undoubtedly going to have someone breathing down her neck from now on, but she'll probably be able to shift the blame from her shameless nepotism and agenda pushing.
When Solo flops she might get replaced. They might even do it as a way of winning back alienated Ep 8 fans.

lightsaber helicopters

It's not perfect but it looks better in comparison like at least somebody thought about the whole picture rather than making it up on the fly.

I mean that whole lightspeed ramming was just some bull they did because they had written themselves into a corner.

>personally hired by George
She's bascially invincible, for now. It'll take Solo bombing for them to even reconsider.

so dont go

it doesn't have much more, and it doesn't really count for anything if it all still sucks

She was hired by George?

Disney only gives a shit about money.
She'll probably be able to shift blame a few times, but it won't last forever.

The Clone Wars cartoon did it too, but I just think it's weird for him to talk as much as he does

They won't let George back in till it's time for the next trilogy, which will likely be an old republic trilogy.

I liked the blind Jedi and his pilot waifu, they're a cute pair

he chose her to be his successor.

lets get this shit started

>better writing
Fuck no. The ST is bad but this shit was written for 5 year olds and a ton of more plot holes.
Watch Double Agent Droid then come back.

>then chosen one promptly betrayed him

Dude, after he sold of the franchise he didn't chose shit. Disney just told him, listen George just announce her to your successor to give us some phony legitimacy for the new direction we'll take.

which of these is good i dont understand

Ben Shapiro legitimately gets mad when people talk about his sister.

Filioni know the shit, after Lucas he's the only guy I could respet (saber helicopter was a mistake)

What is this, kindergarden? Ben Shapiro and his sister sitting on a tree...

He come from nothing, got nothing and at last he become nothing.

Ben is best face

the rest of sabre helicopter episode had Maul coming back and shitting on the inquisitors, the interplay between maul and ezra, Ashoka vs Darth Vader. they then never repeated the helicopters.

i can forgive them

To be fair, they are force users who can jump really high, so they are able manipulate gravity to a certain degree. Now the spinning lightsaber might not be enough to lift a guy by it's own but combined with force jump it could be enough for them to fly. It might also create a gush of hot air producing some sort of uplift.

Don't rationalize it

Duuude it's just cool turn your brain off.

I mainly forgive the spin saber because it's so blatantly obvious that it was forced down from the mouse.
Got to sell those toys, after all.

It's fucking shit, it's just that the new movies are slightly more offensive because they're expensive cinema.

He was manipulated from childhood to be a danny the dog tier slave that got unleashed by a master who redirected the pain and anger towards an outside force. He then almost dies from his own deluted hubris, pulling himself back together by hatred and a lust for revenege alone, entering into an identity crisis that would eventually lead to the reunification with his real family, transcending his slave persona and finding his own purpose, ultimately confronting the real architect of his pain. But he loses again and again, concluding with him dying in the arms of Obi Wan in his last breath finding peace.

I would go so far and say Darth Maul is the best character in the whole franchise.

Nah both Filoni shows are Virgin normie shit. The Chad would be 2003 Clone Wars.


is there a toy that does that?

Rebels had a few good episodes, but rebels also features lightsaber lolicopters. that is unforgivably stupid. Thrawn is basically wasted, because they can only be so dark in a kids show.

>It's based on the Expanded Universe not the Disney Jewniverse
Nope, it's grounded firmly in the new "Disney" canon.

>Hey Kreia
>what's your spirit animal?
>do you member me?

They heavily took from the expanded universe. Kyle Katarn, Thrawn, and the other stuff.

I don't really blame him for the bad stuff on Rebels because it's Disney has a really heavy hand in the show.

Only thing I can't forgive him for is what he did to Grievous

I mean, it does take some of the good stuff from Legends, but it also has plenty connections with Rogue One.

30 bucks at target

what did he do to grievous?

What did he do to Grievous?

Which itself also took a heaping spoonful from the EU.

Turned him into a mustache twirling Saturday morning cartoon villain who ends every episode shaking his fist at the heroes as they escape and jobs to gungans

It's really not. Clone Wars sure, but Rebels is really fucking crap. It's got a few decent episode but nothing I would even call good.

You mean like George's canon Grievous from RotS?

>Turned him into a mustache twirling Saturday morning cartoon villain
He was like that in the movie he came from.

When ROTS came out everyone was operating under the assumption that he had been severely injured by Windu in the 2003 Clone Wars series

>Check link
>Clip is titled "thrawn is a psychopathy"

Turned him from a silent Jedi Killer that struck fear into Jedi, into a retarded cowardly droid that is almost laughably incompetent.

>complaining about one episode in a whole series
This is like saying all star trek is bad just because it has episodes like "spocks brain", "the naked now", and all of enterprise

A small team with little oversight given far more creative control. These huge tentpole movies, moreso when done by disney, are carefully planned, vetted by sjws, focus group tested both for lowest common denominator appeal and to sell toys, and ultimately pieced together by committee. Of course it won't be as enjoyable as an actual creative work. It will also make far more money.

Isn't this season the last season? How's the season so far? I finished season 3 but can't be bothered to watch the current season.

You mean people believed the damage to his lungs and robot parts completely altered his personality?

>carefully planned

Luke drinking from some sunbathing sea sloth's udder going like yeah fucking disgusting, want some? is carefully planned?

Surprisingly, yes.
The ST is designed to torpedo the OT, because they don't want it being a millstone on the necks of their new works. Luke being humiliated in such a way played into it.
They went too far, however, and it bit them on the ass.

I like how Maul went for the same move that killed Qui Gon and Obi Wan completely saw through it, probably because he's gone through the scenario a million times in his head. That's some nifty little detail

>helicopter red lightsabers.webm


The behind the scenes shit on the DVD extras make it pretty clear Grievous was not originally intended to be a joke character. How he ended up like that on film is never explained or elaborated on by Lucas. One of the great mysteries.

Lucas had too little material for the first two movies and far too much material for ROTS.

Dooku was supposed to die at the end, but the structure of the movie didn't work so it had to be moved up to earlier, but they couldn't have palpatine reveal himself at the start either because he hadn't turned anakin yet so they needed another villain to fill the gap and to also get obi wan away from anakin so papatine could do his thing.
