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Sometimes I miss old Sup Forums

My name is Boxxy! :3



it was kino

me too. I miss old Sup Forums. before it was weaponized

They were simpler times, when people said "nigger" just because it was the only place they wouldn't be shunned instead of it being a political statement.

I wish I could go back to when I still had a chance. Life still stretching out ahead of me

Lol Epic XD! FTW

Shut up nigger.

Why reddit pretend being oldfags?

just fucking shoot me

Hey guys! Look what I picked up today!

I was just thinking about cardcrusher yesterday and something made me google post rock sister just to make sure I didn't imagine her.
All those hours in photoshop just to keep a shitty meme no one understood perpetuated.

Now it's just niggers posting pictures of ugly balding cunts off the facebook their parents make them keep and posting them here while calling each other soyboys and shit.


This hurts. If I could do it all again I wouldn't make these mistakes. I am a fat, dumb asshole as the result. I could have done the right thing at so many points in life and almost always didn't.

I miss old Sup Forums, they only care about meme rappers now, theres no love for patrician music anymore

Most of old Sup Forums migrated to reddit. Sadly, a lot of us grew up and out of that stuff.

Anyone who unironically cares about Sup Forums VS reddit in [2018-3 days] should be taken into a field and shot.



Day of the rope can't come soon enough

Can we just post old forgotten memes?

>As he says with reddit spacing.


It was so long ago ;_;

>ywn nudge your best friend on msn to play runescape ever again
>Ywn open up your friends piczo page to Sean Kingston - beautiful girls on auto play ever again
>Ywn message your 'girlfriend' planning to meet up and hang around park/a street corner until you have to get home ever again
>ywn cheat on isketch on msn all night ever again

I wanna go back and do it all right lads.

I miss 2005

it's good to know there are still some of us still here that remember that

Simpler times.

Sup Forums still has good threads once you're passed all the memes. I've honestly never seen as much discussion about contemporary jazz on the board in my decade here than I have this year. I'm blaming the meme rap obsession this year on the severe lack of good hip-hop albums in 2017. That however doesn't explain why there is some unironic love for the new Lorde album.

I would take solace in the fact that if we could do it all again we'd be even more tired and more likely to make the same mistakes.

everyone knows we went to 9fag cuck

This post can't be real, nobody can be trying to fit in this bad

Nice double dubs

As stupid as the people here are, the people on reddit are somehow even stupider. I'm convinced most of them are marketers posting back and forth with each other about their various products. Either that or it's where studios go to research their lowest common denominator target audience.

Don't kid yourself. You never did.

I made the reddit spacing meme and forced it with a bunch of guys in a discord. It's hilarious when people use it unironically thinking they fit in lmao

>you will never stay up late, ignorant and stoned out your mind getting scared shitless to AA again

xD upvoted!



>you will never shitpost in LOST live watch threads
>posting your verticals during commercial breaks

Oh Pepe.... What have you become, my friend?

>le good old days
>*le sigh*

t. Someone who has used it to insult someone and now feels retarded

>pre catalog / Sup Forumseerowser Sup Forums
it was hell

the reddit spacing meme is great, it lets me spot tryhard newfags with an error margin of 0

I never went to Reddit and I've been here since 2007.
>inb4 some gen-z newfag uses a reddirect to fit in again

>trying to claim that you started something on an anonymous anime image board

I made Professor Badass and that Superman fuck doll edit

Back in the dark days before reddit some user said
>Gaia is stupid people pretending to be smart, Sup Forums is smart people pretending to be stupid

I think if you replace Gaia with Reddit its mostly the right sentiment. Sup Forums is definitly far more normie than it used to be. Whenever I see someone unironically disgusted by loli posts my heart sinks.
