>"The prequels su-"
"The prequels su-"
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im sorry george
I honestly don't get it
ch masterpieces
-m up everything that is right with star wars
rpass the OT.
who even likes sand anyway?
>drops on all fours
I'm sorry, George. I should have never doubted you.
>cringy dialogue moments
>terrible romance in 2
>weak comic relief character in 1
>most major characters have very clunky introductions
>characters are actually pretty good once you see the whole picture
>Great fight scenes
>CGI that looks good even today
>interesting plot and themes that establish a strong setting and tie interestingly into the originals
>Duel of the Fates
>Everything involving Sheev
More fun than bad, fite me
The prequels are so underrated.
>>characters are actually pretty good once you see the whole picture
>>Great fight scenes
>>CGI that looks good even today
>>interesting plot and themes that establish a strong setting and tie interestingly into the originals
>Duel of the Fates
>Everything involving Sheev
This is after there was nothing medically wrong with her but she lost the will to live.
>I honestly don't get it
Her dress runs up to her neck and forms a collar around her neck, like anikans hand
Sheev Force-LifeDrained her in order to keep Anakin alive long enough for him to survive his metal internment.
how is the basic idea of Anakin bad? Or Sheev? Or Obi-Wan?
What fight scenes are bad?
Why are the themes of complacency and empathy not interesting?
feel like pure shit just want him back
You forgot
>A true battle of balance between good and evil, instead of just being a story about a goody two shoes hero destroying a cartoonish villain
I liked the prequels, they are quality movies with an actual story instead of WE WUZ JEDIS N SHIET
people who were mad the prequels werent scorsese level pure kino forgot to take off their nostalgia googles from when they were kids when everything in their life seemed better and they forgot that the star wars franchise is just a light family friendly summer flick.
You're right. The OT's story wasn't boring, but the prequel's idea of good being defeated because it refused to understand evil was great IMO.
I also forgot Ewan McGregor.
>How do you like my BDSM-themed dress in this dimly lit, smoky boudoir?
Attack of the clones was the weakest by far.
I enjoyed episode I a lot. It was a comfy masterpiece even though the cgi battle didnt age well. III is tied with empire for me as the best Star Wars film. But II felt lucking in vision honestly
It was the force balancing itself out.
When Anakin arrived as the anomaly of the force, the Jedi where quick to recruit him to their side, but the force decided that the Light Side was too strong already, and in their vanity, they got whipped out, to give the Dark side the opportunity to grow as strong as the Light Side, thanks to Anakin.
I sincerely look at this board judgment of movies and wonder if anyone here ever had enough neurons to form a synapse.
Yes several parts of the plot sucked, hard, but a movie consists of more, much more than just story. To begin with not every narrative is focused on plot, LOTR is one of them, which is loved because of the exposition it gives to a different world, milieu stories. Then comes the fact that the story is a very small part of what constitutes a movie, acting, special effects, choreography, shots, costumes, soundtrack, all of those are just as important as the story.
People who say the prequels are bad ignore how good the performance of several characters were, the choreography of the scenes, the literally unforgettable, soundtrack, the exposition and groundwork that was put in place to create a living breathing universe where several other stories took place. But yeah the story sucked at parts so the entire thing is trash amirite?
It was more than that. The jedi didn't lose because the dark side was too weak, they lost because they were too complacent
>reject utterly the idea that a sith could rise in their midst
>their rigid code obstructs emotion. The catch-22 Anakin was in stopped him from talking to Yoda and defusing Palpatine's trap
>ignore Qui Gon's wisdom until it is too late; only after Obi Wan has defeated Anakin does he realise how he utterly failed his padawan
It's sad when you think about it
unironically really makes me think
>bad movie
>movie with prime natty po
pick ONE
Disney Space Wars makes prequel seem Dune tier.
Dune is shit.
prequelcuck genocide when?
Somewhere, in that big ugly mess, hidden underneath all the garbage.... is a good movie.
Too bad it's buried under a mountain of shit.
Absolute kino
underrated post
So are people going to like the prequels now since there are newer fresher movies to hate on and the prequels become retro?
>CGI looks good
It looked bad for back then.
This has even deeper meaning once you learn about Mace Windu and his fighting style. He has since the beginning, dabbled with elements that come from the dark side of the force, his entire fighting style was created around them.
>george lucas really was a secret genius
i despise the prequels, but i have to admit, this is pretty neat.
I'd think if that had been established in the lore already when they were making the movie, they would have showed a bit of it. He had enough battle screen time to show a bit of rage which also would have really suited Samuel El Jack Hell he should have been standoffish angry in general. That stuff is extended universe addition.
Also, in the episode 2 scene, he uses the force with his hand extended to romantically float the pear thing over to her, and in the episode 3 scene uses the force with his hand extended to choke her out of hate. The same gesture horribly perverted.
He looked pretty mad when they locked sabers and stared each other down. And later he kicked Sheev in the face.
he doesn't show rage, he shows the judgmental righteous fury of the jedi. Of all the Jedi, he is the most hardline and dogmatic.
But it did, Lucas himself said he actually, and only, won the battle against the emperor because of his overaggressive fighting style, yes Mace Windu was better with a sword than Yoda.
>CGI that looks good even today
nah, everything looks like a videogame in the prequels, even the sets where only dialogue happens
>Dooku fights Yoda to a draw
>Dooku BTFOs Obi-Wan twice
>Anakin beats Dooku
>Obi-Wan beats Anakin
>Mace beats Sheev
>Mace is said to be best in the Order except for Dooku (before he left) and Yoda
>Yoda sort of loses/runs away from Sheev
none of this makes any sense
I thought this was common knowledge Mace was the best with the sword but had nothing on Yoda when it came to the force
>the sequels are so bad that they're making people look back on the prequels nostalgically
Palpatine lost to Windu on purpose because he knew Anikan would save him and he needed a new apprentice ASAP.
George Lucas stated canonically that Sheev genuinely got beaten by Mace
When it comes to lightsabers it's all rock-paper-scissors, Obi-Wan fighting style focused on the perfect defense, he was probably one of the few who could defeat Anakin, Mace Windu had elements of the dark side with an unparalleled focus on aggression, Yoda used, obviously, the force through his body, the main weakness being that it tires the user on long fights, Dooku style had a focus on conservation of energy, the main weak point of Obi-Wan style.
Sheev was a master in ALL styles save for Windu's, who created that style himself.
No. It's for actual fans to dive into the books to learn that and then watch the films with new perspectives
I think episode 2 and 3 are good.
Episode 1 is only good for Duel of the Fates
Yoda never lost, he was wrecking sheev's shit in melee, he just did a shit job at positioning himself.
Yoda wouldn't have lost. He stopped the fight to save Anakin and Obi Wan while Dooku ran away.
Oh. I don't think Yoda really needed to be established as a swordsman though, or at least not as a Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.
If Palpatine was trying to go for the "I'm so weak, please have sympathy, Anakin" strategy from the beginning then he wouldn't have killed the other three Jedi Masters. Mace beat him so he switched to a different tactic. If Anakin hadn't shown up then Sheev would have died.
Show me some proof lucas actualy said this pls
>yes Mace Windu was better with a sword than Yoda.
This. Windu was better with the saber while Yoda was better than him at the force
I don't think so, I think he took out the other ones because Anakin would have been no match for all of them and then he let Mace beat him because the second Anakin did anything against Mace's will he was no longer a Jedi and had to accept being Palpatines apprentice.
>tfw there will never be a prequel prequel trilogy with Darth Bane
>CGI that looks good even today
The CG is fucking terrible and they used it way too much
RotS audio commentary.
Pretty much, there was a reason for Anakin to compare Obi-Wan mastery with a lightsaber to Windu and wiseness to Yoda.
Then why kill the three weaker Jedi and leave the most dangerous one alive? It would be smarter to take out the biggest threat and use one of the weaker ones instead.
George had no idea about the EU fighting styles when he made the movie.
>what is dps
do you even rpg m8, even worse when it's one hit KO
Nick Gillard the sword fighting choreographer might have known that stuff
Because it was in the script.
He killed 3 jedi instantly to convey to the audience he is fuck huge threat.
That's it.
I think you have to remember that every form has a different advatage over another.
Obi Wan's Soresu is primarily defensive, and will keep you alive longer. But Count Dooku uses Makashi, which is specified for Lightsaber combat, which may be why he beat Obi Wan, yet lost to the more dominant Djem So form.
Overall, Yoda had mastered all forms, but in the Expanded Universe, it was said multiple times that Windu was the greatest swordsman of the Jedi Order.
I believe someone asked him once at some convention and he had no idea.
I understand that people like the EU, but most of it was written after the scripts were written in order to fit with the movies. George himself did not care about it, but pulled a couple of minor elements he liked here and there; but the lore in the EU was not something he cared for.
It was said that when Dooku was in the Order he was just a little bit better than Mace though and that none of the Jedi could beat him.
Not a fighting fan I take it? A beats B beats C beats A is pretty common, it's a style matchup. You can be better and still lose to someone sometimes.
After the events of the OT in the extended universe, I think Luke surpassed him. He's a fucking freak when it comes to saber and force skills
Star Wars was never meant to be DBZ where power levels determine the winner. People of comparable ability can have different outcomes over numerous contests.
Nothing will be a more Kino moment than Order 66 for me in Star Wars. The whole moment with Sheev knighting Anakin into Vader, the speech, and then his soft last sentence "and we...shall...have...peace." leading into this soundtrack
with Anakin marching into the Jedi Temple and then the montage of Order 66 will always be the definitive highlight of the Prequels for me.
I don't hold it against the movies because I can still enjoy them and it's appropriate for the era, but the CGI is unmistakeable and obvious whenever it shows up
>power levels
but that's what midichlorians are
It is stated that each Jedi Master has a specific primary proficiency (some even having secondaries) in the Force that makes them unique
For Made Windu, he was the best at dueling, his secondary ability being able to sense "breaking" points (significant events/people of convergence) in the general time flow of all space and time via the force. However he was only able to understand that Anakin was the breaking point in the timeline for Eps1-6 momentarily before dying
tl;dr Sheev genuinely got wrecked in that duel
Lmao, it was 1999 it was literally the best cgi money could buy anywhere on earth
No ever said that a set amount of midichlorians gives you the ability to instantly win against someone with less midichlorians
I actually really liked the part where Bail goes to see what the fuck is going down at the Temple and simply yells in horror when he sees a young Jedi Padawan get shot down by Clones
Yes, that might be bad CGI.... but it might also be the best Star Wars movie! So much darkness and I love when the order 66 come! Awesome movie! Sad the cgi was so bad.
Are you dumb? Assuming he can beat Mace, it wouldn't have been as easy as dispatching the other three. They would have overwhelmed him if he failed to kill Mace in a single swing/thrust.
I'm just giving you the real reason why George had the 3 died instantly, not some EU shit.
There is still hope, Johnson is getting his own trilogy away from the Skywalker Saga
The best part of the Prequels is the behind the scenes and Ewan's performance after Obi-Wan effectively kills Anakin.
And John Williams I guess. If there is any evidence that the Prequels have more substance than this new trash, even conceptually, it's that Williams was actually able to pull from it and score some fantastic music, particularly Anakin's Fall Suite.
Duel of the Fates is smalltime and Qui Gon & Obi Wan v. Darth Maul is a terribly choreographed fight sequence
>CGI that looks good even today
I can't bring myself to care that much about star wars anymore, but some of these threads are terrible
Yea, just like the real reason mace's saber is purple is because samuel l jackson said he wanted it to be