>there are 96 threads on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW with less than 20 replies
>there are 96 threads on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW with less than 20 replies
Meta on /qa/ only.
All meta discussion of boards is to be redirected to /qa/.
that got amended
Sup Forums is /lgbt/ and Sup Forums tier, retard.
>tfw I clicked on /qa/ and thought I accidently clicked on /s4s/
This entire site is doomed
Why did the meta rule change? I remember when it happened but I can't remember why, wasn't there some drama? Was it when neogaf died and Sup Forums kept making threads complaining about mods deleting neogaf threads?
Sup Forums cancer
>Sup Forums is /lgbt/ and Sup Forums tier, retard.
This. Fucking faggots and assorted queers have made Sup Forums drop to it's lowest point yet.
We need /film/ more than ever
you need to go back
No you and everyone else that started using Sup Forums after 2012 do
Then we won't need /film/ anymore
I've been on Sup Forums for about an hour and already every thread I've had open has been closed at least twice. And I browse with about 8 tabs open.
What the fuck is going on
The mods are sjw trying to punish the site. Hiro seems to be unaware.
Mods moved Neogaf threads to Sup Forums. Sup Forums entered a fit of autistic screeching
dont use a meme word/phrase when making these meta threads, they just get filtered
>Hiro doesn't care so long as he gets his shekels
I think Sup Forums as a whole is dying desu its not just Sup Forums, Sup Forums is nearly dead too
I think the captcha change will be the Digg redesign moment for us
>will be
there's going to be another captcha change? how will it look?
In March they are killing legacy captcha
it was a good day
just to be clear, 'they' is google
I don't think we've heard from hiro since it was brought up a couple months ago and he said he was open to a practical alternative
I've been here for 10 years. you know any new board is going to be instantly overrun with faggots trying to establish a board culture. it would be a bigger shitshow than Sup Forums just because of the novelty.
>no more legacy
fug. anyone floated any ideas on what a 'practical alternative' could be, or is it just pr talk?
being "open" for an idea means nothings going to happen
>malware ads and has still stayed quiet about the whole thing
>range bans places so people buy passes
You tell us
Its just Hiro bullshiting and hoping we forget and learn to draw rectangles around street signs
I copped a 3 days ban recently simply for saying that reddit comes to Sup Forums and cries about Sup Forums and Sup Forums. what the fuck happened to this place.
>dude dont post nsfw on a blue board lmao
Sup Forums ruined this board
Shut up new fag