Ignoring his personal life, what does Sup Forums think of him
Ignoring his personal life, what does Sup Forums think of him
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he's got an annoying voice and reddit humor so I avoid him like the bubonic
Spends too much of his time nitpicking movies.
His ability to puke on command is legitimately impressive; if a little disturbing.
His reviews are good. He takes far too long to make them. I understand he does like a billion hours of editing for each one but I still feel like his production rate is shit.
stupid voice
shut off the video after 10 seconds
I don’t even know who that is
Once he decides he dislikes a movie he'll pick it apart in a very petty way.
If he comes out of the theater bored he'll spend 3 hours speaking of every single miniscule plothole and inconsistency, without really focusing on what makes the movie bad.
dog fucker
Adam we know it's you. You're okay, your friends watching movies with you is /comfy/ just don't let popularity overstate your ego. When your channel was taken down for bullshit strikes I think a lot of people were mad. I was actually watching one of your TWD reviews as you got banned. Anyway keep up the good work, I enjoy your rating of both good and bad films. Please remember to review Glass when it comes out. I low key want M.Night to bring his suspense horrors back to the spotlight of Hollywood.
awful voice
awful attitude
awful critique (if you can even call hit nitpicking critique)
awful association with anthropomorphised animals
awful music videos
Dogfucker needs to be hanged
>4. The Lion King
every fucking time.
I think that he's doing himself a huge disservice (on a scale unknowable to his plebeian brain) by progressing backwards in history as he watches films. It is better to begin with the foundation/classics and then move onto the films influenced by them. The other way around is like trying to read Kant or Hegel without having started with the Greeks. If he is serious about film he should quit youtube and spend a year or two catching up (in order) on all the must watch classics (popular and avant garde). Only then can you ascend from a mere opinion-haver to critic. Only clean slates are easily impressed by the works of Spike Jonze and Michael Haneke.
Of course it should be obvious to anyone with any inkling of emotional intelligence that Adam Johnston, no doubt unjustly abused by his brother growing up, could never work a regular 9-5 job and for this reason he cannot, and will not, ever delve seriously into the art of film for he cannot forsake his only source of income as a youtube commentator.
How does someone who spends a significant amount of their life watching, reviewing, and going to these pretentious indie fests have such a normie taste in film.
what a fucking pleb he is, yikes!
He rapes dogs
he sucked his dog's dick
how did the dog fucking even come to light
Something something dog sex
>The Holy Mountain
>Synecdoche, New York
the fuck
that's an old list
what real kino has he added to the list
He doesn't really critique movies, he just nitpicks parts that don't matter and doesn't really have anything interesting to say. Look at his Edge of Tomorrow review. He doesn't talk about narrative or characters just complains about random details not being perfect. His quicke movie reviews are nothing specials sans him mentioning what he thought of the soundtrack, which I quite like. More people should talk about film score.
annoying faggot
>4. The Lion King
Oh nonononononono
did he really sucked/fucked a dog or are you guys just memeing?
He was born too late. With his editing skills he could've been the king of YTP's
>king of YTPs
mixing the same hotel mario and zelda cgi clips with random effects takes any skill?
Looks like someone who'd unironically support fucking your dog.
You gonna show us the new one?
If not I will believe that is the current list.
Shut up, Jay/
You're the dumbest mutha fucka to ever grace this board. Fuckin newfags I hope they all burn to the ground. Burn mutha fucka! Buuuuuurn!
You have no idea wtf you're talking about and you better stfu if you know what's good for you...
I'll watch his Quickies since he's better than absolute plebs like Chris Stuckman, and his YMSs can be entertaining, but he's still a degenerate furfag pretending to be /ourguy/ and his taste is questionable on some things, like he tries way too hard to be objective and nitpicks shit way too hard and can't find a single ounce of charm in any movie unless it's reddit-tier garbage.
>the lord of the rings
>on there at all
Illiterate furfag.
Fucking great. god knows what youtube is going to recommend after i watch that.
Did you guys know that Adam (YMS) fucks dogs?
>8. Kill Bill: Vol 1
>9. Kill Bill: Vol 2
faggot should stick to fucking dogs
well he IS canadian