Another thread must die for this

>admiral tumblr is for _____________

Crashing at hyper speed for the survivours.

why are conservatives so sensitive? So there's a girl in autjority in star wars. Stop whining.

Serious question: did Holdo even actually do/say anything vaguely SJW?

go away disney pr fags

>he thinks the starshitters clogging up this board actually watch movies

No. But it's still funny to watch this meme exlode.

The crew on the bridge became instantaneously female.

Only that her role wasn't necessary and should have been played by Admiral Ackbar.

Umm, no, sorry sweetie, try again.

She was the spitting image of a Sociology/Cultural Anthropology professor, complete with hitting on a dude 20 years younger

Watching this right now and like the first thing she said was "thanks for mansplaining you little shit" whe Poe told her there needs to be gas in the tank and then some passive agressive shit about "know your place you filthy underling". What amazing leader she is.

I did laugh in the theater when she said "oppressed"

*no survivors

you tried

>tell me about holdo, why does she wear the dye?

It's not about being sensitive, it's a shitty self insert in order to push a political agenda over the needs of the actual story.

Thats pretty sad


Honestly fair play to her for saving the day

*tips tinfoildora

>hooray we all died but they died too I guess

Amazing strategy. She's like a tactical genius.


>Get this mansplaining filth off my FEMINIST bridge, fellow slay queens yass

I thought that line was a bit much desu

I love how nuzis (nu-nazis) getting triggered by this

I feel like Holdoposting will become the new Raimiposting

Can't seperate the art from the artist unless the latter makes a conscious effort which means being self aware and distance yourself from subjectivity when you need to avoid it's pitfalls. All that tumbler shit shines through this movie like a floodlight through milky windows.

But seriously why was EVERY fucking officer on the bridge literally female tho


>admiral tumblr is for

_ _ _

_ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _

Her sole purpose was to steal Ackbar's glory.

Lol umad


I'm not mad I'm just aware and your SJW mind tricks won't work on me.

This triggers me. When will this madness end?

>"You're a traitor!"
>"Uhmm no sweetie i'm actually planning on sacrificing myself okay?"

Who wrote this even jesus

Admiral Allahu Ackbar would have been perfect for this role

Well, thanks for not revealing the plan that involves going all suicide bomber and kill everybody, admiral tumblr. Nice surprise honestly.

ummmm not in 2017 hon

>a girl
all the generals, admirals and whatever of the good guys were old women


Americans were a mistake

I swear you guys are obsessed.

To be fair, my original intention with this thread was to shit on the fags who keep posting this stuff, but then I got caught up in it too

Jesus Christ, I'm so glad I moved to anime.


>undermined Poe, who was trying to do the hero thing
>was colluding with Leia, who pretty much was the matriarch of the movie
>Leia was pretty much master level Force user
>literal no-name character assumes command of the fleet, and we have to accept it because "Leia trusts her"


She won the popular vote, get over it Drumpfies


Hey man, she had great plan about killing herself along with the crew and knew better than telling Poe before the deal was sealed. Imagine her just walking in the room going like my name is general SJW and we're all about to DIEEEEEE, any questions?


...Proving that women, specially the progressive type, are useless in authority positions.

Admiral was responsible for the obliteration of the rebels. Like, from all those ships, there were like, just 15 survivors. That was a massive fucking loss. If she listened to Poe, and let him do his fighting instead of saying "hurr I'm the boss I don't have to justify shit", probably there wouldn't be this fucking massacre.

>but she went allahu akbar, she is a hero!

Yeah, she killed herself to save the last 5% of the Leia's rebel base, who died because she is incompetent. Such a hero. Why didn't she do that with some of the other small ships in the beggining of the race? Oh yeah, Jonhson is a dumb asshole who can't into sci-fi.


This. Such a retarded dues ex machina that didnt even save anyone.
why wait until literally everyones dead to use that retarded hyperspace ramming thing? just use it at the very beginning, sacrifice like a droid or something and have everyone else be on other ships or escape pods.
Also her destroying all the first order ships didnt even matter, they were at the rebel base in the very next scene with a full army

Please do one that says "Luke Skywalker is a patriarchal bigot."

>Poe, a renowned hero who destroyed starkiller and destroyed a dreadnought tells her that the ship is running low on fuel
>asks what her plan is
>she gives a speech about how much she personally despises him and thinks so little of him as though he were just a nameless peon in her majestic presence

>you will never be a dashing young pilot bullied by a pink-haired goddess
Why even live?



>"oh my god, they are tracking us"
>trown one ship driven by a droid at hyperspace on then
>speedlight to the hidden rebel base
>pfiuu tsss, everyone is saved, we have a full army to fight in the sand planet

Everyday. Every. Fucking. Day. I find another plothole in this piece of shit of a movie. Two weeks later, and the flaws are still showing.

Holy crap, is disney so sloppy? Don't they read the fucking script to their million dollars budget movies?

Giving the most uninspiring speech and flat line delivery of the decade

>gets proved wrong
>muh tipping
Never change

>"hurr I'm the boss I don't have to justify shit"
What bothers me about this crap is that at the end of the day the resistance expects you to blindly follow orders of authority figures who secretly plot to sacrifice you without feeling the need to tell you about it. Which is retarded on multiple levels because the original movies made a point about the power of intuition even on a large strategic scale, and it worked. Why would some military that literally fucking says "may the force be with you" and was heavily influenced by the jedi go back to a bonehead hierarchy system lacking individual initiative?

Not even the nazis expected that kind of blind loyality and the japanese kamikaze officially volunteered to do it. Meanwhile the resistance talks some bull about freedom when they aren't better than the republic really.

Holy crap, why did you remembered me about the speech? Fucking hell, when I was almost forgeting that crap you bring it up.

>patriarchy completely destroys matriarchy whenever it is tried
I liked the message of last jedi

Most of this is just the actors and media putting their spin on it. I think nuWars is shit but I don’t see much in the actual movies that could be political aside from the fact women and minorities have big roles, and even then they don’t play up their race/gender for sjw points, they’re just kinda there. There’s so much more wrong with these movies than muh sjw boogeyman.

She won the popular vote, sweetie

Even shoehorning some feminist angle would've been easy if they explained that the strength of admiral tumblr's leadership was are female capacity for intution combined with just knowing her shit. In the movie seems to be no actual display of compency where in empire Leia was all over the place managing the defenses on hoth.

>Women getting shit done
>Literally no one gets anything done in this movie besides Rey and Ben


This guy is literally the Sun Tzu of space.

>in TFA he explodes five republic PLANETS by the coust of one bootleg death star, while Ren focus on bullshit like Luke's sabre
>in TLJ, he said the first order is already dominating the space. Obviously trough his military acts, since the Snoke or Kylo sword swinging and black sorcery didn't do shit
>finds and destroys the rebel base
>lose the first ship because of Ex Machina, since the bomber ship went on being shot, instead of exploding like all the others
>his tiefighter kills almost ALL the rebel leaders in Leia's assembling room in one shot, to the point of a incompetent tumblr poster being the highest ranked alive
>paciently destroys an entire rebel fleet, and explode even their pods. All the high ranked ship pilots are killed one by one
>lose another ship once again because of an script ass-pull
>instead of crying on the loss, he manages to bring take an army to the planet to take on the very few survivors
>if Kylo wasn't and imbecile who stopped everyone to figh a Kage Bushin, he would've destroyed the rebel leadership completely

And he did all that while being a comic relief character. Are those movies made to prove that nazis are the masterrace? Because that is all this pattern is proving.

Didn't she pretty much hint she kind of wanted to fuck Poe? She gave that kind of flirty smile when she was simultaneously talking about how she hated guys like him. Then later on when they're carting Poe's unconscious body away, Leia says that they needed hotheaded guys like him and then Holdo said she liked those kind of guys.

and in the end all the authority goes to one man

>just destroying coruscant

I swear those writers have like an elementary school of warfare and think whoever destroys the most wins. Like why fight in the first place if there's only rubble left? If you can just afford to blow up the crown jewel of the republic does it mean it's not that special? If it isn't why bother?

Who the fuck knows. I personally believe it's just a power move to objectivy him.

Unbased did Holdo even actually do/say anything vaguely SJW poster

Thank you. I tried explaining this to these brainless Anons in another thread. This guy is competent as hell.

Uhm no sweetie, only piggish men can do that, sorry honey women can't sexually harass men

Then where the hell was the Star Destroyer / TIE support for the dreadnought, instead of letting it fend for itself?


Of course not sweetie.
Don't listen to these flyboys.

Dreadnaught had it's own fighters user.

What the fuck is she staring at?

Wasn't needed, it had enough self-defense weapons and tie fighters, and all the bombers were destroyed before reaching it. Except, of course, by that one that took a thousand shots before exploding because why not? That's my point, every time he fails is something forced, taken directly from the anus to further the plot, like "he failed this time because The Karma the force likes to fuck up bad people".

He is the exactly oposite of admiral tumblr. Instead of trusting pipe dreams he believes in reality and reason, making strategies based on tatical analisys. While admiral tumblr literally says "We will do nothing, let's just pray and trust that God the force will save us from certain death", General Hux thinks in a pragmatic way.

Now guess who is considered the hero?

The patriarchy

Well, that explain the lore disrespect.

9/11 it's the best

Exactly, what were the other destroyer's TIEs doing? There were more SD's right next to the Dreadnought, and there's really no reason not to scramble all your fighters to defend it, especially when you're about to get into an actual fight with other ships right after.

I agree with you in general, it's just that Hux really did kind of fuck up with the dreadnought.
Should its guns and fighters been enough to fend off the oncoming attack? Probably, and it'd be reasonable to assume that.
Was there any reason to not scramble a few extra squadrons from the nearby SD's to make absolutely sure your big expensive super anti-capital ship didn't get its paint scratched? None whatsoever.

>should I just put the ships to protect this dreadnought, or focusing on protecting the ship where I and my supreme comander is at? Nah, the dreadnought can protect itself

The explosion on the dreadnought by the indestructible bomber was forced, just like the kamikaze hyperspace. You can't fight the plot ignoring reality just to look cool in a scene that amazes the eyes but pisses off the brain. Like this movie did from beggining to end.

He avoided everything that wasn't an asspull. This movie literally says "never plan anything, the karma will magically help you because you are on the right side!"

you ask this in every holdo related thread fucking faggot shill

>nuzis (nu-nazis)
you keep posting this in multiple threads like it will catch on

she was petty, demeaning her subordinate in public, and grossly incompetent, her failure of leadership caused the death of most of the remaining resistance

.02 disney shekels have been deposited into your account

This disrespect to brands seriously piss me off.

>huurrr we must inovate and try new things, and say "fuck it" to the pillars of the franchise

NO. If it wasn't for the brand, you wouldn't be having so much attention to your SJW shitfest. Some time ago I didn't hate SJWs, but time after time they keep using their reverse Midas touch to fuck up good franchises, because they got their heads pulled so deep inside their asses, that they don't give a single respect for the legacy of the brand that is giving then the oportunity to make a product with the certain sure of giving billions on the first place.

Just make new SJW franchises, you fucking cunts. Oh yeah, I forgot, SJWs can't make anything good, so they need to troll people by using famous brands to make then watch their garbage, and ignoring anything from that brand in the future because of how bad it is. Fuck then all.

The Supremacy wasn't even there though, and the SD's were right next to the Dreadnought, and all the resistance forces were going for the Dreadnought.

I agree with you user, I really do, but Hux really could have handled that one instance a tad better; if they were in a proper battle with all the other SD's being attacked then letting the Dreadnought fend for itself would have been the best choice.

As it was, though, it was Dreadnought vs fighters/bombers; the other SDs were sitting around doing nothing, and the resistance cruisers/escorts were doing nothing.

her plan would had worked if Poe hadn't done his plan behind the scenes

And if she wasn't such a smug, smarmy, condescending whore and explained her plan, Poe wouldn't have done his hot-head stuff.

you've never had a job have you?

She told Poe to get his head out of his cockpit.
