No seriously, who was he?

No seriously, who was he?

Other urls found in this thread:

Johan Van Der Smut

Plot device man.

mace windy

Literally Lord Valdemort

who has the picture of the fruit anakin cuts in AoTC with the slice circled and compared to snoke's scar

evil white male

Master Chief


Captain Johnathan Armstrong Brannigan

Mr. Whatzitooya

>lack of diversity can push people to ISIS

noke was a humanoid alien who was leader of the Attendants, a retinue composed of mute alien navigators who originated from the Unknown Regions. At some unspecified point in his life, Snoke acquired a black obsidian stone from the catacombs and mines beneath the castle of the Sith Lord Darth Vader on the planet Mustafar. He affixed this stone to a golden ring he wore, which was engraved with glyphs used by the Four Sages of Dwartii.[6]

Eventually, Snoke witnessed the rise and eventual fall of the Galactic Empire.[1] What was left of the Galactic Empire fled to the Unknown Regions and took the shape of what eventually became the First Order. Although most of the Imperial officers would have likely perished while crossing this uncharted realm, the ancient hyperspace trails blazed by Snoke's retinue helped them to stay there and organize themselves. Although he was a powerful practitioner of the dark side of the Force, Snoke was not affiliated with the Sith,[6] which became extinct as a result of the deaths of Darth Sidious and Vader at the Death Star II thanks to the efforts of the Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker.[8] As such, Snoke, a master of the Force, was a seeker of arcane lore.[9]

>literally named his flagship the White Supremacy
Who do you think he was?

He doesn't matter to the storry.

So he's still a literal who with no motivation

Sam Raimi?

Darude - Sanstorm

Where is this from?

>they actually HAVE given us some information about Snoke
>not a single thing about it is mentioned in the movie
Fucking Star Wars.

Still makes no sense that an alien leads the Empire, though.

I like this. But there has to be more motive.

He was snoke

you have to buy the corresponding comics or wait for Snoke: A Star Wars Story

someone who didn't sell enough toys.

Looks like a lot of it comes from The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary.
The best part is that his species is just called the 'mute navigators.'
I can't believe this fucking shit, I want a coherent story, I thought that was the point of a trilogy

Basically, he was a Sith otaku

>Eventually, the First Order managed to gain enough victories in the conflict that Snoke decided to risk coming out of the shadows to personally lead the First Order to potential dominance over the Resistance.[10]

And by the way it's also supremely dumb that the majority of the information on new-Wars is only mentioned in guidebooks. Old EU had really interesting "Essential Guide" books but none of the information in them was printed there first.

You'll find out in the 3rd one you autists. Much like how we learned what happened with him and Luke we will learn how Snoke corrupted him.

... MAYBE.

First name Sheev, last name Snoke.

You're forgetting the Visual Dictionaries.

Hux's force puppet.

Uh, no sweetie. Snoke is dead. No one cares anymore. #TheForceIsFemale

Junker trash. Nothing a nobody. But not to me.

They are making movies like video games now. You have to buy the DLC to get the full story.

He's Snoke.

Even fucking Blade Runner did it. At least there it was just YouTube videos but still.

>We're throwing out the old EU so that the film directors don't feel restricted by it.
>But the film directors are going to ignore the new EU and just do their own thing regardless.

Disney is dumb.

>complaining about getting free bonus content on top of the movie

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Sup Forums the wise?


My biggest problem with TLJ is that Luke said hubris like twice within a minute.

It's like Rian Johnson had just learned the word hubris when he wrote the script and he wanted to show off.

Literally at any point in the 34 years between RoTJ and TFA

It had to be between TFA and TLJ, though.


>21 years for the Empire under Sheev to build a few Death Stars (assuming DS2 was already under construction by the Battle of Yavin.
>Takes the FO with a fraction the resources and manpower to construct a weapon ten times the size and with a fundamentally different and more powerful mechanism.
>Also they build a capable fleet of capital ships and a mega ultra super star destroyer.

The FO is complete bullshit.

kek I noticed this the second time I saw it.

That's impossible because TLJ takes place seconds after TFA.

Yeah that's what I mean

I didn't need to see the youtube video in order to understand the fucking main villain

Imagine being Poe in these movies. Always on the run, constantly fighting, no fucking time to sleep. At least Finn and Rey have time to take naps but Poe gets nothing.

The reason there are no intelligent defenses for this film is because no one who is intelligent loved the movie. There are only sad fanboys and the SJW viral cabal left to defend Star Wars.

It was said that he had the power to create shitposts

The First Order was largely operating in the Unknown Regions, away from the New Republic, which allowed them to steamroll planets without any intervention.

They also had 3rd party corporations making ships and other things for them that operated otside of the New Republic's zone of influence.

Yeah only really smart people can shit on a movie on a Vietnamese papier mache forum for manbabies

The Empire inherited the republic at peak wartime production and re-conquered separatist worlds (along with their industry and automated manufacturing technology). The FO would have had to establish most all of that infrastructure from the ground up. Where did they get the technology to make a weapon that consumes suns and fires five deathstar beams at hyperspeed, or make a hyperdrive so small it can fit inside a TIE, or any of that shit? Why is it not explained anywhere in the movie? At least in the OT it's strongly implied that the Empire had existed for quite a long time, and the Republic before that.

The best these movies seem to offer is "Rich people dun it and abuse animals, fuck them lmao isn't it great to smash their shit?"

He was nobody. He won't be remembered. Not unlike the franchise itself, unless IX is heavy on the mother NTR.

>He was nobody.
But not to me.

it's possible that the starkiller tech was being developed by the Empire before it was 'shut down'. In the data-banks on Scarif there are many code-named projects, and in the novelization of R1 Tarkin remarks before blowing up the base that it will be a shame for some of the projects to be set back.

Thrawn as a character that exists is canon, ergo the Chiss Ascendancy might be canon, too. That might explain things. But if the next movie is about the FO and the Chiss as villains I hope the Chiss exterminate every character.

We don't know if he seduced anyone's mother. Hell, we don't even know if he HAD a mother. He might as well have been an extra.


KK confirmed this in an interview