/sug/ - Steven Universe General

SU stans everyone.

Graphite (nigga gem) looking at Diamond's painting and saying "We wuz Gamz".

I just remembered Kyle's dad after he got surgery to become a dolphin.

I would berate and insult her shoes until she cried and took them off, and then I would lick her sweaty feet.

Why is Sapphire such a whore-slut-bitch-cunt?

Peridot needs the hacker known as Sup Forums to help get her suit back under control!

There needs to be more lapiven pictures.

There's no need to be salty. Vore is the fetish of God's choosen people. Everyone you'd meet in heaven would be a vorefag, but you'll never go there as punishment for your plebeian taste.

>you know realize that Trey and Matt indirectly created otherkin

Emo stuff?