Old One: >
Consensus so far:
1. Black Museum
2. Hang The DJ
3. Crocodile
4. USS Callister
5. Arkangel
6. Metalhead
Old One: >
Consensus so far:
1. Black Museum
2. Hang The DJ
3. Crocodile
4. USS Callister
5. Arkangel
6. Metalhead
somewhat similar to "consensus"
>black museum
>hang the dj
>uss callister
The last episode reminded me of the Christmas special episode which is still my favorite one. Bottom three on my list are mediocre to bad throughout imo
Missing that powergap between 2 and 3 but that's basically it, yeah.
what do you guys think so far? i only watched arkangel
i feel like crocodile gets the wrong type of hate. I agree its not thaaat great but at least its kind of "classic" Black Mirror. It was annoying that it developed so slow and we all knew the dumb insurance bitch will "catch" the architect. At least it was dark and portrayed a women as a career hungry sociopath.
>dumb insurance bitch
Fuck you she's the cutest girl this season.
Weakest season yet. 2 good episodes, 4 bad ones.
how come SJW don't complain that a muslim women gets portrayed as an obedient rule following annoying insurance employee who loves to remind everyone whats the new law is now. As if its in her nature or something. Really makes you think.
Judging by the trailers, this is how I thought they'd be:
>Black Museum - 9/10
>USS Callister - 9/10
>Arkangel - 8/10
>Crocodile -8/10
>Hang the DJ - 6/10
>Metalhead - 6/10
How it really was:
>Metalhead - 8/10
>Hang the DJ - 7/10
>Black Museum - 6.5/10
>USS Callister - 5.5/10
>Arkangel - 5/10
>Crocodile - 4/10
Really disappointed honestly, the only black mirror episode I would give less than a 7.5 to pre-season 4 was hated in the nation. They were all kino, this season was 50% episodes that didn't feel like black mirror and 50% episodes that are just underwhelming rip-offs of previous episodes.
Same way you don't complain when a mexican rubs your balls before you board an airport and another reason the world's going to shit.
>Metalhead 8/10
>board an airport
Or maybe you got lucky at the entrance.
>episodes that didn't feel like the twilight zone
>5 minutes into Man Against Fire
>every soldier is either a black male or a white female
is it worth going on?
its a pleb filter
How come the simulation copies in a fucking dating app can have their past erased, high tech video game sims have to be tortured into submission?
How come people are still using dating apps when they could just jack it to ultra realistic 1-to-1 simulated titty goddesses?
What did the Indian guy do to deserve it? Dude just did his fucking job.
>USS Callister
Most of the show was great, but the ending was pretty stupid. Also hated the mary sue protagonist who was a 1337 haxor.
Typical Black Mirror style, but good. Ended too shortly.
Really fun ride, much like White Bear or Shut Up and Dance. Ending was pretty stupid.
>Hang the DJ
The idea could have been great in a modern, non-dystopian setting like ArkAngel. The execution was bad.
>Black Museum
Doctor story was 10/10, everything after was 0/10
>Why 3dpd irl
Girlfriends usually have a net positive benefit ratio for normies
>Dude just did his fucking job.
i mean they even show how lazy he is and rather listen to music and eats cereal than working on an update and the CEO gives Robert shit for the delay. In the end its all Roberts fault since he is the CTO who should know how to handle his employees but he can't overcome his own weaknesses. They also imply that hes bad at his job when he says hes been trying to hack the system for eternity and then the women comes along and does it pretty easily.
I mean, the Callister girl literally said she was obsessed with the code of the game beforehand, and she was hired as a programmer. Not exactly a big leap to say she understands how to hack it
not white
He didn't poo in the loo
You still need the normies to deliver you pizzas, friendo.
All the episodes that could have been actually good, just couldn't be wrapped up nicely. Shit endings, all over the place.
Arkangel, very good linewalk on ethicalities. But shit last act, doesn't use the potential nicely.
USS Callister, shit ending. Made the situation to one dimensional. A complex situation was turned into something that your average netflix watching family normie would yass at, it forces the audience to pick sides, and it designates a villain and goes through with the villain/good guy dynamic completely, I didn't like how that was handled. Also the logical flaws it had. But overall I liked the episode, especially early on and especially the stylized intro.
Crocodile. This had one of the better endings. This had a coherent plot too but the hamster thing felt cheap. I think hamsters brains just don't work that way regarding human facial memory, but I could be wrong, I haven't read scientific articles about it. I also just really doubt the detail of the technology at basically every step the plot takes to move forward. SO one of my gripes with the episode is the technology not being believeable but I guess you can say that about every single episode in the series, but looking elsewhere than just that detail the episode wasn't artistically or emotionally satisfying either so it's meh.
>National Anthem: Princess kidnapped, PM has to fuck a pig on live TV or she dies.
>15m merits: People are stuck in a dystopian future where the only way to escape their soul crushing existence is to do a degrading talent show.
>Entire history of u: All your memories are saved and can be watched at any time.
>Be right back: woman creates robot copy of dead boyfriends, but it's not right.
>White bear: Woman loses memory and is stuck in post-apoc nightmare world, so she thinks.
>Waldo: Joke political candidate goes too far in election and destabilises the process.
>White Christmas: Too much going on, pure kino.
>Nosedive: What if uber rating system applied to everything.
>Playtest: Man stuck in horror game.
>Shut up, dance: Boy blackmailed into crime.
>San J: Time travelling lesbians are old.
>Men v. Fire: Soldiers are killing civvies, not monsters.
>Hated in nation: Twitter is using bees to kill people.
Pretty cool concepts when compared to season 4
>Indian guy working in diagnostics who probably spent his entire life 24 7 coding
>I cant hack it, ive tried for years
>thot hired to fill diversity quota
>i hacked it lol XD it only took me 30 minutes grllll powah!!!!
Guys please post your top 3 of other seasons when posting your rankings, that way we can match each others tastes to see which episodes we might enjoy
I don't get it.
Is it supposed to be funny that EVERY single white character this season is either and/or a bad person or a cuck?
Really, name ONE white male character, doesn't even have to be a protagonist, that you can say "hey this guy was really cool".
which ones are which
How was the mother in Arkangel wrong? Her daughter got statutory raped by a drug dealer.
>to see which episodes we might enjoy
If you don't have the free time to watch every episode of a mere 6-episode season you don't belong on this board.
She didnt talk to her daughter about anything or got her any real help
More like her daughter was a whore
>white males are still relevant
i mean it should retain some realistic elements of what the future is actually like so please lol
Season 4 shit:
>USS Callister: people stuck in video game. (Again)
>Arkangel: What if parenting, but too much?
>Crocodile: You can see memories (again)
>Hang the DJ: What if tinder, but too much?
>Metalhead: Woman gets chased by robot dog, what if Boston dynamics, but too much?
>Black Museum: Whoa!! What if, a copy of your consciousness was in something else? (the fifth time this has been used in black mirror)
holy shit this episode was fucking horrible.
>black man murders people
>gets sent to prison, will likely be executed
>makes a contractual agreement to sell his consciousness to a digital self and be stored in a museum in order to provide for his family
>gets executed
>daughter and mother get angry, protest because fake e-dad is getting electrocuted
>business loses all customers
>but daughter is still mad so she kills museum owner, burns establishment down
also add in with that:
>muh dad was innocent, dna and stuff
>"young girl like you traveling alone, wow that's real old fashioned" cuz obviously its the future
>muh drumpf voter electrocuting dad for extra 4 seconds for an envelope of cash
>stronk black womyn kills whitey cuz he racis
You should watch it all in order, I mean the last one (black museum) SORT OF ties everything together, sort of, not really
>wanting to waste time on shitty episodes of a series that is extremely hit and miss
>metalhead being the best episode
nice b8
I was hoping that Metalhead was just another video game thing, but no, I didn't get the ending but was it a prequel/sequel to black museum?
I didn't payed much attention
>wanting your media intake streamlined by general opinion
This is like an episode of Black Mirror.
I can tell that you paid absolutely no attention to the fact when she BTFO the entire twitter, BLM bullshit movements when she says "Yeah they got tired of protesting and moved on to the next thing and hashtagged about it".
Nobody knows whether or not her dad was innocent and frankly it didnt matter. The protestors just wanted to get away with ruining someones business and yes it was obvious that he consensually agreed to what is happening to him. There is still the question about whether or not it is the right thing to do. There is no value judgement behind the action of the daughter on the mother but its understandable on an emotionally level. Would you have done the same if someone did it to your dad? Probably. It has literally nothing to do with the fact that he is black - it is just what you want to believe because thats exactly what the episode is trying to get out of you. Fairly easy to get low IQ individuals to polarize simple things lol.
well some people say its a sequel to White Bear and that this is either the logical conclusion of what is going ot happen to the society in White Bear or that its just another amusement park. What could be a possibility is that other people control the Dogs for fun.
Still an awful episode and the lead actress was so fucking bad. My god. She couldnt act at all.
Hang the DJ, probably the best episode in the season. It gave you a lot of time to theorize and think about stuff. But it dropped the ball a bit when the main guy started talking about his own theories regarding the place in front of that lake thing, it shouldn't underestimate the intelligence of the audience, it should let them think for themselves. I saw the twist coming very early on, and I have to say I was sort of disappointed because the thing with simulated consciusness has really been done TOO MANY TIMES in this series already. But where I thought one step ahead with the twist, the plot was three steps ahead, and I told my sister this, I never could have guessed that it was used in a dating app also. That was a surprise, pretty interesting. Good episode.
Metalhead. This looked promising. The most artistically pure episode. What I mean by that is, it had good production and vision, nice shots and camerawork at times, and less "deficiencies" that are prevalent in more "culturally appealing" works such as the last episode Black Museum. It was the most auteur like direction in the season. My sister hated it very early on, and I saw it's qualities, and kept waiting, and waiting, but it just never redeemed itself. It never got interesting. Complete bore. Much potential and I admire the attempt but it just didn't get anywhere. Sure, conceptually, robot gunz are bad, look at this sad story in the future, but where is the emotion? The beauty? They think they'll capture me with the knowledge of a child somewhere and a picture of teddies as a last shot but that doesn't pull me in. They failed completely in creating something compelling, so my sister was right, very bad episode.
>watch everything, buy everything, shovel the shit into your mouth without remorse like a good goy
>research quality and spend time wisely
Black Museum was good up until the end where it goes full retard, could've been a great meta episode but it got ruined by preaching
Sure, after all the same can be said in the far far future of Star Wars
my rankings:
>hang the dj - truly creative plotline
power gap
>black museum, only 2/3rds of it, the ending was retarded, see
>uss callister/arkangel - many distinct characters with interesting plots
>crocodile - again with the creepy cracker killing blind toddlers
>metalhead - didn't care about one character including the main
Black Museum. The episode meant to appeal most to normies, to give something easy to latch onto for the normal crowd. The "last jedi" of the black mirror series, this mixes up old "black mirror tropes" and but in a completely soulless way, it's a corporate production rather than an artistic one. It's a comfortable way for the normies to get their kicks. Sure it's an okay story but not compelling for me, and the way it's told nah I don't like that either, the aloof aesthetic and quips is not for me, and the last act is just way too "yass" if you get what I mean
Hang the DJ > USS Callister > Arkangel (because it made me think and get emotionally involved because of the ethics, I hated from the very beginning that that mother destroyed her daughters life) > Crocodile > Black Museum
ok soon
The former helps you develop taste and a critical eye. The latter turns you into a redditor.
I bet you let metascores dictate which movies you watch.
Netflix seems to be struggling coming up with new themes
>USS Callister: San Juni + White Christmas
>Arkangel: Entire History of You + new concept
>Crocodile: Entire History of You + Hated in the Nation
>Hang the DJ: White Christmas + San Juni again
>Metalhead: Hated in the Nation
>Black Museum: White Christmas
Hang the DJ was the best one IMO, everything else ranged between meh, stupid and bad
Worst Black Mirror season by far
My full BM power ranking:
>1: White Christmas.
>2: Shut up and dance.
>3: Entire History of you.
>4: White Bear.
>5: 15m merits.
>6: San Junipero.
>7: Nosedive.
>8: Playtest.
> 9: Be Right back.
>10: National Anthem
>11: Metalhead.
>12: Hang the DJ.
>13: Waldo moment.
>14: Black Museum.
>15: Men against Fire.
>16: USS Callister.
> 18: Crocodile.
> 19: Hated in the Nation.
>11. Metalhead
>13. Waldo moment
opinion discarded
doctor segment from Black Museum > San Junipero > White Christmas > Nosedive > Shut Up and Dance > Hated in the Nation > ArkAngel > The National Anthem > White Bear > Metalhead > Crocodile > USS Callister > The Entire History of You > the rest of Black Museum > Hang the DJ > Men Against Fire > Playtest > Be Right Back > Fifteen Million Merits > The Waldo Effect
Hang the DJ > Black Museum >>> USS Callister >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other 3
>I can tell that you paid absolutely no attention to the fact when she BTFO the entire twitter
dead wrong retard.
>Nobody knows whether or not her dad was innocent and frankly it didnt matter.
they emphasized it to the enough extent that they made it seem like his death was unjustified. of course it matters because being wrongly convicted for killing somebody is enough cause for relatives to seek out their own justice.
few family members would kill people after knowing that their husband is a vicious body dismembering killer.
don't talk to me about iq levels degenerate, you clearly lack common sense.
Why do people dislike Metalhead so much?
easily the second best for me, right there with USS Callister.
He didn't shit in the designated shitting street
>USS Calister: 6/10
Overall pretty fun but boy are there some plot holes...
Still a pretty decent way to start off the season. It's bright and colorful, but still hiding some horrific shit behind the initial cheeriness.
>Arkangel: 5.5/10
Privacy violations always freak me out and I felt continually uneasy watching the mother micromanage her daughter and eventually implode their relationship. Pretty decent, but the ending was way too sudden. Felt like the writers ran out of ideas.
>Crocodile: 7/10
I liked it. Mia wasn't sympathetic at all, but I tend to like sociopaths and killers in media, so I didn't have much trouble watching her attempts to hide her crimes spiral out of control. I also liked Shazia a lot. I kinda want an entire episode about her chasing insurance claims with her memory machine.
>Hang the DJ: 8/10
A good palate cleanser after Crocodile and just a really nice time.
>Metalhead: 4/10
It was...okay. Not a huge fan of the 'twist' at the end, but the survival aspects were fairly serviceable. Could have been trimmed down quite a lot.
>Black Museum: 6.5/10
Dr. Pain needed to have his own episode. I wasn't a huge fan of the monkey subplot, but it did its job I guess. Kinda saw the twist coming but it was handled enough to be satisfying when it was executed (haha). A decent way to end off the season.
I generally agree with this except I think Arkangel is by far the best of S4 and I don't really get the hate for it
>they made it seem like his death was unjustified
so what? they make it seem like every death penalty carried out ever is unjustified. You just want to believe in a message because of your narrow tunnel vision of politics and biased opinion going into it. You can't yourself here lol. Which is absolutely hilarious. Kind of impressive how well this episode works as a pleb catcher
How can you possibly argue that watching everything is the correct option? Surely there's a middle ground that lets you cultivate taste but avoid wasting time. For me, it's checking multiple sources for opinions -- more power to you if you have the time to watch everything.
she didnt btfo blm she was calling out white allies who are only in it to virtue signal and dont really care about there hashtag causes
yet another dig in this episode at white people
>so what? they make it seem like every death penalty carried out ever is unjustified.
who the fuck is "they?"
i've made my original point, yet instead of replying to my previous nonpolitical one you create strawman out of my very rational reply.
you're a edgy retard devoid of real life experience and common sense.
>DNA replicating memories
t. faggot
t. normie pleb who watched ten whole movies this year and thinks himself a film expert
It just went nowhere, the girl just finds out her mothers been spying on her, spergs out and beats the shit out of her mother and leaves.
It's a complete non-conclusion, especially when the first half seems promising and was setting up some really disturbing implications that never come to fruition.
the problem with Arkangel is the unbelievably bad acting by the mother which rivals the trash actress from Metalhead. Then you have A LOT of wasted potential. Arkangel focuses on so much unnecessary shit. It should have explored the damaging effects and ethics behind helicopter parenting in richer detail. Instead it focused on a teenage romance and stupid fillers.
The ending is also very weak and not "classic" Black Mirror. Its just too boring. Would have been better if she killed her mother and in the process damages the tablet and her own implant and then is stuck with this filter ON for the rest of her life or kills herself and her dumb helicopter mother loses her daughter.
>you're a edgy retard devoid of real life experience and common sense
a bitter incel Sup Forumsack projecting this hard. Wew lad.
Pajeets retarded and he was basically just fixing bugs. She was hired as an engine developer, which means she's probably the highest tier programmer in the company.
Why would they hire a thot to such a critical position instead of just making her an intern?
There's like a dozen unexplained plot holes, stop being retarded and focusing on ones that were explained.
Arkangel was utter shit lads.
Dudes she gave the implant to stop losing her! But in the end, it caused her to lose her! LMAO!!
It's the kind of episode people make fun of BM for, shit premise, boring execution
is black musuem about niggers? can someone tell me pls?
its the ultimate pleb filter
keep memeing faggot, seems your high iq ran out of cogent replies.
absolutely not a film expert, nor do I want to be tyvm
but i can see you take tv and movies very seriously
>humans need to sniff beer and have music playing to invoke specific memories
>ask multiple questions to help them remember and memories are still fuzzy and mixed with other things
>guinea pig has perfect memory and gives the police everything they need to know
not even the guy you were talking to
go away tumblr
Crocodile is the worst episode of this series.
It is? I dont wanna download utter shit. Which ones do you recommend?
>directed by jodie foster
Just finished watching Hang the DJ. Not sure if it's the fact that the last 3 episodes have been garbage that's tainting my view but I enjoyed the episode. The "twist" was underwhelming but I enjoyed the premise none the less. 7/10
To recap
USS Callister: 2/10
Arkangel: 3/10
Crocodile: 1/10
Hang the DJ: 7/10
Meatelhead is starting now.
Ok, just watched Hang the DJ because you cunts were hyping it up. It was fucking awful, especially that ending. Mediocre season so far
>guinea pig has perfect memory and gives the police everything they need to know
nobody knows that this is true. The cops were like >*sigh* let the recording team do its job
they weren't that hopeful about the whole thing but its the only chance they have
Arkangel > Hang the DJ = Metalhead > Black Museum > USS Callister > Crocodile
Just watch the first 35 mins of Black Museum and you will be fine - that's the only kino part of the episode anyways.
Metalhead is good. Maybe Hang the DJ if you're into interracial.
>USS Callister 6/10 - pseudotech loose threads pulled me out of it. The production values are nice though
>Arkangel 9/10 - by far my favorite. No clear heroes or villains. Everyone has dirtied hands and I found the ending satisfying
>Crocodile 4/10 - I'm failing to see how this isn't just Entire History of You but with an oscilloscope. And the hamster thing is sketchy. The Muslim girl was super cute though
>Hang the DJ 7/10 - I'm conflicted on this. I want to like it but the ending seemed to be tedious. They "rebelled" 998 times out of 1000? Seems contrived but the idea of the ep is solid
>Metalhead 5/10 - I can see why people like it and I can see why people hate it. Artistically strong but there are too many unanswered questions and I couldn't stand the girl
>Black Museum 7/10 - doctor vignette was great and the tech salesman guy was great but it seemed to turn into White Christmas at the end
Overall pretty disappointed
still me, im this guy here, here are the episodes I like. mind you I dont remember too well but long term impressions of episodes are something to go from too
Season 1:
The Entire History of You > Fifteen Million Merits > Pig Fucker
White Christmas > Be Right Back > White Bear > Waldo Moment
Shut Up and Dance > San Junipero (I liked it a lot, the happiness shocked me, I was legitimately touched, but I know how many people hate it here lol I find that funny) > Men Against Fire > Playtest > Hated in the Nation > Nosedive (hate that main actress look and general manners, hate the aesthetic of the world they are in, despite it all having somewhat properly motivated reasons I'm just really put off by everything in the episode)
This is from memory, sorting after what feels right sort of, I'm sure if I watched it now with it fresh in my mind it would look different
Perfect ranking.
>Black Museum
When a mentally ill black woman kills herself and somehow implants her consciousness into her daughter so she can kill white people
overall, i like the idea of implanting our brains into computers but the idea of being able to get consciousness from a lollipop or coffee cup is retarded.
Hang the DJ is basically Brooker/Netflix appealing to the San Junipero crowd. Like, okay, you want love stories? Here's a love story.
Infinity, find me a trade.
Jesus fucking Christ. Take a lap.
>only person on Sup Forums ranking Arkangel #1
>reply to yourself to make your shit taste more relevant
The first part is kino, watch that at least