>live life breathe air i know somehow we're gonna get there
Live life breathe air i know somehow we're gonna get there
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she's a dog face
That the chick from icarly? Her voice alone is pure sex.
BLACKED by 7 ft gorilla, no thanks.
She's a sexual amusement park. Fantastic ass and feet and great tits and legs. Tad of a butter but who cares with that body.
lingerie is the dumbest shit
as soon as you're wearing it infront of me it's coming off
user please, don't be so lewd
>lingerie is the dumbest shit
Get a load of this fag.
This is true. But if a woman ever actually wears it for you never say that. At least pretend to appreciate it.
This is going to sound edgy as fuck, but I think I finally understand the male impulse to rape.
I look at her and feel two things at once:
1. Utter disgust with her personality and full knowledge she's a horrible person who I would gladly throw in the gutter
2. Sexual attraction
The only clear reaction to that combination of feelings is rape. It satisfies both the lust and the rejection of her humanity
virgin detected
I say it and they still wear it. They're obsessed with that shit.
>implying he appreciates women instead of BBC
Are there better pictures of her feet?
I unironically love the iCarly theme song
I'd giver her a bone if you know what I mean
Good thing you'll never have to worry about that
Who is this?
Literally virgins who worship any fucking stupid thing women do
I've fucked and discarded hotter girls than you've spoken to, guaranteed
Is that cgi?
Yeah, whatever loser.
I have two bitches sucking my nuts right now. what are you gonna do about it, faggot
>1. Utter disgust with her personality and full knowledge she's a horrible person who I would gladly throw in the gutter
what makes you think that?
lmao suck my dick
nude women are overrated
You should worship the dumb shit she does and never ever make fun of it. Just like your mommy told you. Don't be a meanie or girls won't like you. Good boy.
lmao you type like a virgin dude, stop trying to act tough on line when you know you wouldn't do shit irl
Where's the sex tape?
If you're aroused by her your fucking gay
Why is she barefoot?
Why is she so awkwardly far from the nigger?
Why is she wearing a dress that barely covers her butt?
You gotta be nice to girls bro, keep going, when she wants to talk about how her last guy cheated on her, then you can swoop in bro, you play the long game... bitches love guys who are nice to them...
So who won at the end of iCarly?
the amerimutt is showing
>said no one ever
friendzone detected
>liking girls in sexy clothes makes you a beta white night
lmao, why does this triiger you so much?
The thing is, 3D women look like shit when fully naked. They all have uneven tits, weird nipples, no hips, poorly shaved hairs, hanging roast beef, etc. lingerie gives an illusion of perfection and smoothness, like makeup.
so happy she's into pov now.
>whatever it takes to get the shot
what did she mean by this?
this is a direct quote from dan schneider. a cry for help most likely.
Fucking kill yourself, you stupid fucking autistic bum.
t. roastie
>those comments
yet another day passes and he STILL hasn't been taken down in the wake of this #metoo shit.
is it possible... that he's actually squeaky clean
I see she prefers the Italian dressing
Not ever speaking to women and assuming rejection, or sociopathy, take your pick
It's almost as if it turns women on to be shown off to you in the bedroom and it would be in your best interest to appreciate that instead of shit all over it you mental midget.
Why hasn't anyone invited you to celebrate New Years with them?
Questions for the ages.
Guys I still want to plow her even if she took nigger cock.
Hey Anons, Disney/Nickeleodeon Illuminati Satanist child sacrifice underworld is for sure 100% real right? Just double checking.
she dated a black guy, it's a source of great consternation for me considering I'm racist and sexually attracted to her. any of my fellow bros know this emotion?
Yes, watch Alex Jones' documentary
yr supposed to call it schneider's bakery.
That is even more generic butt rock than found in a fucking sonic 3d game.
i'm most certainly not taking off my lingerie in front of you you greasy freak
My girl thinks like this. I tell her it's hotter if she leaves something, ANYTHING on while we fuck. She thinks being absolutely naked is the hottest a human being can get. She's so fucking naive. An idiot about what sexy is. I think it's because she's 24.
Stop bulling jennette
She's been through a lot
Nice counter argument....NOT
>I think it's because she's 24.
Crack a joke about her sagging tits.
I knew a girl like that, too. You in North Carolina? Maybe we can quantify this foolishness and breed it out for future generations.
Yeah, the only way out is for us all to kill ourselves. Let's do at the same time in 20 minutes so that the world knows we white men will NOT stand for this!
have you only ever been with one woman, fag?
They are all uniquely shit.
She has anxiety attacks sometimes.
Damn, I love how extremely unremarkable she is.
Every time she sees a fat guy with a bowl cut or when someone mentions her feet
Why no #metoo mention of Dan Schneider?
I know you're trying to tell a bad joke but I sent the fbi tip in regardless. Stay safe.
Dan pls
It's funny because he's fat.
lol, nah I think in the bottom she is depressed for some reason. Maybe she isnt famous enough or her familiy hate her, I donĀ“t know.
Well she did date a negroid. Her dad probably didn't like that much.
reddit, niggers, reddit, niggers. Do you faggots ever come up with anything new? You're a mental midget. Go ahead and get mad while you reply.
t. reddit nigger
you only take off the panties. if that.
yea, i'm planning on becoming famous in hollywood in order to fuck her and i hate myself every day for it
What? She did in fact date a black. It's true.
>Jennette says they had some early conversations that "gave [her] pause" but she decided to go out on some dates with him anyway.
>McCurdy then describes their first kiss -- which went down after a laser tag date -- saying, "It just didn't go great ... no sparks. The mouths ... the shapes weren't right."
>Still, they continued to hang out, McCurdy says ... and he was so into her, he bought her a necklace and got down on his knees during a dinner date and asked her to be his GF.
>Even though she wasn't into it, she said yes ... only to break up with him on the phone a few days later.
Why was she so cruel to Andre?
She might not be 10/10 but you just know she's into the freakiest shit and will basically ravage you in bed.
Because if someone squels on a producer it won't get them any gigs. It'll get the acress sympathy for a nws cycle but no one will care beyond that. And no producer in his right mind will hire a woman that took part in #MeToo
>she's into the freakiest shit
yeah bro spanking her and doing anal are so freaky omg..
The lack of shoes makes this extra cute
A poor man's Tay-Tay.
He must've split her in half. I doubt she even has a partition between her vag and asshole now
you just know she's a carpet muncher