
wtf I love Illuminati shills now!

her speech pattern and manerisms lead me to think that she was either raised by a single mother (or #koolparents), and/or lives in a majority black ghetto area

Who gives a fuck what some trashy slut has to say?

sounds like damage control for being abused herself

what do Sup Forums think about the "lolita" movies, one directed by kuckrick an the other one by lyne?

I can tell she's a fucking idiot who has no thoughts worth hearing

Teen males for sure
Young roasties don't know what they want

>those results on the poll

my sides

Should be lowered to 16 but that girl is not 18

Kubrick one is mediocre, the other one is quite good.

16 sounds about right.


>like the title of the video says, FUUUCK THE AGE OF CONSENT, fuck that

>No tabs

Imagine a world without felonies.

She literally points out why you shouldn't fuck kids.

I believe her. There were 2 girls with boobs like that back in 6th grade. They were total whores. Center of attention. One of them always had a boob window. Neither liked me of course. One of them got highschoolers to throw my hat on the roof of a store. A 12 year old girl convinced highschoolers to fuck with a mild mannered 12 year old boy. Life is fucking retarded. Fucking roasties.


are you cute?

It's great

No because thirsty fucks just want to diddle kids. The only reason it worked in past societies was because people married and stayed with eachother.

She was already diddled as a kid. That shit normalizes this kind of thinking

Sad t b h f a m

based giv poster