>michelin star involves being a good cook, having a aesthetic restaurant, and excellent service
This guy serves you $700 raw fish in the subway. How did he trick the Michelin gourmets?
Finally watched Jiro today
Other urls found in this thread:
Did you watch the film? The whole restaurant is a gimmicky meme. That’s what Michelin wants most. Unique gimmicky memes
michelin awards on politics first and food second.
it also doesnt know how to rate anything that isnt classically french derived cuisine
Stop eating 700 dollar fish
>ITT: films millennials will never understand
Of course your worthless generation that doesn't even own their own homes is unable to appreciate dedication to one's craft and passion. Put your electronic device down and do something with your life, you decrepit twerps. Jiro is more of a man in his old age than any one of you nu-whatevers.
uh oh hot dog!
I swear his eldest son wants Jiro dead
That looks great. Maybe I'll have some poke this weekend.
Real food for real ass niggas such as yourself and I.
What did Jiro mean by this?
god I wish i could understand devoting my life to dumb meme shit and watching it rot around me and getting mad like gen xers and boomers do
>take sushi
>give it a shit presentation
>call it by some made up polynigger word
well done hawaiians. truly living up to your reputation as methed out island trailer trash
>devote your life to putting raw fish on rice
>you're a man!
>he thinks he can discredit an entire life's work in one baseless shitpost
You devote your life to dying. See how that works?
The first time I had this is really bothered me because I was expecting to taste pice de gallo but it wasn't.
>take fish
>put in ontop of 5 small rotten pieces of rice
>Call it "food" and charge 700 dollars
just like my japanese annamays
>he thinks it takes 55 years to put fish on rice
i'll put pico de gallo on my balls i love that shit.
>heh this isn't food.
>*mashes together multiple pieces of sushi into a dirty plastic cup*
>*pours mayo on it*
>now THIS is food
>>give it a shit presentation
Who cares about presentation? I'm eating it anyway.
ITT: philistines
You lot trying to understand Jiro is like a goldfish trying to comprehend physics
they're just trolling user
>puts 1 small dog shit piece of fish on rice
>now THIS is food
youre welcome cuck
>i understand a man and his culture by watching anime
have any of you neets even fucking been to a michelin starred place?
In every Jiro thread, I say the same thing---
what quantifiable aspect makes Jiro's sushi better than his competition. I'm sure it's wonderful, but unless someone can tell me why the product itself warrants such praise, I will continue to laugh at you, just like wine snobs and audiophiles.
No one has ever been able to explain it.
>put 1 piece of fish on rice is "good presentation"
>putting 3 or more fish ontop of rice is "bad presentation"
u r mom gay lol
How indeed
b-but samoryes are jews.
It's not. Jiro's place is a tourist trap. The other 3 star sushi places are more popular.