>watching The Last Jedi
>movie ends
>people slowly leaving the theater, as the credits roll
>suddenly a scream
>bunch of nerds raise lightsaber toys up in the air
What the actual fuck.
>watching The Last Jedi
>movie ends
>people slowly leaving the theater, as the credits roll
>suddenly a scream
>bunch of nerds raise lightsaber toys up in the air
What the actual fuck.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would a jedi obey some dumb muggle tho
i unironically did the not hitler salute during the TFA starkiller scene.
>leia is exposed to space with no uniform on
>survives, even flies away to safety
"What the actual fuck."
Holy fuck that’s cringeworthy. Was it like that for any other SW movies? Last time I saw one was RotS, but I was only 10 so I don’t remember much
>Not yelling out a cocaine reference
i thought you can't bring in any weapon props anymore
>person with supernatural powers uses supernatural powers to break laws of physics
woah my dude its almost like some sort of fantasy movie
You forgot
>get shot
literal jump the shark moment, I can't take that universe seriously after it.
The movie theater I was in for revenge of the sith was absolutely crazy, people cheering Yoda, clapping when Obi-Wan showed up for the final battle, shouts when the Vader costume was first shown etc.
>ignores the blatant force is female pandering
>ignores the lore and writing of previous movies because of said pandering
>even reddit spaces
Holy shit get the fuck out of here, soy boy.
>reddit spacing
Where did this meme come from?
>suddenly, the sound stops
>10 seconds with no sound
>a guy gets up and says "WHAT THE FUCK, WHY IS THERE NO SOUND"
>a young adult says "e-excuse me sir, would you mind sitting down?"
>guy pulls a firearm and says "NO ONE TELLS ME WHAT TO DO NERD"
>nerd gets shot
>everyone gets shot
>a plastic stick with colored led
>weapon prop
Pieces of shit
redditors forcing it
formatting on reddit is terrible so they have to use special spaces for the text not to be a mess
>there are mongoloids in the world who don't understand audio is used to make a scene more impactful
That's not reddit spacing, this is.
I remember mine being dead silent besides laughs when Vader screamed NOOOOOO
what movie theater allows dildos?
>watch episode 1 in theatres
>get home, start a Jedi fight with umbrellas
>break all the umbrellas
>get screamed at
Why didn't Carrie use force lightning to revive herself?
Ha, yet you'll still be front row on day 1 of the Han Solo movie premier next year
>bunch of dumb niggers raise red light sabers like fucking morons
Can anyone explain why young adults are 'geeks' or part of fandoms like this to the point of real life roleplay and obsession?
I don't understand what compels someone to buy figurines or nerd gear. Carrie Fisher was an actor who probably gave zero shits about star wars.
the jedi order wasn't part of the resistance or the rebellion
good goyim
purge yourself from the genepool you unfunny fag
>force is female
You realize this is a tagline for a Nike brand called "Force" which is unrelated to Star Wars
and the picture of Kathleen Kennedy and other women wearing those shirts are from the Nike event.
It has nothing to do with Star Wars.
When I encounter a sw nerd of hp nerd in public I feel the urge to mug them.
That's because you're an unashamed nigger.
>hurr durr it's fiction therefore you don't have to be consistant with the rules you created for that universe
are you by chance jewish by birth on either side of your family?
What sort of bugman hive do you live in?
what does that have to do with anything?
It would explain the shilling
i have a phd in hebrew and he said yes
im glad to see those empty seats
Why they giv a fuck about carrie junkie fisher?
America was a mistake
>audience participation is bad
Like I get that a bunch of grown men with plastic toys is kinda cringe but it'ss the thought that counts here
That sounds annoying. I watched in a small theater in rural Bavaria that was about half full and people just watched the movie. Noone clapped or talked or even laughed too loudly.
A movie theater is kind of a bad place to enjoy a movie to begin with, why make it even worse? Unless it's Rocky Horror I don't want any audience participation when seeing a movie.
same brother.
>be watching starshit
>sit next to some uber nerd that snickers at every marvel quip
>he even gasps and what sounds like orgasm when Leia flies
>movie ends
>everyone basically scratching their head in confusion
>leia card comes up
>nerd pulls out his laser sword and turns it on
>no one else does, everyone looks at him in disgust
>some chad even stands up and says "she died of a snoke overdose!"
>he rushes out of the theater
I don't think I miss the theater.
Although, I did visit one this year to enjoy Bladerunner 2049! It was comfy as fug to be engrossed in that visually stunning masterpiece, the sweetest and clearest kino soaring over and above me as I took repose amidst a nigh vacant block of seats.
what is so wrong with 10 seconds of stillness? this isn't rare in American cinema
Rural alpine life must truly be ideal.
Please tell me that is in Japan
No its not in Japan
Japan is gone, it was nuked back in World War 2.
>germans not laughing
now I know you're trolling
germans? laugh? is that even possible?
literally all she did was use telekinesis to pull herself back towards the ship. the whole space having no gravity thing allowed her to do that
reminds me of this thread lol
Was the Superman theme really necessary though?
no. the whole scene was fucking retarded as a matter of fact. but nothing about it broke any rules
>bunch of retards turn up dressed as Stormtroopers to the RotS premiere
>stand guard at the door and usher everyone in
>just as screen goes black and lights darken they come in and suddenly realise they can't sit down on the hard cinema seats without cracking they're armour
>rush out and get changed and miss the GOAT opening scene
>they come back in 10mins later angrily muttering to themselves
Many keks were had.
>jedi order
>red lightsaber
What are you talking about? Leia is in ROTS briefly as a baby, she’s in every movie in the OTS, she’s in TFA, and Rogue One. Never, in any of these six (6) movies, is she shown having or using this power. Her suddenly having this power for this scene is shameful Deus Ex Machina
>leia is exposed to space with no uniform on
I know you slept through physics class, but what did you think would happen to a person?
I saw ROTS with my dad. When they said Padme “lost the will to live,” he burst out laughing. Got a lot of sighs and glares from the nerds in the theater
>10 full seconds
It lasted like 4 seconds
Nobody could hold their poker face at Anakin's conversion scene and Palpatine's ludicrous over-acting
>literal jump the shark moment
That's not what literal means but figuratively it is
let us lift our soysabers
Can some one explain to me what was so bad about the movie? Besides the Leia part? What went wrong with this movie?
Her blood would fill up with nitrogen bubbles killing her painfully after any amount of full body exposure to the vacuum. Even partial skin exposure can give you a near-fatal case of the bends.
t. autist who went to space camp
>audience participation is bad
>grown men with plastic toys is kinda cringe
so any participation is good participation to you?
alright, i'll remember to howl and cheer during your eulogy waving pic related
I need that video of Mark Hamill looking sad with Hurt playing in the background.
Preferrably YouTube, help me out bros
Nazis were young rebels actually, most of them fought in WW1 and came back to a ruined country.
Your liberal meme is cute though I guess
Fucking Muricans.
They basically wrote a bunch of bullshit that didn't make sense in the context of the universe for the sake of explaining one or two scenes that themselves make no sense in the context of the universe.
solid kek
When did this get so many views what the fuck it was made by a guy from /tv
Miss me yet?
>Never, in any of these six (6) movies
she senses luke's exact location after he falls down the air-shaft at the end of esb.
Can you give an example?
She also sensed Luke surviving the explosion of the Death Star in RotJ.
>Have characters make sacrifices because no autopilot, even though autopilot was established in Episode 5.
>Have a scene where the most unlikeable incompetent character makes a "noble" sacrifice by jumping to light speed and katana slicing an entire fleet in half. While this makes sense with the physics it basically makes everyone in all previous star wars movies look retarded. If you can destroy a fleet with light speed slugs no one would use lasers and none of the movies would happen.
>Luke after turning his father and defeating the emperor becomes a total autist hermit instead of a hero of the rebellion
>Rey is just the kid of some drunks and a mary sue
>Luke Skywalker dies of a stroke after astral projecting.
>The plot of the movie makes no sense, just like TFA
Oh they killed off Luke?
Oh shit no wonder this movie is doing so bad.
Did like train Rey at least?
I am glad I am no longer a Star Wars fan
I don't know what I will do, but I am glad its over
>sensing others (usually just her twin)
>still barely on Chirut's level in R1
>somehow these equate being able to survive and propel yourself in the vacuum of space