Why was Will so selfish?
Why was Will so selfish?
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He doesn't owe shit to nobody just because he has great potential.
why are you constantly posting with a trip. kindof the entire point of Sup Forums
you might genuinely like reddit better
>literal second coming of Einstein+
How can someone with such intellect not under their importance to humanity
bump because fuck Sup Forums
he owes it to himself to reach his potential
>A Plague of Rats !qMH.WZ/6NI
sick username bro your mom make it for you?
It was not his fault
being selfish is good
I've really grown to hate this movie
Who would he be today? Would we know him, would we care?
Agreed I'm a tripfag but at least my name isn't gay as fuck
>this shit is easy to me....
Probably theorize mathmatics for the next generation which would push humanity forward. Will at the time was fucking selfish.
plague of faggots ruins another thread.
Such is the state of Sup Forums
at least I wasn't the only one calling out that worthless sack of shit this time. thanks Sup Forums
Shitposting is funny but it's reached an ungodly level of screaming where ANY decent thread can't get through. Sup Forums needs to get the rope desu
the normalfags have to destroy everything. there isn't anywhere left to go now.
>theorize mathmatics for the next generation which would push humanity forward
not a plot point we're likely to see anytime soon