watch this


read this


>How George Lucas used an ancient technique called “ring composition” to reach a level of storytelling sophistication in his six-part saga that is unprecedented in cinema history.

i am sorry, george


Beautiful scene

Mr Plinkett already shat all over this dumbass theory in the force awakens review

shut the fuck up and lurk more newfag

It's that guy from reddit maybe?


>Mr Plinkett
kill yourself

dumb frogposter

>unironically referencing mr plinkett
aka the reddit hipster doofus that shat over something that went over his head ("it rhymes") then tried to cover his ass

you reddit faggots need to get the fuck out of here, i'm sick of it

Yet I can watch one scene and feel its original intent and purpose
A great scene remains a great scene
And I can watch the other and it feels bland and soulless and only seems better because I remember the other better thing

its not ring theory. its just reusing shit from the original trilogy jumbled up in the prequel trilogy.

>t. brainlet


>watch this
>read this

sorry sheeple, i like to formulate my own opinions on movies. little can be said of the man with a playdoh brain that can be moulded so effectively by a 2 minute video and the ramblings of a literal autist. if you are impressed by a lazy, fat billionaire who copied every iconic moment from the original films and claim it's due to some grand artistic vision that ordinary mooks can't begin to comprehend, then you need to reevaluate your life and think about what has caused you to be so stupid. i do not understand how you can begin to get any value of seeing the same scenes repeated but with different actors in a silghtly different setting. it's not creative nor innovative nor original. it's just the same thing you already like packaged differently. you might as well hook your brain up electrodes and zap your reward center or lay down in a puddle of shit with the other animals.

The whole thing has literally gone over your head and you're too ignorant to realize it. Gave me a chuckle.

Yeah I don't think he actually read the article.

It has been confirmed on multiple occations that the prequels were unironically too high-tier kino for the normalfag mind to understand.

Jar jar, the fucking robot factory and other scenes like that still ruined the movies, no matter how good other shots are.

Besides, that first youtube video is mostly powerful because of the powerful music

>he bought the ring theory meme

No. reddit will take over this board.
Also reddit is way better than this shothole.

the heroes journey and the hermits journey are the best dissections of star wars

truly, i am thankful for that day i stumbled onto chucks site here

>dude read the EU novels and watch youtube videos to appreciate the movie lmao

so why not just stay there?

lol go back to Sup Forums or neopets forums, you don't belong here. plinkett was venerated as a deity here when his reviews were released with almost no backlash. you're unironically hipster trash contrarians from foreign websites.

>run out of ideas
>uhh lets just mirror the old movies LOL

Snyderfags and Prequelfags need their own containment board. Bunch of brainlets watching childrens cartoons that suck dick and thinking its kierkegaard

>ring theory


Because a superior website needs to steal memes from a shithole like Sup Forums

Really makes you think

George did nothing wrong

The Jar Jar ruse is a master piece.
Im sorry

Don't try to dazzle me with your youtube videos. Your ancient techniques have not helped you write decent dialog for the prequels, or given you the clarity of mind to come up with interesting storytelling, rather than cheap CGI tricks to entertain the audience.

lol once the final sequel movie is released you contrarianshits will be pushing the prequels were kino meme to it's final conclusion won't you? you will I can already sense it. they were masterpieces up their with citizen kane, better than the original trilogy even. can't wait that'll be hilarious.

Woops sorry George looks like it was a masterpiece all along

>watch this supplementary material to make the prequels not shit

fucking lol, ringfags have to die and so does george lucas