Why the fuck are the critics shitting on this so much?

Why the fuck are the critics shitting on this so much?

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Go to bed, Max.

Im sure no one got to a conclusion why on the other 50 threads about this

White cuck critics can't handle big orc cock

its Maltese falcon with some infantile race politics.

Netflix cannot be allowed to enter cinema

Don't know. I thought it was pretty enjoyable

Big studios are realizing that streaming is going to completely change the face of Hollywood and are trying to stop it in any way they can. It's not a great movie to begin with either, so that just makes it easier for critics to tear into it and pretend like it's awful.

Are you kidding? This was better than any other 2017 movie I saw this year.

What other movies did you watch in 2017? Bright has some fun moments and some really cool world building, but it's far from being the best movie released this year.

unlikable characters, Every line Will Smith has is him bitching and complaining ALL THE FUCKING TIME, and why the fuck are there elves and orcs is the generic gansta/cop drama it has no impact whatsoever.

A. The first 20 minutes of them world-building was infinitely cooler and more interesting than the next 1 1/2 hours of them filming in warehouse because they blew their budget early.

B. Smith was a terrible choice. Yes he's a big name but he's fucking old now. You could feel how tired and un-enthusiastic he was in almost every scene. If you're going to have only one comic-relief/quip character in the entire film, they need to be charismatic enough to carry it, full stop. Smith's "hip, cool 90s friendly gangster" charisma doesn't work when he's pushing 50

C. Quipshit

D. Quick-cut dog shit action. Yes, there was one above average shot of Smith shooting the cops. Other than that, it looked right in line with every other lazy, un-choreographed shitshow Hollywood farts out and covers for with shaky cam.

E. If you're building a world about Future-fantasy, make it about future fantasy. Nobody want's a lame ass-mcguffin plot where the characters try to hide something from the bland villains.

F. Orcs looked gay. They were well done, but they looked gay. No matter how good the artist is, drawing two dudes buttfucking will look gay. Great execution, terrible design (probably due to budget).

G. Blooding was a complete let down.

H. Minus one or two jokes, the humor was really bad.

I. Jakoby was incredibly inconsistent. Landis couldn't decide if he wanted two wise-cracking buddies or a fish out of water, decided to make him both and turned him into a garbage pile.

J. Making he have to look at this fucker,

The subliminal messages are too much to handle.

Because it was a collage of a ton of popular movies.

Kinda like everything max landis writes.

do we really need this thread dozens of times?

Netflix breh.

you must have seen some absolute dreck to hold that road apple up so high

they can't use it as ammunition for their invisible culture war despite having all the pieces there.

>give it to me
Would you, user? Would you give her your love?

>really cool world building

yeah tv series when? But with less extreme shit happening. Just comfy buddy cop stuff

are these shill threads or what



Because as a movie it is just a cliche after a cliche. And direction is pretty steamless as well.

they are just SJW retards with a stick up their ass about racism, the movie was good enough not fucking amazing but entertaining
also it was streamed 11 million times in the first 3 days so an equivalent cinematic release would have taken in 110 million, hollywood are not happy about it.

To be honest it was just a bit boring, great setting and I wish it would've explored the world more, it doesn't deserve the treatment it's getting though, same as star wars doesn't deserve the praise

Movie about Jackoby with Will Smith getting fucking killed in the first 5 minutes WHEN?

>dude would you give your love to an elf that's hotter than every human
I'll be her loyal slave if the Dark Lord allows it .

>ywn be her Dark Lord

Life is cruel.

nigger nigger nigger faggot nigger

>It's not that good.

It's tied with Bladerunner

I enjoyed it but I can see why it wasn't in theaters.
For some reason it didn't really grab me as a viewer. The orcs and elves and brights weren't relatable for some reason. And they tried to make them relatable, they really did try. Especially the Orcs. For some reason it was like watching the Warcraft movie.

Best grill

>I can see why it wasn't in theaters.
Seriously? Have you seen a capeshit movie lately?

it was awful please post a single good scene from this shitshow


I enjoyed it but I can see why it wasn't in theaters.
For some reason it didn't really grab me as a viewer. The humans and elves and brights weren't relatable for some reason. And they tried to make them relatable, they really did try. Especially the Orcs. For some reason it was like watching the Warcraft movie. They should have shown more Orcs doing bad things in public and creating the prejudice that humans and elves had.
It felt like Orcs were too much of a victim, even the line "why are the Orcs always the bad guys?" Was tacked on.
I mean they point out that the reason that orc shot Ward was because his partner was an Orc.
TOO much politics, that's what the problem was, when you add too much politics it takes away the humanity of the characters and make them too pure.
The orcs weren't pure and the elves weren't all evil.
It might have been good if there wasn't a bloodening at the end, and they actually brought the dark lord back again since they talked about him so much.

He wanted to make Jackoby into trying to make friends awkward guy which is realistic but not entertaining.



Miles better than this made-for-TV garbage.

You're false flagging, yeah?

Show me a screengrab from Bright that looks like this bottom pic


Looks like they did the graffiti in pen then photoshopped it onto the wall.

Why is it that everyone was fine with making Asgard into a multi kulti, but if they turned Wakanda into an ethnically diverse multi kulti then everyone would lose their shit?

I'd be happy with whites having their own myth movies and blacks having their own myth movies. That makes me a fascist or something.

Asgardians are aliens
Wakanda is a secret society closed off to everyone from the start and no one knew about it. At least that's what I think that they are rationalizing it.

Fact #1: It was one of the most entertaining movies of 2017. More entertaining than any capeshit either Marlel or DC, more entertaining than Disney Wars too.

Fact #2: Critics hate it because Disney told them to. Simple as that. Also not SJW enough for them.

Fact #3: Shills in Sup Forums is not a meme. They complain when a Bright thread comes up and want to bury it real quick. They don't complain when a TLJ thread comes up where they go to passionately defend the Mouse and its agenda.

>Asgardians are Aliens with a different climate and topography that somehow evolved niggers and Asians just like us

>Niggers could find a way to Asgard so they shat it up.
>Whites couldn't find Wakanda so it remained full nigger.
Yeah, right.

That honestly looks like an above average Skyrim mod

>"Some races are smart, some are strong, its just biology"

I wonder how many critics got triggered by that scene

There are posters on Sup Forums right now willing to defend this shit for free

They are aliens, last time I checked no matter the topography you couldn't shoot lightning or have super strength.
That's their excuse I would think, aliens are just an excuse to say it doesn't matter what they look like they are aliens.

You are comparing apples to oranges here. 1 side is human the other are aliens.


How the fuck has CGI gotten worse?

Is this just me?

top one is not cgi

watch more movies, fag. Bright is ok but you idiots for some reason pretend it's a masterpiece

fuck no, the tv series formula is trash. I'm glad they're planning to make a movie sequel and not a series

Yes it is faggot

I agree that Smith is getting old for this stuff. I haven't watched a movie with him in years and I was shocked when I noticed how old he got.

There are posters on Sup Forums right now willing to defend capeshit for free

too bad rapace is fucking ugly


god its been awhile

>Asgardians are aliens
>based off of Norse religious mythos

Get cucked oh wait tooo laaaate

It's so easy to offend you, even when I wasn't disagreeing with any one I was just pointing out how those people rationalized it. Try reading for once.

Netflix's payroll***

eh man I dunno
She's not "conventionally attractive" but I wouldn't call her ugly.
Her boobs aren't good but she's got an odd prettiness about her. Like Anya Taylor Joy sorta. I always say it's weird but fuckable.

dafuq Anya Taylor Joys tittehs r fuckin lazer homes

because it's destabilizing for a streaming-only release to be better/more popular than a theatrical release.

I didn't mean the tits, I meant the weird-looking part
Anya's tits are great

her self awareness regarding her eyes is cute.

Oh fuck. Actually laughed out loud.
Not many actors will acknowledge that kind of thing so good for her.

It was ok at best, it just about avoided full on cringe
I'm sure the Netflix shills have been working overtime to promote this

I liked it. Picked up some incest vibes between the sisters at the end, thought she was gonna rape the younger one t b h

Was hoping for this as well. Hard to expect any different from Noomi Rapeface.

You know why.

>Every line Will Smith has is him bitching and complaining ALL THE FUCKING TIME
That is an accurate portrayal of LAPD cops

you fucking moron

Because it was middle of the road enjoyable.