Honest thoughts on Rick and Morty? I don't see the big fuss tbqh.
Honest thoughts on Rick and Morty? I don't see the big fuss tbqh
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i like the pickle episode
It's alright
It spawned the worst fanbase though, worst than sonic, undertale, life is strange etc
>time travel
It's pretty retarded.
I don't get the appeal of it. It just seems like a lot of noise.
Dead meme show
Watched a few episodes some of it with friends because they liked it. It was funny, not the greatest thing ever.
The one guy who was most into it hated the most recent season.
It's shallow nihilism made for the audience of millenials that have long been demoralized.
It's a shit version of Futurama whose main purpose is seeing how many times they can fit fuck or mother fucker in the script.
>tfw you make a futurama reference and normies look at you like you're their dad
>then you fuck them
Obviously the fanbase is garbage, but I think it's alright.
Don't see what makes to so amazing to nu-males, don't see what makes it so triggering to Sup Forums.
It's just a silly but watchable cartoon.
I watch it and I enjoy it, just like I enjoy Family Guy. There are some good episodes and there are some lame ones. It's just a cartoon though. Some humor, pop culture references, stupid shit, etc. My only real gripe is the time between seasons. Shit or get off the pot.
fuck's sake i gave this stupid show a chance
it was just the premise of back to the future (low hanging fruit in terms of TV show episode plot material) mixed with crude bathroom jokes. The belching and farting literally was so insouciant that I could not stand to watch it any further after 3-4 episodes.
It's really good
an obnoxious extremely vocal minority of Sup Forums hates it for reasons
everyone else enjoys it and memes along
watched season 1 and 2 when i had strep, funny but not amazing and too up its own ass with messages. season 3 was shit other than two episodes.
biggest problems
>jerry and beth always having issues regardless of how many episodes are wasted dealing with those issues
>rick turning from alcoholic whacko to walking deus ex machina
>summer and beth becoming YAAAS QUEEN in season 3
>morty just being morty with little to no development
>jerry being the best character but constantly shit on for no reason other than dan harmon has daddy issues
>the fandom being absolute shit to where its hard to watch or talk about it with others
>shit version of Futurama
futurama itself is pretty fucking shit though, there's like 1 actually cleverly-written joke out of every 3 episodes.
>it was just the premise of back to the future (low hanging fruit in terms of TV show episode plot material) mixed with crude bathroom jokes.
how old are you? / how old are the only people that you spend your time with ?
One of the two atleast is over 35 and just fuck off
It's okay but it's nowhere near as funny as people say it is
>jerry being the best character
er what. why?
>One of the two atleast is over 35 and just fuck off
phoneposting sentence structure lmao
yo FUCK this music video
no cunt
which one is it
but what if a liberal or leftist says they don’t like rick and morty?
I want your soul!
they probably get called a conservative anyway. it's pretty much become a buzzword at this point and lost all its meaning
>Stop watching after it was originally cancelled.
>Problem solved.
The Rick and Morty fan cries out in pain as it strikes.
I can see that burp and brap jokes are held very closely to your heart, juvenile.
>g-g-god's not real morty buuuuurp here's my super science machine to p-p-p-p-p-p-prove it
>gee even whiz, rick, what the actual heck even is this even?
And it carries on for too long.
superior show
Same here dude watched the first few episodes at a party cos the guy most into it put it on for everyone. It was ok and I laughed on the occasion but wouldn’t seek out watching it beyond that night. They also hated the most recent season and make fun of their piss awful fan base.
The characters are always just explaining their emotions and I hate it.
S1 - Amazing
S2 - Good enough I guess
S3 - Fucking awful
It's a shame, it had such potential.
fuck off Sup Forums back to your containment board, it's actually a great show
This. It's just mindless comedy like Family Guy or Bob's Burgers, it's just edgier because it's on basic cable
I am quite sorry, but I must honestly and forthrightly confess to you my anonymous peers that considering, let alone declaring, oneself a "fan" ("fanatic?") of the television serial "Rick & Morty" marks one out to me as a person forever divorced from my respect or esteem, for you see this "work," if one could it that, promotes several heresies, the recent spread of which throughout our society I, as a highly-educated and well-informed citizen of the West with a none-too-inconsiderable stake in her future, find most troubling indeed. The widespread adoption in recent years of these false beliefs, such as atheism, liberalism, positivism, postmodernism, and nihilism, and the worldview they synthesize to form, and the attitudes and behaviors they promote, I strongly feel are a blausphemy against the Creator, the Savior Lord Jesus Christ, and an insult to life and reason itself. For this reason I cannot abide the presence of watchers of this accursed show, nor voluntarily interact with them through online media platforms such as Redit or this very website. For this reason, I must thus spit upon the ground and turn upon my bootheel, for I simply cannot accommodate the company of such wastrels in my experience. Thank you.