Phase 1 or Phase 2 armor, Sup Forums?
Phase 1 or Phase 2 armor, Sup Forums?
Phase 1.
1 looks more sleek
Also this one.
the snowtroopers just look like guys in hazmat suits boring and ugly
phase 1 looks closer to republic commando
Phase 1. Helmet is pure sex.
1 for sure
should have stated as 1 desu, that "mouth" makes them look menacing
Where do you live, son? I'm gonna punch you.
Always liked Phase 2, though Snow and Scout Troopers will always be my favorite
1 makes me think of space Corinthian armor
You've never heard of them, but they're here for you.
Rank the special forces Stormtroopers (Dark, Shadow and Death)
wrong shadowtrooper
Phase 2 personally. I always felt 1 was too sleek, like the ipod armor NuStar Wars has.
>too sleek
>ipod armor
Out of my way, human fucking shits.
Phase 1, by a close margin. Phase 1 looks more creative and unique.
My second favorite would have to be the Deathtroopers from Rogue 1
*fires rocket at you*
phase 1 of this was so scary
Too bad I can’t even what they did in the movie. I expected some special force vs special force action in that movie
Always loved the wine red ones from episode 3
They each have their role. The dark trooper is essentially power armor with a light AI, so stealth is not its strong suit (although as a weapons system it might be used in coordination with a classified assault). Death troopers are the ultimate security detail, crack troops, but not skilled in wide strategic warfare, leaving the shadow troopers to act as the elite commandos at the tip of the spear of the imperial war machine.
Occasionally EU explores how scary a murder droid could really be. I like roger rogers too but my first instinct is to pet them.
a durasteel arm sword is no joke
>wearing white in the fucking jungle