What are Sup Forums's thoughts on climate change/"global warming" kino?

What are Sup Forums's thoughts on climate change/"global warming" kino?


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climate (((change)))

Daily reminder that schools in the UK aren't allowed to show this film without addressing several things the movie got objectively wrong.

So everything?

Science deniers are retards.

I liked it, and I like the superficial idea behind it, rather than a promotion for the election, but I feel like he did more damage to the theory in the long run, because of how he misrepresented and exagerated certain things, like the rising tide.

>Science deniers are retards.
I think it's more appropriate to call them "skeptics", I've never seen anyone "deny" science.

Thank you based Trump.

How's the sequel?


Why should he hamstring America when the likes of China and India don't give a fuck and will carry on burning shitty coal for the next century?

>durrrrrrrrr dat guy is a retard so i shood be too

>>durrrrrrrrr dat guy is a retard so i shood be too
Who are you quoting?

Well, in my country, we're on track to having the warmest new year in all the history of observation. And it fucking sucks.

Its happening but we're all fucked because humans are greedy shits who dont care for the environment and keep popping out kids.

>the likes of China and India don't give a fuck
This. How am I supposed to be tolerant and understanding of other people, when I have to deal with this shit? Those fucking savages, soulless bug people.

I guess you have not been on Sup Forums for too long then.
Well the Church with Galileo was denying science.

>voluntarily destroying your quality of life and prospects just so you can say you put less gasoline on the fire


>Those fucking savages, soulless bug people.
That’s what everyone thinks of your mutt nation and your mutt jew king

Nobody thinks of americans as savages and bug people. Dumb, yes. Mindlessly consumerism-driven, yes. That's different.

>voluntarily destroying your quality of life and prospects
Cause this path is so much better?

Yes, without being the economic powerhouse the US won't be able to develop technology to counter climate change regardless, the fucking soulless chinks won't do it.

mutts spawned big culture, the bugman capital is San Fran

>The only way to counter it is to continue it


friendly reminder that trumpettes still don't know the difference between weather and climate

>not knowing that capitalism has been a prerequisite for every great development and progress in the modern era

>climate change proceeds unabated because of course it will
>rich areas build sea walls to preserve value but lots of new value is created, new coastline
>permafrost and glaciers retreat, leaving Canada and Russia with much more arable land and more viable shipping lanes through the arctic
>southern (northern for upside-down-land) regions get drier
>as humans begin to settle other celestial bodies demand for food grown on Earth will only go up
So, fellow Americans, when do we annex Canada? Gotta maintain our stranglehold on food production, and we'd be doing them a favor honestly. Maybe we can bomb Toronto and rebuild it less ugly in the process.

The "97% scientists agree" is a total lie. There are thousands of scientists, actual climatologists who do not agree that humans contribute significantly to climate change as actual data does not back up the alarmists claims. The us delegate who presented climate "research" at the Paris Agreement summit/meeting straight up lied about climate data to make it look more serious. It's all a scam and big business.
Earth's climate has been changing for 4 billion years and will continue to do so weather we are here or not.
Some scientists believe in fact that we are headed for a new mini ice age due to suns diminished activity and he/she has done calculations to back up those claims. An ice age like the Maunder minimum.

it's awful. It's all about Al Gore flying around the world going to conferences and setting up "learning" centres where they train real people how to argue against deniers. It also has a large part about the Paris G20 where basically every country signed on except for India. India's reasoning was that they are still developing and need these resources to improve health and standard of living but you are telling us we can't use them because it's polluting the world. Gore calls his "friends" in SolarCity a solar panel developer/manufacturer and asks them to make a good deal for India and give them a fucking shitload on solar panels for a nice little profit. Oh they also "donated" a new design to India too. This convinced India to sign the Paris agreements. Oh he also claims all the hurricanes that hit the east coast and nearby islands to be caused by global warming and also claims one of his predictions from the first movie to come true; that being that the wtc memorial site will be under water in 10 years. He then showed footage of the hurricane and the massive downpour and while saying "see, see I was right!"


Global warming / climate change is a Ponzi Scheme. Designed to take our wealth and give it to some 3rd World sh*thole. Al Gore made out like a bandit by selling fear. And definitely don't live by what he preaches out of his filthy sewer.


Deep State Globalist Muslim stooge Barack Obama's "Paris Accord Climate Agreement", that President Trump rescued us from, is part of UN Agenda 21 and UN Agenda 2030. That's the blueprints for a NWO------A Fascist/Islamic/Socialist World Government. The Climate change hoax, is in actuality, a globalist scheme to redistribute America's wealth and power to the entire world.......... Obama's Paris Climate Agreement would have established that Fascist Islamic Socialist World Government and it would have erased our borders, voided our laws, seized private property and shredded our Constitution. America’s wealth was to be redistributed to the world under Obama's Paris Agreement. I prefer a sovereign America that keeps it’s money and freedoms. Under the Obama/Kerry Paris Accord, America was to almost shut down manufacturing to cut pollution levels while China and India could continue to manufacture full steam ahead! Human Climate Change is a Lie pushed by powerful Fascist Globalist Psychopaths.

The Ocean Level Has Been Falling For 2 years…

climate deniers are literally traitors to humanity

>durr I know more than researchers that have dedicated their lives to this
stop watching alex jones you freaks

I guess it was supposed to be shocking by making a bunch of predictions that weren't even close to reality years later
Al gore circlejerk

>southern (northern for upside-down-land) regions get drier
Yeah, enjoy the influx of even more migrants. And they'll be desperate, it's a matter of life and death for them.

>Just let us take all your money! We know how to spend it better than you do.

>mind of an alt right trumpanzee

haha yeah we're creating a better world. Sign right here goy, think of your children. No, no don't think about the massive changes in laws and international agreements that will create massive national debt in every country, we've done that thinking for you. 97% of scientists agree!

we'll counteract it with a hot 82% Euro injection from the fucking leafs. even if there's only 40mil of them or whatever it is when it happens. anyway maybe they'll go south instead and form an estados unidos of their own

>coal and oil companies
>not the biggest jews
good one


>companies that give ordinary ppl jobs and money in the same fashion of Old America
>greedy jews
pick one retarded cuck


this guy is full on western propaganda

at least China and India signed the Paris climate deal and actually progressing to clean energy

backwater america still wants petrodollar and coal for the rest of its existence thanks to brainless luddites and alt right

Literally the first thing the guy says is wrong. I'm getting a tax cut too. The second panel is also incorrect, I don't rely on the government for my healthcare either. I do think that Trump should tweet and play golf less, but I support repealing net neutrality.

>implying those huge energy companies aren't at the cutting edge of renewable tech
They're just gonna protect their bottom lines in the meantime. And we don't like sabotaging ourselves to partially make up for a bunch of assholes who are only now getting their shit together. Unlike Europe

>I combbat climat chaenge!

>destroying another environment while living in the cleanest areas away from it all
>not jewish
Shekelstein would be so proud

>university of Oregon
>human geography

>Paris G20 where basically every country signed on except for India
This is such incredible shit. So, all the countries that already had measures to conserve environment, and didn't ruin it that much in the first place, agreed to give themselves another pat on the back on how good and progressive they are. But one of the few major contributors to world pollution decided to pollute as much as it did before, no, even more, because lol, we're a developing nation! And everyone was ok with this.
This disgusts me so much. This liberal dishonesty. This inability and unwillingness to go all the way. This political impotence.

>except for India
But India signed it?

lol whoops

How do you get 97%? Well just include 97% of papers that agree with you lol dummies!

>some morons are actually against making the earth sustainable and preserve the only habitable planet we know

swear to god you deniers should be shot into the sun

Do you only read headlines?

>Satellite observations have documented a decrease of around 40% in the extent of sea ice cover in the Arctic since 1980.

I read the rest of the post later.


American interests = human interests

If we're not running the future it's not worth living in

Like Dostoevsky said (paraphrasing) all great nations have their own God--reflecting their own ideals and culture--even if it's nominally the same as other countries'. And there's only one God. He tried to convince his countrymen that Russia was the only truly "god-bearing" country. He failed thanks to the weakness of the Russian national character (a beautiful but insecure and impulsive animal) and the 20th century happened. A great tragedy and cautionary tale

Yeah because we had satellites hundreds of years ago, those claims aint no made up, sure...

>since 1980
Are you retarded?

Per capita is such a meme way of measuring carbon emissions. It totally skews the data.

>Australia produces 1.24% of emissions
>but don't worry per capita it's the highest so it should be regulated the most!
>cutting that 1.24% will surely save us!

Explain yourself, Australia!

>it's a "we're Gawd's chosen people to run the world" episode but this time it's not even crazy muzzies or zionists, but murrikans

so are greeny tree hugging kale crunchers

t. hippy

>overpopulated countries where large portions of the population are still living the way they have been for 10,000 years produce less co2 per capita than the most developed and affluent countries in the world
you're blowing my mind here

No absolute number is ever worth anything. Whenever you want something to make sense you have to put it in relation. If China smogged at American levels it would produce well over 20 billion tons CO2. And by the way the Chinese value includes the emissions from producing goods for western markets, so theoretically western values are even worse.

I assume you're Euro or Anglosphere, good news, keeping you guys in good shape serves our interests. Hell so does Asia developing, the more people to buy our shit the better. keep in mind we can't save you from yourselves though, only cut losses, so think carefully about what you're doing. Also start breeding again, fuckers. We have this problem as well, not quite as bad

>if China smogged at American levels
They have the worst smog in the world, they just make up for it with very little going on outside the cities. Smog's hardly even an issue in American cities these days anyway

>Science deniers

You retards that the last people to talk about science.

They're like propaganda made by the enemy.

They're all trying to manipulate your thoughts instead of just reporting on the issue and letting you draw your own conclusions. This is part of the reason why some people are still "debating" climate change. Because when people talk about the issue it feels like you're listening to a lobbyist, not a scientist.

"Home" was the worst one so far. It started so great, beautiful imagery, started explaining how life began on Earth and so on. Only to be completely derailed by advocacy.

>it's an "American pretends like he personally is your guide and leader and explains the world to you" episode

... also you misunderstood what I said if you think it boils down to a literal god choosing us user. the Bible (like the less successful religious texts) was never meant to be literal anyway, it's a collection of stories that establish a comprehensive value system. you should read the full speech from Demons

>calling Trump a retard makes you a marxist
Huh, then I guess calling Obama a retard must make you a Nazi by your logic

The only authority over other humans I'll ever have is whatever my culture sees fit to bestow on me and that's the way it should be. But I'm happily free to talk as much as I want and share my theories. What you take from the propaganda I spew (if anything) is up to you

>18+ board user

You are a global warming watermelon. Green on the outside, red on the inside.


Reminder that ironic weebs need to be gassed.

nah, they don't reproduce anyway


I thought that was Uzumaki :(

America also has one of the highest populations though so, yeah

I wonder who could be behind this post



>hundreds of years ago

Trump voters ladies and gentlemen

*vapes internally*

The point is, we don't fucking know to what extent we have influence on climate.

It's not a strong correlation between CO2 and global temps.
It seems obvious that there is some relationship, and that's probably true, but there's also a billion other factors in our climate.
So when a thousand fold jump in CO2 output compares to a fraction of a percentage bump, it's a bit speculative to draw any strong conclusions let alone start dictating global economic and industrial policy.
Our climate has certainly been in comparative situations before, and there are other stabilizing factors that may further emphasize or inevitably counteract this effect.
Honestly in the 80s they thought we were headed for another fucking ice age.

Climate is too complex and far reaching to draw such a confident scientific conclusion from even a few hundred years of records, and then use that to evidence or enforce some sort of policy.
And even if it were, there's still nothing to suggest that it would outweigh other more immediate political concerns.

Science doesn't need million dollar lobbies to explain itself.
Policy does.
On a political level I agree with environmental regulation, but I am wary of moralized posturing of science as a means of drawing policy support.


>dam up/reroute rivers, cut through mountains, dig deep holes, avert forest fires, burn ancient concentrated plant matter we find underground, otherwise bend nature to our will and keep it in manageable stasis (Grand Canyon for instance, frozen in time forever thanks to dams managing the flow of the Colorado, one massive, awesome museum exhibit)
>fires and storms rage out of control
>coastlines going to be reshaped completely over the next couple centuries by sea level rise
Nature will always find a way to fuck with us, it's about how we deal with it. I'm interested to see what happens and obviously not worried because I live in a Western country. I support the cause of keeping industry from ruining pretty places but aside from that I'm actually excited to see what this stuff brings. A lot will be lost sure but who can say what will be gained--more, probably, in the form of new scenery and opportunities. Almost can't come soon enough

it reminds me of those pyramid schemes

Questioning methods for outcomes is science you faggot, the fact that everyone is treating climate change like it’s set in stone while denying any opposing views is more of a denial of science

Let a serious crisis go to waste.

>for the first time in history pregnant women have been advised not to go to part of the United States of America
>cut to roasties looking deeply disturbed
Yeah sure Al, first time in history that's happened. And the US using fossil fuels is to blame.

Is this a psyop designed to turn me against environmental regulations?

>Never let


In his 2006 film, Gore warned, “If Greenland broke up and melted or if half of Greenland and half of West Antarctica broke up and melted this is what would happen to the sea level in Florida [animation shown with much of the state underwater].”

Immediately, after showing Florida, Gore showed animations of drowning cities and countries: San Francisco, The Netherlands, Beijing, Shanghai, Calcutta and then Manhattan.

“But this is what would happen to Manhattan, they can measure this precisely,” Gore warned as he showed his audience much of the city underwater, including the area where the memorial would be built.

China and India are polluted hell holes. You still wanna follow them and do as they do?

China and India each have over 4 times our population, on about the same amount of land and a fucking third of that respectively. India is the world capital of street shitters. US couldn't get to India and China levels if we wanted to and obviously no one does you idiot. We want to walk the line between going for renewable energy and not losing our economic edge and we're doing it pretty well so far

beautiful solar farms


>durrr I have never heard of the tragedy commons

this shit reminds me of zeitgeist