Who will play her in the inevitable remake?

Who will play her in the inevitable remake?

amiah miller

How about Angourie?


Kiki is a little too old but that just means we can make things more explicit...

Dominique Swain

ongurry a cute

too old to be a nymphet tho

>a new challenger appears

it doesn't matter since they will again butcher the spirit and meaning of the novel anyway, just a remake of the Jeremy Irons atrocity.
btw Kubrick's version is a Classic Comics distillation of the book, but it does work on that level and is faithful to the book.

who dis

do you think she could take a few jabs?

If that face doesn't say "spank me daddy" nothing does.

Someone actually tell me who this girl is.

>he doesn't know about Jade posting.

No you couldn't because she's a good girl who wouldn't do sex scenes.

Dominique Swain. They already made it.

do you think her daddy pins her every night?

She's done incest though....

A movie studio would have to be borderline insane to finance a remake.

Think I'm exaggerating? Do this right now. Close your eyes, Imagine you're in line at the theater.

>"One adult for ""Lolita"" please."

Yeah...not happening. Not even Netflix would touch it as people would be too paranoid their family/friends/girlfriend would see their watch history.

The same could've been said about some "diversified" casts a few decades ago. Same with sexual innuendos.

We're becoming more degenerate with each passing year.

If by pins you mean pins against the wall and fucks her brains out then yeah.