the maiden doth protest too much
Gotta get that contract for Episode 9.
It's getting sad Mark, just stop
>Disney never told me what to say
Literally no reason to say this unless they told him what to say
that's a stupid fucking argument and you know it
Please stop posting about this garbage
Mark knows Disney had Carrie Fisher killed. They were coming for him next.
>contractual obligations are irrelevant
This is fucking stupid and you know it
Nigga please. Carrie died doing what she loved most: getting high like the stupid junkie she was because she only gave a fuck about herself
Carrie Fisher liked the movies idiot
If they didn't directly tell him to apologize, they implied it. Something like, "Mark, it doesn't seem like your'e very happy with this bullshit. Maybe you don't want to be a Force ghost in 9. What a shame... If only you were a team player."
To his own words, Disney wasn't happy about his "wholesome porgnography" joke.
in case you forgot that I'm a zero integrity having worm and shill for Disney, I'm a zero integrity having worm who shills for Disney - Mark Hamil
t. false-flagging shill
Nah, he's always just said whatever he's wanted. This is pretty much in-line with what he's been like in the past.
He's been disappointed in fans when they bullied Jake Lloyd over the prequels. He's been disappointed in fans when they made fun of Carrie Fisher's appearance in TFA.
Mark Hamill would have issues with his character, but still defend the director and people involved with that same movie. Just kind of how he is.
the other reason to say it is because people have been saying Disney told him to say it, and it's false
that was easy
>get lucky with role of the millennia
>get in a car accident
>not pretty enough to star
>too identifiable to do anything else
>do some voice acting work because I don’t need the money anyway
>years later get to reprise the role at the end of my life
>drink green milk, shatter my legacy, die unceremoniously
>h-ha I-I’m t-totally f-fine g-guys
First Shatner now Hamill??? He posts on Sup Forums!
So its confirmed, the mouse threated /ourguy/ Mark. I'm mad now.
poor guy becoming a whore at that age for a big check
it's almost like he's directly responding to Sup Forums.
If it were true, you'd think he just wouldn't bring it up at all because it would be off his radar.
Hamill knows Disney can omitt him from the next movie as a force ghost if he doesn't play ball. They don't need threaten him or force him to do shit
But have they told you what 'not' to say, Mark?
Clearly this indicates he hasn't been threatened in any official capacity.
Shatner truly is our guy.
He's going to "suicide" on New Year's, isn't he?
Mark, if you need help but (((they)))'re watching, include a winky emoji in your next tweet.
include me in the screencap
based Shatner
>Disney never told me what to say
But they sure told you what not to say due to contract
Whaaaaat? Fuck no, Chelsea is like 20 or something. No way I'll have her on my ISLAND.
Hamill pls say what they want!!!
First people complained that Mark was shitting on TLJ, and owning up to it.
Pretty much owns up to it, people of Sup Forums still compain.
Damned if you do or dont I guess.
meant to say *not owning up to it in first sentence
Mark hamill, go back to leddït with your spacing
I believe it
Poor man. Broken.
Well, you're right Mark, the people who claim that are retards who don't know that you have the standing to say whatever you want to.
A more plausible accusation however is that YOU feel beholden to the rest of the filming team and therefore are defending a movie that is utter crap and which has tained your legacy.
Look at the ending shot of ROTJ, Mark. LOOK AT IT. And now tell us again that TLJ isn't a bad movie?
Man on Disney payroll says nice thing about Disney
Why is this a thread?
I like Mark but "the conversations" is such an irritating buzzword. It's like a way to insist your thing was a success by some vague metric because people are "having conversations" about it, regardless of whether they're positive or negative. It's like saying that "many people are saying" something, it doesn't offer anything resembling proof to back it up but you can make it sound like there's an army of people supporting you.
>Sup Forums
>Shatner goes to /mlp/
...Why? Is he in the show?
I actually believe it is him posting these. I've read his autobiography and he has a distinctive diction that is almost a series of non-sequitors but still just barely coherent. His twitter posting is an exact match.
I read every one of his posts as if there's a comma between every word.
Mark Hamill is pretty good at this twitter thing. Look at all those emojis and hashtags. All he needs to do now is call something "lit."
Sup Forums seems like it's literally just porn now. If there's a celebrity nudes leak I'll go there but otherwise there seems like there's no reason to go there anymore.
He just appreciates great cinema
It means hes happy people are shitting on the shit parts so that maybe there will be less of them in the next one
only newfags go to b
It's a good point that the negativity around TLJ is actually a really good thing for it because they'll learn from it instead of just letting things stagnate. TFA was almost universally praised despite being crap and as a result they didn't learn any lessons from it.
Sex with cartoon horses is truly great cinema.
Uhh, why does he keep showing pictures of his healthy and happy family members? It's almost as though he wants the public to know how just happy and healthy they are and reflect on how strange it would be if they suddenly suffered a fatal illness or mental breakdown.
>talk shit about TLJ for months
>movie comes out and everyone hates it
>all those videos with Mark talking shit about TLJ gain spotlight and fuel that fan hatred of the movie
>the House of Mouse is mad and initiates damage control
>Mark turns 360 and starts claiming the movie is an all time great and that Rian is an amazing director (literal WHO? with barely any credentials and experience to his name)
Yeah, Mark. We sure believe you liked this POS from a total nobody who doesn't understand Star Wars, Luke or even filmmaking for that matter. You should have put that soyboy in his place instead of letting him shit on SW and Luke. I could understand if he was some big time Hollywood director, but you let a total nobody push you around and make you his bitch.
We know about non disparagement clause Mark, don't worry. We hear you loud and clear, the Mouse boycott is underway
This. Mark's literally just too pure for Disney, and too pure for us.
nah, my hope is some small studio makes another space opera from scratch that's a breakout film that eventually surpasses star wars,
though in 30 years even then it would suffer the same fate in being sold to a a large corporation where some cunt hamfists some sjw message whatever that may be in 30 years(A.I. rights?)
but it would be a pretty sweet ride up until that point.
Because he's a badass who wants to prove that the Trump Curse isn't real. Dude's been dissing Trump constantly for the past year and he's been doing great.
>The bible says god is real, that's why the bible is true
If we assume he's being told what to say, why would we drop this assumption because of something he said?
Literally already exists and it's called Guardians of the Galaxy.
>inb4 whining about Reddit or something equally stupid
Im sure Mark is lurking here too, MARK SHOW US YOUR FACE
Yep. We love you Mark. But this is as believable as Lightspeed Ramming.
You clearly don't know what a space opera is, just being set in a space fairing sci-fi world isn't enough.
Blink twice if it wasn't you, Mark
>doing great
>that video where he looks to be having a panic attack that gets memed as seething anger at rian johnson
>Shatner got us the new sticky
I wonder if he does sigils or just hangout in NOPE threads.
>implying him saying that wasn't part of their agreement
People have no idea how evil Disney is. Go away marketer.
>tfw you realize Hamil doesn't want to go back to searching trash cans for cigarettes so he has to praise a movie to stop Disney from suing him into homelessness.
We are the cyberpunk horror.
LOL. Poor guy, the English language is built for poetry and multiple meanings.
It's a lawyer's dream and a PR robot's nightmare.
He's old.
The Curse can be reversed. He just has to speak the truth.
All those years of unjusting himself, for nothing.
"These are the people I'm protecting. I love them very much. The Mouse knows where they live."
Here's the truth about Trump: He's a fucking idiot.
He's only 66.
David Bowie died at 69.
Do I need to go find the photo of him digging around ashtrays for used cigarettes?
Dude hasn't exactly been on a fitness regimen most of his life.
well yeah, but the democrats had their heads up their asses they needed to lose.
Dude was quite overweight before TFA, they forced him to lose a lot weight for the movie, I can't imagine that's healthy at his age.
A fitting president for his people then.
I lean liberal but this is unfortunately also true.
If you are so smart then run for president
Oh wait
>wink wink nudge nudge
Haha we get it Mark say no more
So then he's obviously not doing great
He's right. His agent told him what to say. Perhaps after a call from Disney/Lucasfilm
>uses diegetic 70s pop as score
>uses no motifs in score to push emotional resonance higher
>Space Opera
>Space opera is a subgenre of science fiction that emphasizes space warfare, melodramatic adventure, interplanetary battles, chivalric romance, and risk-taking. Set mainly or entirely in outer space, it usually involves conflict between opponents possessing advanced abilities, futuristic weapons, and other sophisticated technology.
How does this not apply to GOTG?
Some people die at 3 minutes
>Do I need to go find the photo of him digging around ashtrays for used cigarettes?
show them to me
Mark Hamill is and always has been reddits guy.
Kenny Baker is tv's /ourguy/
I'm sure he'll make it to 85 fit as a fiddle.