>Sup Forums thinks it's about how white people are evil
>it's actually about how white liberal fetishism of black culture is, in it's own way, racist
Why didn't Sup Forums understand?
>Sup Forums thinks it's about how white people are evil
>it's actually about how white liberal fetishism of black culture is, in it's own way, racist
Why didn't Sup Forums understand?
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It's also about how all white people are racist but yeah you identified the gooey fudgey racism center to the racism fudge filled chips ahoy cookie.
He also makes fun of black conspiracy theory types with the TSA man even though he does end up saving the day in the end.
Sup Forums does understand. White liberals don't understand. They think it's about "those other whites," but never them.
i understood. i just don't like black people.
>watching a movie written by Jordan "pause for the laughter then repeat the joke again" Peel about white people
nah f a m. Won't be watching his affirmative action Twilight Zone bullshit either
its actually about how racism against you feels. There is no other Kino that transfers the feeling like that. Pretty impressive.
>Sup Forums
>understanding anything
They just hate Basketball Americans more than they hate Libruls.
why isnt implying that liberal white people somehow fetishing black culture inherently racist as it presumes something based on race alone
It's about the joys of segregation. Bad, bad things happen when the races mix.
White people just can't understand this flick. When we walked out of the theater, my white mother started talking about the "KKK Nazi villains." White people, especially white liberals, are so brainwashed, they can't even tell when they're being made fun of.
Now explain to me how this makes it a good film.
This sentence doesn't even make sense
The only correct analysis.
its still calling something racist like thats a bad thing
The problem is the film broadly tars all whites as the liberal whites. Of course "racist" "redneck" whites are not even in the discussion.
For that reason any message is lost and it just becomes another fuck whitey film.
On top of that the film has blatant black supremacist beliefs in it.
>Key and Peel writing a fantasy black supremacy movie after promptly and thoroughly blowing each other
This movie was Jew fucking trash.
I have negro fatigue myself.
The fuck are you talking about m8
The bad guys in the movie were part of a cult that worshipped black people. It wasn't supposed to be anti-white.
Shut up nigger
So even when white people try not to be racist, they are racist? God I fucking hate white people and Trump ESPECIALLY. All you libcucks that go near me preaching about how you love Obama are probably racist AF, stop fronting
It would be deadly dull if it was another "ohhh no scary rednecks" movie like Deliverance, Pulp Fiction, or that horror movie Kevin Smith made a few years ago. The main reason why it is so biting is because it is making fun of upper middle class "progressives" who voted for Obama. Sup Forums is fucking retarded about this.
he means there were no other white groups to compare them to. the only whites in the film were the cultists and the fat tsa chucklefuck talks in absolutes about white people and his views are vindicated . therefore, yes, it's a fuck whitey film
It's more like "fuck integration" but ok
>The problem is the film broadly tars all whites as the liberal whites.
This is the most retarded thing I've seen today.
Holy shit the white people of Sup Forums are some melting snowflakes.
No. No we all got it uber intelligent OP. It was just a haughty racial equivalent of "mansplaining" and didn't effectively work 100% as a horror or comedy. Was pretty good just not that great.
Actually it's about the theory of white racism being derived from envy of the "black body" because of it's obvious superiority. "Redneck" "fuck niggers" racism is sour grapes for beign a wite boi and "liberal racism" is the fetishism but it stems fromt he same thing. This is a common NOI talking point spread around "woke" niggers.
it would be if neither of the groups wasn't painted as evil paychotics.
It didn't have to show rednecks. It just had to show the fact that not all whites are part of a liberal niggerloving cult. Which was impossible because the author wanted to specifically make it about whites in general.
yep but let the retards try to talk around this. they'll just say you didn't get it or say you're being oversensitive
All the themes in the movie read straight from black supremacist propaganda.
On old Sup Forums some anons used to post it.
The beliefs whites are brainwashing innocent blacks and leading them astray.
And that whites are obsessed with magically vitality that blacks believe they possess.
Thats why when I read the script of this movie I said wait a second I read this on Sup Forums
I think it's self explanatory that not every fucking white person in America is in the cult. What do you want? Cutaways to white people singing "Kumbaya" ?
Isn't that blatantly what the movie was about?
I didn't even see it but I know that the premise is old rich white people who think blacks are cool putting themselves into black bodies and that seems pretty on the nose.
No you don't get it user. OP is super smart and learnt how to replicate faggot genes that work as nanobots to provide glowing insight we're all too straight to see.
>its actually about how racism against you feels.
The average working class white person understands that feeling better than Jordan Peele ever could.
All white people are racist, its why they are fucking white retard.racism is having a preference for ones own race, NOT solely for felons with swastikas who committed hate crimes, but also for tnt liberals that self segregate. That's a racial extremist, but a racist applies to all whites, blacks, and browns that stick with their own race.
It was a movie about more so about kidnapping and organ harvesting, which is a real thing. Race was just a factor. People should look more into missing people and organ harvesting.
>Why didn't Sup Forums understand?
When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
You should look into ear gauges cause that's a stretch
it might be if the conspiracy theory spouting tsa retard didn't turn out to be 100% correct about everything.
The irony about this film is the sort of person its ridiculing is the exact sort of person that would list the movie as a favourite.
Does anyone ACTUALLY like the American Pavement Ape?
The director said it's about the subtle racism he experiences on a daily basis, but all I see in the film is white people being awkwardly nice.
Maybe Jordan Peele just hates white people. That's always a possibility too, you know.
no. foreigners like to use their "struggle" to talk shit about america in general but challenge them to live among the filthy nigs and watch how they squirm to make up excuses for why they can't.
The american pavement ape is the same everywhere. The african pavement ape is more accurate.
Translated into engrish;"stop crying! We take organs now! You die!"
except if you believe that then you believe that black people ARE superior to white people in the majority of people's eyes (way more left than right people in the west) which stops the movie being satire
can we kill all the brainlets on Sup Forums?
>racism is a preference for your kind
people like you need to be fired into a sun. Not our sun I dont want you contaminating it.
Haha! What, like Wiley coyote? Maybe put some skis on and TNT on my back, lmao., I'm more for like the new world order, where you all die equally. I mean, your all brainwashed to be left, right, black, white, what's the value of your life, if you can't critically think and be cool? Naw man, i hate you all equally. Kill em all, and let God sort the good ones amirite pleb?
Just stfu and get in the rocket you sped.
It's making fun of Quentin Tarantino
just simply do the reverse the races exercise. white guy goes to detroit with black gf. her family kidnaps him and gets a jew doctor who they keep locked up in the basement to perform the surgery because the blackies are obsessed with light skin and eyes that are any color but shit brown and they also take his genetic material to impregnate other halfie slaves they have also captured and keep in the basement so they can produce the prized "redbone" blacks you always hear about and create an army of octaroon child entertainers to infiltrate the music and film industry.
all the while leading up to this, the white guys' racist, redneck prison guard buddy continuously tells him that black people are crazy savages and not to be trusted. Of course he turns out to be right and not a single black person on screen is shown as anything but a raving lunatic. and the entire family is wiped out by the white dude literally hanging them from rafters and curbstomping their negro heads in...so, how would you be judging it then, friendo? still think it would be "self-evident" that in the movies universe other black people are a-okay and this was just a bad group of people? I mean I know I changed some things around to better suit the story had the races been reversed but it's the same concept.
If white people manage to grow a backbone Get Out will be looked back upon the same way we currently look back on the Nazis' films about the Jews.
I don't think blacks comprehend the insanity of the liberal white to write an accurate piece about them.
Not because they are black, a lot of people in general are unaware of Liberal whites beliefs.
If I gave a shit about blacks. I'd say it was a tragedy they can't write anything withoit it being tainted by their own racism.
Thats because Liberal whites want movies like this. They like that blacks are making this sort of thing. Thats because liberals are just as "nazi" as their imaginary opponents. They simply swapped jews for whites and use blacks to further their aims.
So ironically this film was made because Liberal Whites wanted it. They are lunatics.
i just listening to a podcast where they compared it to the musical Hamilton as it's about how liberal whites want to keep alive their own white heroes by exploiting "cool" black culture and literaly bodies