Things we liked about TLJ

ITT we only post things we actually liked about the movie.

In b4 thread dies without any replies.

I honestly thought that the way Kylo Ren dealt with Snoke was rather clever.

Other urls found in this thread:

lots of visual symbolism and what star wars means as a modern (last 100 years or so) cultural myth

Some of the visuals were honestly breathtaking. Also a lot of Kurosawa influences.

Boyega is good in his scenes.
Sorta liked the little meatbirds and Chewie's friendship with them.
Salt coyotes were cute.
The red earth under the salt was neat.
I like that Rey came out of nowhere, if it's true, which why would it not be.
Racking my brians to come up with other things but I can't. Sorry, the rest is shit.

-Audiovisually a true Star Wars film that embarrasses previous Disney films and prequels

-Kylo's troubled relation to Rey, Luke and the dark side

-Kylo's ascension to power

-The battle in Snoke's throne room that climaxes in rebel flag ship ramming them

-Actually acknowledges and respects the prequels unlike TFA

-The battle on Crait, extended and sells you the idea that the Resistance are in a tight spot

-Adds more world building

-Luke being a broken hero that learns to take responsibility for his actions. The ending reveals Luke's new plan to stop Kylo. One more adhering to the Jedi code.

-Actual drama and tension within the Resistance. Not just a singular unit against another singular unit. Same internal conflict is portrayed with The First Order

-The mysteries of TFA finished in an unexpected yet thematically relevant matter. Doesn't shroud itself in needless mysteries that TFA committed

-Is it's own story. Finally decides to push Star Wars forward and stop having it revel in its own OT nostalgia. Another sin of TFA.

-Humor while overplayed often makes more sense in context. Poe stalling for time. Leia playing with C3PO. Luke showing Rey he's a hermit now and not the hero she expected.

Don't fall for this. This is a Disney thread and they just want something they can quote from Sup Forums.

i liked when i walked out during the crait duel

really reaching here arent we mousefucker

I hate TFA and the MCU more than you do.

Kylo's trick to get around Snoke's mind reading was clever and well done.

Luke showing up and everyone losing their shit was fun.

Salt planet was maybe the best part of the movie. The wide shots of the vehicles kicking up red dust were great, and the way it played with the audience during the Kylo/Luke fight was actually artful (when he "kills" Luke and slides past him ,and the shot immediately cuts to his feet leaving bloody red trails behind them, which calls to mind blood and further convinces you that the death was real, but doesn't actually lie to the viewer).

Was maybe 50% nostalgia and fan-wank, which is 50% less than TFA.

There was a lot of trash in there too. The whole casino planet was stupid, a lot of the dialogue felt stilted (most of what Luke said sounded more like "Okay, we're going for wisdom here" rather than actual wisdom), Yoda should never have shown up, Leia's super saiyan flight was stupid, like, the amount of stupid shit is positively massive. But I'd still call it solidly above TFA.

That scene where Kylo fists Rey

Like Disney would ever want to be associated with this site in any way.

I liked the Kylo/Rey scenes, even though they will inevitably fuck it up in the next movie.

>But I'd still call it solidly above TFA.
It really is. JJ is a hack. Just go watch the battle where Finn fights traitor guy. The editing is atrocious. It just randomly jumps between people with zero cohesion. It looks like a schoolyard fight. Rian is a true SW director. JJ is a fraud.

The samurai and anime visual references looked awesome but honestly that's my only positive takeaway from this movie

Why is there so much fake news about this film on Sup Forums?

Why did they have to show the lightsaber hilt turning toward Snoke? Killed any tension

pew pew dogfighting was quality

that scene with the Supremacy getting blowed the fuck up was kewl, even if it broke internal star wars rules

This was some Gainax level shit, brings back memories.

I actually think Rian was inspired a great deal by Anno. He probably grew up on Japanese animation.

Every scene with Snoke was pretty cool
The sequence with Luke leaving the Rebel base until it cuts to him back on the island (NOT up to his fakeout death) was just fucking awesome
Porgs were actually cute

That's about it

Because they want popcorn-snarfing audiences to understand what's happening and not make them get confused and not want to show up for the sequel

The 80s gradient backdrop in the throne room was amazing, my favorite part of the movie, I'd love to talk to the artist who came up with it.

I enjoyed watching Mark and Adam.

The scene with Yoda was unironically kino.

That's about it.

Time is a flat circle after all

After Episode 8 I no longer consider the prequels superior to nuWars.

Fuck this was so good. I need to rewatch Gunbuster.

Every scene with Kylo Ren
The red/white visuals of the fight on the salt planet
The cinematography of Luke appearing on the salt planet to wreck shit up (of course I dislike that it didn't happen)
Finn deciding to kill himself
The hacker character
Poe not being a little bitch
The visuals of the light-speed suicide
The fact that Luke realized the jedi were a bunch of idiots

Enjoy your strong womyn saving the galaxy (by destroying 90% of it)

The fact that it was actual Star Wars and not just copypaste.

Rian could very well replace George at this rate.

Rey coming out of nowhere would be great if the first movie didn't have the who are my parents shit. She could have easily just been someone on Jaku her parents long dead with no way to get off. Building a mystery around it then having nothing as the resolution is disappointing.

- Rey coming from no where
- The red guard fight scene
- Lightspeed attack on the First Order
- Yoda
- Kylo Ren
- The visuals/music
- Mark Hammil's performance

But they never did that. In TFA, all they hinted at was Rey possibly having a previous connection to Kylo and Luke. Nothing about her parents save from an orphan's wishes. Which TLJ play on.

All this sheer manchild butthurt surrounding this film. You would almost think Snyder directed it. Maybe "killing the past" is a lot harder than Rian assumed.

Reys vision showing her part of Lukes Jedi academy falling, Showing her Kylo and the Knights of Ren.

She also sees her young self screaming as a ship abandons her on Jaku.

Lines about how i don't really remember my parents.

Yeah mate they actually did do just enough to create that mystery and want for answers.

The fact the resolution to all of this is its fucking nothing is a letdown. But hey they will reveal her parents next movie. Still holding out for her to be Palpatines daughter or something.

I like some of the shots of the rebel footsoldiers getting in position on the Big Shaq planet. Felt really tense

It was really good seeing Mark Hamill as Luke, despite how degraded his character was. And it was pretty cool when he brushed the dirt off his shoulder, although the entire "Luke arrives to save everyone" scenario was fundamentally stupid and pointless.

meanwhile , two days later

Dude that ship taking off was Luke leaving her on that planet with her mind wiped. That scene is after the burning of the Jedi Academy.

It was copypaste but he just flipped the thing around and put glue on the other side , leaving shitty smeary glue on the upside

Meanwhile, Mark's twitter telling everyone to shut the fuck up and stop with this bullshit

There is a good possibility he dislikes JJ but I think he and Rian are cool.

>tfw Gunbuster was so good that Nolan literally stole the plot and called it Insterstellar

because Disney strongarmed him because he was giving the movie a bad PR? There are millions of views on videos of him trashing the movie on youtube.

He looks like he wants to kill Rian in one video

You can derive everything past OT to the OT somehow. Atleast it wasn't as blatant as ANH.

Not a shill, I liked the lobster guards they made me laugh and their movements were really stiff and awkward which peaked my autism and made me genki. They were very cartoony and the only good thing in this entire piece of shit movie.

If Disney strongarmed him, he would be talking less defensive of Rian and more defensive of TLJ. It's obvious he's tired of people ganging up on a director he seems to like.

It's shamefuru, but the only parts I enjoyed are the throwbacks to ANH. Leia's holographic message and Binary Sunset.

Rey was born 15 ABY. Luke's Jedi school burning is 28 ABY.

Rey was not 13 when she was abandoned on Jaku

Why would Rey first end up on Jakku and then in the Jedi temple?

The patrician spacekino.

I think the greatest strength of that trilogy is Rey. Both the character and the actress are perfect.
Kylo and Finn are okay.
Poe is great in TLJ.

Overall, they copy-pasted too much in TFA, and wanted too much too subvert what fans were waiting for in TLJ.
The people whining about fanboys not knowing what they want is ridiculous, they went from one extreme to the other, and there was clearly no coordination beforehand about what key plotpoints were going be, and how they would play out.
I had a great time, so far with VII, VIII, and Rogue One, but we begin to see cracks in how the franchise is handled, on the artistic side.
The fact that we still are not sure who's going to direct IX and how the Solo movie is handled so far shows that execs just have eyes on revenue numbers, and they call the shots in-between movies.
The franchise will be dead in 15-20 years, at this rate

JJ is directing IX. This franchise will outlive both of us.

>being this naive

He said he dislikes his part. This was later twisted into Mark hating Rian and some idiots saying he didn't even read the script to where he dies. I think Mark realizes now the Internet is too dumb to take a nuanced opinion and accept it. They take it, twist it into their agenda.

>because we've seen it we have to write something different this time even though it doesn't make sense for the character

Different for the sake of being different is a wrong approach.

Yeah, with VIII making "just" 1,5 billions or so, execs will want JJ back.
Which was exactly my point. Whether you liked VII or not, people universally critized it for being too copy-pasted in the laziest way possible. So, they changed for Johnson saying "OK, none of that shit, you got the keys, surprise us". And now that numbers are below expectations, execs say "JJ, pls, come back".
Which means we'll have a trilogy consisting in every movie shitting on the previous one.

I really like that I have't wasted any money watching this turd.

Maybe Rian shouldn't have had "killing the past" as the theme in a movie that only exists to cash in on nostalgia.

>Kylo's trick to get around Snoke's mind reading was clever and well done.
No, it was fucking stupid.

It wasn't. Snoke was blinded by his own pride. He saw Kylo becoming more and more dark, without realizing it would eventually mean his overthrowing.

Nostalgia is destructive to Star Wars. Rian knows this. JJ doesn't. Even Luke is a counter argument to how much nostalgia can blind you to what a hero can become.

>far and away the most space-based star wars
>resistance plot is speed in space and pulls it off well
>despite being a woman with purple hair, holdo is a captivating character with plenty of shades of grey
>prequel trilogy actually gets some love in the canto bight sequence calling back phantom menace's tatooine act
>rey shows weaknesses and faults (actually fleshing out her character)
>kylo shows strengths and doubts about allegiences (actually fleshing out his character)
>luke has failed and this actually effects his plot unlike some superhero who is heroic for the sake of being heroic
>fucking puppet yoda
>the suicide run was straight out of my animes
>snoke was a chump and the twist that he really wasn't that important felt good since trying to make him even more evil than sidious would have just been embarrassing
>luke vs kylo
>fuck you, porgs are adorable, didn't effect the plot like ewoks, and were kept mostly in the background
>hoth's placement always bothered me by making the rest of the movie sort of anticlimactic, action-wise; krait at the end was a fitting 'final stand'
>the 'true' story of luke searching kylo, becoming horrified, and then resisting the dark side fits perfectly with his character and actually bridges the OT and ST unlike Han and Leia
>johnson (who i don't care for) actually broke the boring abrams/spielberg/cameron mold and inserted a good amount of panache in the direction

I'm actually befuddled by the RT reception. I didn't realize TFA was so revered (I thought it was absolutely awful). Then again, maybe it's just because I'm in my 30s and there was a time when the OT was the only Star Wars around and was able to remember them not not being above criticism way back when.

>LUKE BTFOing Kylo solely by the power of the Force and his mind
>Poe Dameron trying to do the hero thing
>any scene with Leia's daughter in it
>benicio del toro's character
>kylo is revealed to be sympathetic though edgelord
>one Imperial Guard got ripped to shreds
>Imperial dreadnought is destroyed pretty impressively

Other then that. Shit movie. Also, way too long

Every point you make is accurate. I can't believe how butthurt this film has made the Internet. It reminds me of the first month of TFA where everyone was convinced it was really good but a few kept saying it was derivative garbage.

TLJ is its own thing. It's almost like a prequel in that it does a ton of references to the OT but simultaneously twisting the premise around. Snoke had to go. That was the only way to "liberate" this trilogy from the OT template. He was too much like not-Sheev. And he would've been a poor CGI version of Sheev forever.

Rian got rid of the bad stuff holding the story back (dumb Lost-tier mysteries, ANH power structure and so on). But maybe it's just me and people were actually fond of JJ's hackish mysteries that he had zero answers to himself. Maybe the general audience love having a trilogy play out like a TV series. I don't know.

>Nostalgia is destructive to Star Wars.

Sure that's why Disney paid 4 billions for it, for a destructive mythology. The biggest franchise in movie history. Destructive. Raked in tens of billions in 3 decades. Destructive. Literally invented modern merch for Hollywood. Destructive.

You're fucking stupid you know.
To this day R2 alone outsells anything Nuwars in merchandising. That's where it's destructive to Disney, because they can't come up with iconic characters of this magnitude to sell toys. The fuck you think BB8 was made for? The fuck you think the porgs were made for? You think this is about nostalgia you dumbfuck? this is about money since day one and nothing else.
You think they care about you or me or whatever we think about the franchise? They do not give a single fuck about either of us. They don't give a fuck about the star wars mythos and motives. They are in it for the greed and nothing else. Wake the fuck up already you brainwashed Disney sheeplord.

t. Sup Forums does the work for some journalist to write positives about TLJ for some news site that's paid by the mouse

It was a bad movie and a bad star wars.

Honestly not a single one of the movies is perfect. ESB is my favorite and I'd struggle to give it an 8/10. Yet the saga as a whole is magnificent, and TLJ did nothing to "ruin" the saga in my eyes. In fact, its treatment of Luke increased my adoration of him here and in the OT that reminding me the dark side is a great "ancient evil" that no one is safe from, and even that people who makes mistakes can recover from them time and time again and be remembered as a hero.

I liked the salt planet and that it turned red when touched or disturbed?

I liked seeing Rey in the rain as I noticed her bra became 100% thicker. #immersionruined. Why is only Kylo allowed to show nips #feminism

One scene that I really liked in TLJ is when Luke finally met Leia.

Sup Forums had spoiled me about him being astral projection but that brief conversation between them hit me good after being disappointed the entire movie. It felt stronger than Han-Leia in TFA. And that's also where I knew Star Wars as a story had ended for me.

Oh Lukes performance wasn't bad as well.

The rest was trash

>the way Kylo Ren dealt with Snoke was rather clever
Snoke is shown playing with Rey, who kicked his ass, so how did someone like Kylo kill him? He was supposed to be someone super powerful and the next Palpatine, but then they thrown all that in the rubbish and went all like "fuck you lol".

Every single Sith we've seen has died by underestimating their apprentice's power.

Entire movie was trash except for:
1. Luke's scene wih Leia and his walk of swag
2. Towards the end of the throne room fight, Ren is surrounded by 3 guards and takes a pause to regain focus so he can predict the guards attacks.

Snoke was made out to be a lot more powerful than the both of 'em combined, he should have easily sensed what was Ren planning.

Shouldn't the Emperor's guard be a lot stronger than they made 'em out to be in here? Reylo mostly annihilated them save for the final two that gave the illusion of some struggle being presented in that fight.

>Rian got rid of the bad stuff holding the story back
This was what impressed me most. About half of the fanservicey trash abrahms made was killed off, and the rest was turned into a pretty damn decent SW flick. I hope it does better, b/c a third film like this could be amazing

>Snoke was made out to be a lot more powerful than the both of 'em combined
Nah, Luke insinuates earlier that he's never seen such raw strength in Kylo, and he mentioned Snoke so he was aware of him, so by the transitive property, Kylo was stronger than Snoke, just less focused and in control of that power.

I hated how it wasted most of the time on Finn and Rose, who were the worst part of it, along with Ridley's terrible acting. Luke's disdain for the Jedi Order and the Force in general was an interesting concept that should have been the focus of the movie, along with Reylo, to flesh them out nicely, but in the end only Kylo had some sort of development since Luke's was thrown out the window by the final third.

That seemed like a bullshit, last minute explanation to me, the same as when Snoke mentions that Ren was having moral dilemmas while fighting Rey and that was the reason he lost.

Kylo was in tears when he was fighting Rey. I mean you can go back to TFA and see this.

Well I mean he is the grandson of the force itself.

Was he? I've just finished watching that clip to remind myself of it and it doesn't look that way, he seemed rather composed there. Also, tears aside, how could he beat Finn, a trained, experienced soldier, but couldn't defeat Rey?

Because TFA is bad and Rian was left to salvage the dumbest SW film in existence after Attack of the Clones.

>boygeya is good
No he wasn’t it was shit acting, I liked in him in force awakens which is odd

He did a good job visually, but there was too much "twists" in TLJ and it felt like most of it was filler.


Like could’ve planted false memories to believe she had been there longer than she actually was.

Also, she is not a nobody. Plot in IX , she is kylo’s twin and they are pulling a “obiwan lied to you” twist

Poe's mutiny. Only scene that I actually had a facial reaction to. Said reaction was a smug grin.

* I liked the Porgs. For some wierd reason. Simple and cute humor.
* I liked that Finn did get that much time and that he now have Rose (stay away from Rey you damn niggah!).
* Some of the visuals was awesome! Not that many tho...
* I liked the romance with Rey and Kyle. I hope we get more.
* Kyle was the best!

Kylo's lightsaber style is pretty cool

I loved Snokes throne room. The red was so vibrant, it made for a really striking backdrop, and the music for his scenes went really well with the scenery.

>Why would Rey first end up on Jakku and then in the Jedi temple?
When was she ever in the Jedi temple? Luke had no idea who she was you fucknut.

Kylo will end up with Rose. Rolo is the one true ship

I like that it ruined Star Wars, finally.

It's obvious you're a shill.

>Snoke was made out to be a lot more powerful than the both of 'em combined, he should have easily sensed what was Ren planning.

You're absolutely right that Snoke was very clearly demonstrated to be a much, much more badass force user than either of them. He was slapping Rey around like a bitch and smug-mugging her the whole time.

However, Kylo's plan (and it's success) was, I would argue, completely internally consistent. Snoke brags about how he's completely safe from Kylo because he can "see into his mind". Kylo didn't prevent Snoke from doing that. He didn't try to overpower him. He didn't block his mind-reading. His stunt amounted to:

>"I know he can read my mind, but I also know he's supremely confident that I can't hurt him and am loyal, so I'm going to perform actions and think thoughts that are consistent with those beliefs while in fact being contrary to them."

Note how when Snoke's mind reading him he says that Kylo's preparing to kill "his true enemy". Snoke is still mind-reading him. Kylo can't stop that, because Snoke is a badass space wizard. Snoke just interpreted it wrong.

Kylo never overpowered Snoke. He just tricked him. It was a clever scene that was set up and knocked down in a satisfying way, and it was entirely consistent with the abilities of the two characters as they were set up prior to that.

Or he didn't tell her. Just like Obi-Wan never told Luke he was Vader's son.

You can see in her visions, Rey is placed before Kylo. A knight of Ren attacks her and Kylo intervenes killing him.

>He says this after ROTJ, TPM, AOTC and TFA
Hell TLJ is one of the better SW films simply on the merit of so many others being completely awful

t. Newfag who thinks he knows the t. meme

>ITT people that turned their brains off

Yoda scene.
Force Hologram.
Rose Tico and Tallie.

To be fair you have to have a pretty high IQ to appreciate the original trilogy.

Your point about Snoke's interpretation being wrong does make sense, but I still find it weird considering Snoke was his master and knew him a lot.

*Paige Tico

I like how Kylo says "Please?" to Rey. Makes him seem like he's desperate to be saved but won't be. His whole "you're nothing" speech was good..

Crait duel could have been great if Luke was really there. He should have at least shown some more lightsaber skills off.

Rey was more off a qt in TLJ. I liked how she was playing with the rain.. she also seemed more vulnerable.