The difference between a humble commercial director and a Pretentious hack

The humble commercial director

>I make movies at the commercial end of things
>I know it's not something the Oscars look for and it's okay
> My guiding principle is to reach a wide audience as possible

His films have garnered a total of 26 Oscar nominations and seven wins which includes

Best film Visual effects Oscar : 3 noms and 2 wins
Best production design Oscar : 2 noms
Best art direction Oscar : 2 noms
Best cinematography Oscar : 3 noms

His greatest accomplishment, turning Goyers script into something serviceable.

Has zero flops

Then we have the arrogant pretentious hack.

>I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics

0 noms or wins in any of those categories and in general.

Although his supposedly best work has gotten 4 Golden Raspberry awards.

His greatest accomplishment, taking Chris Terrio from a Oscar winner to a golden Raspberry winner.

Has 5 massive flops

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Kek, Nolan might be more self aware than I thought.

Also does anyone have the interview where Snyder talks about his influences in film and also the ones where he comments on Thor and Ant-man.

>I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics

He's 100% correct.

I never understood the hatred for Nolan. Disliking his films is one thing but fuck some of you really hate his guts

>I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics

Now I realize where Snyder Brainlets like get their attitude from.

Sorry not

He's a representation for a lot of what's wrong with modern cinema. A guy who makes dumb, visually uninteresting, shoddily written action movies and is still treated like he has something to say. Snyder is a better director. Tarantino is a better director. fucking Michael Bay is a better director.

>>I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics
He's right. Brainlets can't even understand the title of BvS.

to be fair you need a high IQ to understand batman vs superman

>case in point

>Snyder is a better director
A Nolan movie is a watchable piece of entertainment. It wont be deep and it will probably fall apart under examination, but it'll look decent and flow decent.
Snyder can literally take a franchise that already has all the work done and drive it straight into a wall. While his visuals have the potential to be decent, he goes so far overboard that what is an accent starts to be the baseline, blending into the same sort of indistinguishable mud a nolan movie is, only with a different art-style.

cinema. A guy who makes dumb, visually uninteresting, shoddily written action movies and is still treated like he has something to say.

This is the best description of Snyder out there.

>All this hate for Snyder

what a pleb.

>Nolan is visually uninventive yet has multiple Oscars in the visual category ranging from VFX to Production design
>Zack Snyder is better yet has zero oscars.

Also before you come up with the Oscars are biased crap, that shit only applies to best picture, actor ,actress etc....

Visual effects and production design judges are usually from ILM, Pixar, Weta digital and are almost always considered one of the most accurate categories.

When it comes to visuals their opinion >>>>>>>>>>Yours. Nolan films have also been nominated for awards for cinematography by the American Society of Cinematographers as well.

That's far more credibility than Hack Snyder.

Snyder is indeed a pleb who thinks he's some intelligent scholar

I like them both and they like each other. Didn't Nolan co-wrote MoS and the others? Mos and Bvs were good

Here's better description of Snyder

"A director who has the depth of Michael bay without his talent for making Money".

People hate what they don't understand

what's with the obsessive snyder's hate

>"But I feel like Batman and Superman are transcendent of superhero movies in a way, because they’re Batman and Superman. They’re not just, like, the flavour of the week Ant-Man – not to be mean, but whatever it is. What is the next Blank-Man?"

>[Superman] is the freaking […] biggest superhero on the planet. He’s the father of every superhero. [Deborah and I] were just talking about this – I’m like, really? Thor? Thor has a movie? [Laughter.] Really? I mean, come on. And there’s no Superman movie? This is, like, the world’s out of balance. It’s like, we’ve lost our minds here, people, come on.

>The average movie audience has seen — well, I can’t even count the amount of superhero movies. Fantastic Four, X-Men, Superman, Spider-Man. The Marvel universe has gone nuts; we’re going to have a fricking Captain America movie if we’re not careful. Thor, too! We’re on our second Hulk movie. And Iron Man — $300 million domestic box office on a second tier superhero!

he has a point. it's ridicolous that we have 3 thor movies and (I lost count) captain america movies

Nigga we're on like 10 Superman movies at this point.

You guys are right. I mean just look at the amount of wisdom he instills and the eloquence with which he does it when asked about his influences in film.

yes and... ??????

>And Iron Man — $300 million domestic box office on a second tier superhero!

Kek it's hilarious when you realize that both MoS and JL failed to achieve 300 million domestic.

Jesus Christ the difference between Nolan and this drooling Idiot is baffling.

I mean regardless of whose movies you prefer , anyone who thinks Snyder is even half as smart as Nolan is deluded. Listen to any Nolan interview and you can see the guy describe in detail the reasons for all his choices that he made in his film, every aspect of the filmmaking process with an accurate memory.

it's as much if not more ridicule depending from one's POV

>Snyder tries to complain in a way that insinuates there are more Thor movies than Superman movies
>comment becomes unnecessary and irrelevant with the proof being the 10 Superman movies to the 3 Thor movies

It was like Snyder wanted to dig at Marvel but didn't have the balls to say anything after the retarded comment

Just because he can't articulate himself very well verbally doesn't mean he's not a good director.

Nobody asked him any complicated questions. Just his influences. Even Bay manages those questions easily. Brainlet director with brainlet fans.

>can't answer clearly who his influences
>even a retard like Tommy Wiseau can answer the question

I never had the impression that Bay is an idiot.

based snyder doesn't give a shit and is honest

nolan would probably say some 1930s foreign art house film that nobody has heard of to seem smart.

Hahahaha, good one.

>director's work is openly avant-garde
>"wtf why isn' t it apres-garde?!"

classic Sup Forums

Is that what people call bumbling over words and coming up with an obvious lie these days?

>Marvel Pajeets still this butthurt he insulted Thor
Let it go fags. It's just a stupid cartoon.

But who's making up this Snyder Vs Nolan thing aside you I mean? One can like both of them, retard.

Marvelcucks are resorting to the Nolan card since Snyder BTFOs the shitty MCU in every way possible. Even though Nolan was a producer on his films and they were friends. Marvelcucks need something. Ragnarok came and went and besides making money nobody seems to give a shit about it. Same will happen to Black Panther and Infinity Wars. Like fast food coming and going. Everyone consumes it, nobody remembers it.

Nah fuck Nolan. It's because of the works of Hacks like him, Richard Donner , Sam Raimi and countless other marvel hacks that people don't see Snyders works with an open mind anymore.

The way his genius is being persecuted reminds me of Socrates. I'll guarantee you this , Snyder will be considered one of the greatest artists and philosophers of the 21st century when it's all said and done.

Imagine being a DC fan and having the excellent films of Nolan and Snyder to go on.

What do you have as a Marvel fan? 17 rehashed quipfests. Must suck.

Imagine being a DC and having to move from Nolan to Snyder garbage.