Why didn't Luke get married and have kids?
Why didn't Luke get married and have kids?
they are going to make him gay
>Luke canonically died a virgin
Thanks Disney
I don't think Star Wars needed any sequels but if they had to make them, they should've had Luke being a cheerful old man running a jedi academy.
Because he is a white man, so the only possible redemption for him is to die a virgin or to be homosex.
All 1,138 women he fucked died.
Disney Wars aren't canon. He had a wife and a son in the EU which was approved by Lucas himself.
I'm so sick of this
Everyday in my fucking university there are leaflets on how every white man is a rapist and how even liking a woman is proof that you are right wing
I'm so sick of it, my life is shit and these fuckers taunt me every fucking day
The same happens on internet news, on facebook memes, glorifying faggotry
Why are they pushing me to the edge? Do they want to kill my self?
force powers > pussy
you don't get leaflets calling white men rapists you liar
The Virgin Luke vs the Chad Solo
I do
Fucking left garbage in university have written on the walls that every husband is a rapist and fucking geeks and landwhales contemplate how this is so true
More like Han Negro who abandoned his kid to look for galactic pussy
because there was a slight possibility, that maybe his child might could have become slightly influenced by the dark side, and he would have to murder him then.
new luke rolls like that, if someone could turn evil he kills them beforehand, saves a lot of trouble in the long run.
>it's 20 ABY
>you are luke skywalker the famous "hero" of the rebellion
>it was a lifetime ago
>you wake up in your old rusty shuttle, getting out of hyperspace in a backwater system, where the force guided you
>it doesn't matter, it's always the same, every day.
>after you land on an illegal spaceport, you bribe the local crimelord to keep your vessel hidden.
>he looks shifty, as you hand him the credits you decide he will die slowly before your leave, he is probably evil, he doesn't deserve to live, nobody does.
>you conceal your saber under your robe, pull up the cloak as you approach the destination.
>it's a small house in a suburbian area
>as you go inside, a woman stands before you, she is pregnant
>she asks what are you doing in her home, but you don't care about her enough to answer.
>the force is strong inside her, you lift your hands to feel her unborn child through the force.
>darkness, you see the possibility of him turning to the dark side.
>the child might be destined to be evil, you have have to do, what you have to do.
>you reach for the force and crush the skull, and break the spine of the child.
>another threat neutralised
>you apologise to the woman and walk out, she doesn't know yet, that something happened.
>it's always the same.
>it's not an easy job, but it needs to be done,
>as you walk away, you think back to the days, when you were young and you believed in the power of the light.
>it was a lifetime over
>back then you were Luke Skywalker, the paragon of virtue, the paragon of hope, a fool.
>now you know, the darkness has to be fought, it has to be defeated.
>because you are Luke Darkslayer, the man who deals with the evil.
>the man who protects the light, by any means necessary.
Can someone fill me in on the now defunct EU? TLJ bullshit has left me wanting something better. Where do I start?
Disney is run by men-hating feminists
fuck Disney`s new canon
Timothy Zahn's trilogy
then jump directly yo Yuuzhan Vong invasion
All you need to have 1-2 years of awesome time.
Pump up the OT soundtrack in Sennheiser headphones.
>then jump directly yo Yuuzhan Vong invasion
arn't those bascially nids? I've heard people trash talk that entire storyline.