Admit it, it was even more kino than your wildest dreams

Admit it, it was even more kino than your wildest dreams

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I admit it.

I regret not watching it in the cinema

There's no Blade 4

I won't because I said from the beginning that it would be good. The first trailer was literally just a cyberpunk Drive and you had all these autistic retards complaining that it was gonna be a dishonest sequel.
And combined with the amount of mouse-shills who were trying to kill it on arrival, I felt like I was the only one defending it before it released. And even then, it's a fantastic film. But it's not perfect and Arrival's better

One of the most beautifully shot films in history.

So this is how Kino ends, with utter indifference

It was.

Best shot in the movie, prove me wrong.

His head looks oddly squished

I regret only seeing it three times

The no singles policy has got to end

Hunt around for indie kinoplexes user, there's one where I live that is showing it until at least the 3rd


Forced reddit cinemetography


My only regret is I didn’t see it more in IMAX. Easily the best movie of the year

Do you not agree that the film looks fucking fantastic?

It looks like much like a silicon plastic porn star

My brain thinks, yes those huge symmetrical tits should look god but it doesn't, it lacks any human expression and is self indulgent

Like I asked you in your other pathetic thread where you got utterly BTFO, are you 12?

>It looks like much like a silicon plastic porn star
It looks like a work of art.

Which are worth watching?

>it lacks any human expression
It's literally the most genuinely emotionally investing film of recent times SPECIFICALLY about human expression and what it represents, try again.

Regret hard not seeing it in theaters, gonna buy this to my cousin for his birthday to support it, i fucking hate owning them.

Every single one from (and including) Polytechnique onwards.


I'm sure you think it was but get your eyes checked, it lacks any natural expression

Forced reddit cinemetography

nice ad hominem triggered reddit soyboy

Deckards "What am I to you" to K at the end was really well delivered. Ford actually giving a shit.

Can you try atleast forming a single coherent sentence resembling an argument? So far you've only produced buzzword brainfarts.

nice soyboy reddit spacing, soyboy redditor

How nice of you to twist the concept artistic expression into simply natural expression and showcasing that brilliantly lit Kubrick scene as comparison, you fucking retard kys

I feel genuinely bad for someone who doesn't like this film.

>it lacks any natural expression
First it was human expression, now you say natural expression. Seriously, are you still in high school?

What's actually wrong with this shot?

not really arguments, again try watching more films and you'll understand in time

I'm sure your autism only likes stuff that is nice and pretty and symmetrical without any real sense of humanity in it

It's literally the best possible Blade Runner sequel we could've ever gotten.

I was slightly disappointed because anons who seemed to understand my reasons for liking the original as much as I do got my hopes up. And it turned out to be merely an above average belated sequel, better looking and more interesting than most but slave to the same dumb conventions. Heavy-handed dialog so no retarded cinema-goer misses anything. Obligatory Deckard connection and replicant rebellion backstory (incl. sequel hook,) which hijacked the last third of the movie. Didn't really care about any of the girls. A computer masturbation aid, a hooker, an old woman, and an autistic romantically-obsessed mass murderer. Bravo, Denis, you really know how to get me all hot and bothered. I look forward to watching it again sometime but it didn't do anything special for me aside from looking gorgeous

some niggers expect you to film parts of Iceland to be called Cinematography.

>still not a single argument against the film
>"u-ughmmmmm watch more films"
Beyond pathetic.

It's fucking great

>sequel hook
Villeneuve has said multiple times now that he made the film exactly like he wants with zero obligations or thoughts about any sequels whatsoever.

>says how the film is framed "nice and pretty and symmetrical" as some kind of argument
>posts pictures of films by Kubrick, a director most famous for his extremely symmetric shots and compositions and for the lack of "humanity" in his films, as some kind of contra argument
Just stop posting altogether

epic replicant resistance, the question of replicant fertility, reuniting Deckard with Chosen One daughter (who probably isn't even sick right?)

doors were left open even if he intended to make a movie that stood on its own. which it does, just not at the level I was hoping for

It is really good, a thousand times beyond my expectations, because my expectations were at the rock bottom, it's definitely being overrrated af around here, specially after the review by those hackfrauds "of course it looks better, it's new".


Yup. Was dope. Too bad it wasn’t in theatres longer so I got to see it again

Not him but, as someone who loves Sicario and thinks it was a great shot, the problem is that it serves no purpose other than it looks cool. It's the definition of meme cinematography (that shot, I mean).
It's not trying to show the audience how tense the night is, or juxtaposing the soldiers with the environment to make a statement. It's literally only done because it looks nice.

Is that a problem? Of course not. But it's definitely not something that deserves an oscar.

Reminder that you share boards with these soyboys who unironically have terrible taste and no clue about real cinema

It really was, only some of the parts with Ford annoyed me as it was beginning to border on quippish garbage but it was reigned in enough to not ruin the movie thankfully.

So a film should close off and wrap up every single plot point in order to not be a sequel hook? What?
Do you watch exclusively capeshit garbage and action comedies with stop frame cuts in the end with on-screen texts explaining what every character does after the film is over?

quads of truth

All those Vegas shots have been done entirely in-camera. Pic related, a set photo.

>“That orange environment was done in three different ways,” Deakins remarks. “The opening part was on stage and, for this, I had Tiffen make some specific red filters for in front of the lens. While most of my lighting was tungsten-based Spacelights, there were some 20 Maxi-Brutes gelled green to give a feeling of yellow light against the predominantly red filtration."

>“The second section was an interior shot on location in Budapest,” he continues. “For this we had HMI sources from outside the windows, which were in turn diffused and gelled with the same color gels that we had used for lens filtration previously. Then, for the third part of the sequence, we had a very large set that used a couple hundred open-faced 2Ks and sixty 10Ks, with all those lamps bounced and gelled to maintain our color. All of the color scheme was controlled in camera and this gives it a reality I doubt it would have had if left to post.”

Exact same as me people were shitting on it so much for no reason when the trailers looked good before the early reviews were even in


was honestly amazed at how good it was. if i HAD to criticise it i would say that the police chief character and wallace were both pretty weak characters. wallace in particular just felt like le moustache twirling edgelord



If Villeneuve returned I'd be completely happy with getting a sequel, having a sequel hook isn't inherently bad as long as the movie fulfills a complete story arc which this did.

you are a fucking autismo. "muh humanity" yet another pseud who gets his opinions prepackaged by watching mr plinkett star wars reviews


You could mention how you can see soldiers literally making their descent into the moral "darkness" of their own work with the orange/red streak along the horizon and the soundtrack almost giving it a hellish feel whatever and that is still a pretty surface-level way of thinking what a film is what is trying to say. Thinking that Deakins would allow for a single frame that isn't propelling the narrative forwards is absurd.

I'd take a sequel only if it explicitly linked BR and Alien as the same universe.

> make some specific red filters for in front of the lens.

literally DUDE FILTERS


I didn't like that she (lieutenant?) had to explain "this breaks the world!" 2 or 3 times.

user are you okay?

Those are lens filters you dumb mongoloid, literally used by everyone no matter digital or film. The picture you are seeing is not made by the camera which it was filmed on, it's made by a B set camera that doesn't have that Tiffen lens filter

Do you cringe at yourself when writing like that?


>Vangelis Blade Runner OST Tears in Rain starts playing
>its not raining
>its not night time
>no monologue

fucking dropped

>wallace in particular just felt like le moustache twirling edgelord

With all that money and power, anyone could turn into a complete psychopath weirdo. I'm not defending the acting though, just the character.

me too m8

>it's not the same as the first one so it's bad
Go watch TFA my dear brainlet friend

>dumb mongoloid
>dumb dumb
>litearlly saying dumb dumb but uses antiquated racist term to feel smart
>getting this buttblasted over dude filters being drawn out in this drawn out snoozefest

yeah that's exactly what I meant obviously, it's not this specific angle I object to, all worldbuilding and open-endedness in stories is terrible, I'm just a retard and that's why I don't love your favorite movie. you can sleep easy tonight.

I agree with you. I didn't like the approach they chose (epic replicant rebellion, Deckard's daughter is the Chosen One, reproduction = freedom. Whiffs of capeshit.) Thought I made that clear in my original post

I really liked it, I just don't think it is the best thing ever or even better than the original, I believe that the reaction we are seeing is result of the very low expectations people had before it came out.

I feel like I've betrayed Villeneuve. I absolutely loved Arrival and Sicario, but the original Blade Runner bored me so I didn't care for the sequel. 2049 fucking blew me away.

>Tears in Rain starts playing
>It's not raining

They should have made a similar piece of music and called it tears in snow or some shit instead. Villeneuve is a creatively bankrupt hack fraud

>prisoners, enemy, scicario, arrival
holy shit i didn't realise he directed all these, I loved all these films. Truly a kinographer of our time.

Absolutely taken down holy shit

I saw Prisoners, Enemy, Sicario, Arrival and Blade runner and all was worth it. Well Arrival was maybe the weakest or Enemy, but the others were really good.
I'm planning on watching Incendies next.

Nigga you still have the chance, arthouse theaters are still playing it


>Needing to visit
>Finding a thread
>Finding comments that support your point
>Screenshotting it
>Cropping the screenshot
>Posting it here acting as if it helps your argument
Nice one my fellow kekistani. MAGA FELLOW PEDES amirite? Haha we r so alpha r-right nothing like those soyboys

Kill yourself

Is Dennis /our director/?

This is a cinegrid made solely from the trailers, I'm waiting for the bluray to make a proper one that isn't composed of just trailer wide shots.

>Prisoners and Enemy came out in one year.
>Sicario, Arrival, 2049 every year .

truly a kinomaker, holy fuck

What's with the weird file name? I've been noticing people posting images with filenames like this lately.

>had a mental breakdown because of personal stuff before I went to see this in a cinema
>didn't feel anything even tho the film is right up my alley

You understand film grain itself on old films is a filter? The color process they used was the equivalent of a filter in those times when you were "supposed" to use black and white if you were a contrarian fuck like you are. Even kubrick had to use NASA lenses because filters and editing didn't exist for what he wanted.

Film is never a pure representation of what is in front of the camera. Get over it you pseudo purist.


did I find you out soyboy?

>tfw I started following Villeneuve before it was cool

It wasn't, and the reason is that I'm that kind of faggot who considers the filmmaker's journey as part of the film's experience and the original film is one of the grandest examples of this if you read the book Future Noir. So no, this is just a run of the mill industrial product full of supplements.

>grapes of wrath
>no grapes

I can hardly remember anything that even happened. The end credits were more interesting than the film.

Someone explain what's so special about the bottom left shot.

>Brainlet doesn't understand the symbolism of tears in the snow and tears in the rain

Don't worry user, there's a new Soy Wars movie coming out in 5 months.

There's way too many subhuman spergs on this site.
>it lacks any human expression
This couldn't be more objectively wrong.

....And he's a 2 digit IQ moron who thinks he has edgy funny responses.

Holy shit you're pathetic. Just log off already.

I feel like Sicario was at the same level as Arrival, i fucking hated Emily Blunt and the tension is completely gone on the second viewing.
2049 has layers and you can enjoy it multiple times because of the waifus.

well since i was high out of my mind on lsd then yeah. but that was sort of intentional