Why did he actually give a good performance as Deckard in BR2049 but completely phoned in his role as Hans Solo in Episode VII? Does this ungrateful fuck have no respect for the franchise that made him?
Why did he actually give a good performance as Deckard in BR2049 but completely phoned in his role as Hans Solo in...
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>Does this ungrateful fuck have no respect for the franchise that made him?
He did fine as Han in TFA.
>good performance as Deckard in 2049
He never really liked Star Wars after George decided to not kill his character off after his arc was functionally complete.
Han should have sacrificed himself in a way that made him the hero of the rebellion, justifying that entire first half of the movie and removing the plot armor that the big 3 characters had for the final confrontation between Luke and the Emperor.
>You mightn't happen to have a piece of cheese about you, now? Would you boy?
Actually the best moment in the film
better than in the original blade runner
Good director and good script (Deckard has evolved from a personal tragedy and decades in isolation) vs bad director and bad script (Han doesn't have an arc and should have died in Return, he's the same Solo from 30 years ago and just there for fan service and his death feels belated and cheap)
He hates starwars to the point where his main condition for being in 7 was that han solo HAD to die, whereas he actually enjoyed 2049
him and kylo carried TFA...
His performance in BR2049 is better then his one in TLJ but it's still not good. None of his returning performances are good.
Well he wasn't good in br2049 but energetic on this piece of shit pretentious senile canadian turd was bad and the acting from everyone was so unbelievably hamfisted and pompous bollocks that he was like a shining beacon of acting talent
TFA was even worse though and sprinked with diversity politics propaganda so he couldn't give a shit and phoned it in and just picked up a check
I thought he never liked Star Wars.
I feel like ford seriously doesn't give a fuck, he thinks no matter what the fans will see him and instantly fawn over him because of roles he hated so he doesn't even try, and he isnt entirely wrong although the spell is wearing off
It was great to see han solo die and ford smiling and enjoying a role again with 2049 though
Because your shitty franchise was made to cover up the Star Wars program. It's literally a extremely generic love story in "space".
Did that middle guy inhale helium as he was talking?
haahaah kek p u r e s o y
he liked the people he was working with in Bladerunner and saw that it was shaping up to be a kino
the goose was the only one to unlock any kind of joy in Ford
t. brainlet
Someone post the webm of Ford sleeping during filming
the scene where he got caught and fell asleep in the back of the car?
Because BR2049 was directed by Kinoneuve and TFA was directed by dickless cuck Abrams. Actors feel it when the director knows his shit, and they perform accordingly.
t. contrarian
Luv and Wallace are better antagonists than Pris and Roy
Why is goose so good?
Because they let him wear the t-shirt.
Ford enjoyed the concept of the first BR but didn't liked the heavy studio interference for the theatrical cut.
Also, BR2049 is basically the most expensive arthouse movie ever produced and Ford like well crafted smart stuff more than silly stuff (except it's Indiana Jones).
it was kino. kudos to deakins, because outside the autistic and tightly controlled coen brothers' enviroment - he usually sucks. but he fucking pulled it off here, he deserves an academy award.
where do they find these homos?
>Why did he actually give a good performance as Deckard in BR2049
Do people actually believe this? He was the worst part of that movie.
>has zero resemblance of Deckard in character
>quotes literature to a fucking stranger as a means to introduction
>literally wearing pyjamas
>just appears on set and starts punching
wouldn't call it a good performance.
BR and BR2049 are the few - if not only - movies with some content. That is why he likes it so much, since he then believes he is a real actor acting in a real film. Actually he is still only the good looking gardener that benefitted from jewish network. Hans Solo probably reminds him of this subservient role, doing the shores of a white master.
I thought he stole the show in TFA but Star Wars has always been very over-the-top and cheesy and Harrison Ford is one of those guys who can say a cheesy like with such gravitas that it really sells it. That's why he was great in the OT when the other actors were sometimes embarassingly bad. No one can sell a cheesy line like Harrison Ford.
I thought he was the strongest part of TFA... AND also the best part of Blade Runner 2049 (though Ana de Armas is premium eye candy). But Deckard is better written with better quality lines. Simply put on Blade Runner he has more to work with.
that's over the line and you know it
As much as I enjoyed Harrison Ford in 2049, he was better in the original. 2049 didn't really require as good a performance from him though so it didn't make a difference.
>I don't know, ask him
was one of the best lines
Luv is better than Pris but no way in hell is Wallace better than Roy.
>starts off as an interesting antagonists
>ends up being generic baddie mcbad.
Maybe because he literally said he's tired of Han fucking Solo and doesn't want to play him, and agreed to it only under the condition that Han dies in the movie?
Okay. But..acting is a job, and you're supposed to like, give a performance and stuff, I think?
i thought leto did a good job
>those tears when wallace held the new model
hes her god but she's not 100% on board
Why would he care about the Han solo movie. Anyone with common sense know it will suck.
> phoned in his role as Hans Solo in Episode VII
because it was a terrible role that had NO place in the movie and was completely antithetical to the han solo of the originally trilogy. it was just free money to be in a terrible movie.
blinded by nostalgia
Opinion immediately discarded.
>Ford enjoyed the concept of the first BR but didn't liked the heavy studio interference for the theatrical cut.
he is passionate about blade runner and argued with ridley whether deckard is a replicant or not himself.
even his face when talking to the stripper was terrible acting. deckard is meant to be an experienced detective but he acts like a retard when trying to convince the naked replicant that he's a reporter watching out for peeping toms he looks childish
Because Star Wars is a shitty, brainlet franchise for man children, with a hack director. Whereas
BR2049 is a good, thought-provoking and relevant sequel for adults with a kino director
>Luv and Wallace
>Better antagonists than Roy
Roy > Luv >>> Pris > Wallace > the rest
Yeah, because Harrison Ford making quips about cheese and shots of him flailing around in a car during the final fight is so much better.
>the guys who thought Interstellar was bad but Avengers and Fury Road were masterpieces
He's been trying to get off the starwars train since empire. He never really liked it that much, he always preferred working with Deckard as a character.
Why is this new to you? Alec Mc Guiness utterly hated Star Wars.
yes it clearly is
the clip of blade runner speaks for itself user
he's in the movie even less than he is in suicide squad. it was a tiny role but he did a good job in the two or three scenes he was in.
interstellar was bad though and fury road was good. avengers was shit though.
Interstellar was weird enough to be entertaining regardless of objective quality.
Avengers was a shitty movie, but it worked great as a giant fanwank and as the climax of 5 films of buildup.
Fury road is the only standalone great film of the three.
Oh, fuck off, he gave the same performance in both. He was terrible in 2049, and by far the worst part of the original Blade Runner. He plays the same character in everything, and just has to throw in a stupid quip at every opportunity.
He didn't put any effort in to Star Wars because he's 75 years old and probably has little interest in Disney children's movies and all the press that comes with it. That's why he wanted to die in the first movie. And FYI he hated the original Blade Runner too.
Reminder that if you think that BR2049 is a bad movie you should just give up on movies. Not because you're a brainlet, just around anyone with even a mediocre level of intelligence can appreciate 2049, but because you're biologically incapable of identifying true kino. You can still enjoy your bottom of the barrel capeshit and shit wars, no problem, but when it comes to real good fucking films, don't even try. Your opinions don't spark hatred, conversation, division, thoughtful analysis, just by not understanding 2049 you're reduced to the level of a mentally challenged child, the people that surround you seeing you only with pity. Leave it to your betters to have conversations about films, and accept your situation as a kino-retarded individual.
Why is this board full of so many low IQ plebs now? Did star wars and the last season of game of thrones really bring in another flood?
Pretty much
Why post it every day?
>Be Harrison Ford
>Get both your first big gig and your breakout role from this George Lucas fella
>Experience great success with George and even create another landmark franchise in Indiana Jones with him
>Your pal George decides to do a prequel series to his biggest creation and you're just glad that you don't have to dress up like a space pieate again
>Everyone tears your friend's vision apart. He is visibly hurt by this, this is his creation after all and he put all he had into it.
>One day, a cold, soulless mouse company places immense pressure on your pal to sell the business empire he built from the ground up, something you saw him do first hand.
>George sells, and now that company turns to you and expects you to fall in line as well. You enjoy money so you do it, but you realize that it isn't the same. Hollow story, empty characters, why even try?
gee OP, I wonder...
"THATS NOT HOW THE FORCE WORKS" was the only good dialogue in that movie