>43 years old
>no wife
>no kids
Wonder why...
>43 years old
>no wife
>no kids
Wonder why...
he's gay
what a loser
> no beard
Because he's a wealthy man that isn't ready to share his wealth or life.
You can start a healthy family at 55 as a wealthy man. The woman he eventually chooses as his wife will probably be 30 years or more younger than he is.
gee I wonder
he fuck top tier pussy since all his kife, why bother with a family ?
Yeah i wonder
cos all nuns are lesbians
>we all made fun of him for years as some naive idiot kid in his younger days
>turns out he was the smartest of them all
Really makes you think huh?
>chicken legs
>having kids
because by being in the top 1% of men he has seen the true nature of the roastie
Having kids is a great thing. Having a wife? Not so much.
Your point?
>Wonder why...
Who /voluntary MGTOW & Transcended/ here?
not me, still incel and miserable
>durr hanging out with braindead 20 year old women is better than having a loving wife, children, a tight knit family
Imagine the amount of women he's had that have thrown themselves at him just to be with a celebrity, the women that go to the next room to call their husband to say they'll be staying at the sisters. How could you ever trust women in that position?
after fucking 40 broads before 30 years old I'm feelin' pretty fuckin' MGTOW now
Why do you want something you will never have?
he gets it
This. Even if there are trustworthy women out there he's going to be exposed to the worst golddiggers 24/7 so it's not surprising that he would never settle down after experiencing that since he was young.
>dat jelly
>being this jelly
>loving wife, children, a tight knit family
Have you ever seen a family like that? I haven't. Everyone's family is fucked up, someone is always miserable and trying to ruin it for everybody else. That's life.
It is though
>Leonardo DiCaprio “is selfish, lazy and downright rude,” says a source whose BFF bedded the 41-year-old Oscar winner. “She told me that during the act, Leo put on headphones and even started vaping! Then he signaled her to keep going while he just laid back and zoned out.”
Based. I'll be that slut felt really used.
Are there people on this board that unironically want to be surrounded by retarded whores all day? Is this really what you aspire to?
Pierce looks happier AND he found a way to avoid divorce/alimony (feeding).
kek this. Leo is living with a carbon and pussy footprint we could only dream of
>whose BFF
>The woman was so confused by the situation that she just carried on, embarrassed and hoping for things to change. But Leo continues to lie there, listening to MGMT, while his “date” was left wondering what was in this for her.
>“Leo knows women are mesmerized by his stardom, so he obviously doesn’t care at all whether they’re satisfied or not,” says another insider. “He can sleep with almost any woman he wants without even trying, so it’s no surprise he doesn’t try in bed either.”
Well yeah
I reckon it'd be magical to do for about 5 or 10 years. I imagine I'd become bored of it and be looking towards a family after that but I might be underestimating just how much fun it is.
Most modern families as a result of this fucked up degenerate western culture, yeah.
>all these anti-family soyboy replies
Fucking hell, the absolute STATE of degenerate basket weaving neets
Islam will fix this (in Europe first)
Alpha MGTOW. Think he would have won that oscar had he been looking after a kid instead?
>it's another virgin thinks beautiful women can't be smart episode
No, everyone aspires to settle down with some ball&chain whose looks fade fast and who spends all her time bitching at you and is probably cheating on you.
>durr hanging out with braindead 20 year old women is better than having a loving wife, children, a tight knit family
oh user, they are all braindead, age as nothing to do with it.
> it’s another toasty episode
Sure thing Ahmed
>But not me! I'm a member of the white master race and a proud advocate for the nuclear family, posting on Sup Forums to try and save the souls of these non-believers who fornicate in the daytime. Now where did I leave that hotpocket?...
Not every family is as degenerate as yours ya pinhead
>calls women roasties
>but wants to settle down and marry one rather than just using them for sex
Nice doublethink there bro
Stay fucking mad, kafir soygoy.
PROTIP: she's cheating on you
Whom are you quoting?
He sucks cock to get roles, has done so since 14yrs old. He's screwed in the head and can only associate sex with signing a contract.
The point of fucking a cute girl is to breee qnd have cute children, fucking a hundred top models without breeding them is ultimately pointles
>complains about being used
>carried on once she realised she was being used
>implying that humanity purely has sex for reproduction
God, you fa/tv/irgins make me sad.
Women should, MGTOW soyboy
This. I think the best existence for a Hollywood star the likes of Leo is to do what Brando did: fuck whores all you want but also have kids and don't be married. Brando had like 15 children and he was rich enough to provide for them and was by all accounts a good father when he was present. That way you spread your seed, satisfying biology, AND fuck hoors
I know right how will the human species go on if leo doesnt pro create
Sounds like classic slut shaming to me
>The point of fucking a cute girl is to breee qnd have cute children, fucking a hundred top models without breeding them is ultimately pointles
>"He can sleep with almost any woman he wants without even trying, so it's no surprise he doesn't try in bed either"
The roasties fear him, for they have no power in his realm
Kafir is a South African racial slur, basically their equivalent of nigger. The word you're looking for is kuffar.
Kuffar is the plural of kafir.
You don't do either though. Imagine being THAT pathetic
I take it you never went to university eh. That’s the most eye opening thing you can do to see how dumb women are. Even the “smart” ones are retarded compared to males
It's a big problem user. I'm not Sup Forumstard but the reality is that wealthy people (aka white) aren't having kids, while poor people (aka black, arab) are having dozens of kids. Leo is rich, smart, talented and beautiful, by all rights he should have many kids with equally valuable women. Him not having kids is literally spitting in the face of nature
Exactly, the point of having money or power is to be able to procure for more kids than the other males, the kings and conquerors from the past had hundreds of kids to make sure that their seed would pass into the next generations and thus live forever
We are now in a time in wich thanks to socialism and international aid the dumbest members of our species are the ones that have more kids
Kafir is the word he’s looking for. Fucktard
True. I study engineering and there's only 1 girl I've met that is smarter than me and other male classmates. The rest are dumber than a box of hammers
Look he posted an atheist childless milionaire
> MGTOW cuck
Seriously though, enough of this bickering and lets talk about carbon footprints. Why havent you downsized to a disposable habitat user?
*sips the finest pussy juice concoction*
I study at one of the top 50 universities in the world and it's filled with intelligent women. Very few beautiful and smart ones though.
They can only speak about their field study though Im sure
>mfw virgins start talking about "men's purpose" and "passing on genes"
Hilarious shit coming from you fat fucks
He's like Sup Forums if Sup Forums had the money.
Thots and movies.
>americuck mongrel gold diggers
Look he's butthurt that an atheist with no kids is a millionaire
If you can only insult that means Im right
ultimate red pill
will never pay alimony
will never have abitch take half his shit
can fuck as much whores as he wants
he's fucking based if you ask me
>As opposed to me, a true intellectual who can discuss Kierkegaard by day and Kavinski by night while studying compsci
Why does he even make milions? He will disappear once he dies
I'm not MGTOW. I'm 23 and have been in a relationship since 21, I'm probably going to marry this girl in a couple of years. So stop spreading lies about men who want to have children you fucking Jew
> white knighting ricky gervais
i doubt it, i'm a muslim in the middle east, she would get stoned
thats the same for everyone.........heck its less true fr him than most since he is in famous movies.
if they open their legs so i can fuck them whenever i want then yea faggot
God I hope Leo never has kids so you retards get even madder about "biology" and"nature". If you care about this shit so much why are you wasting your precious genes fapping to anime?
Why wait?
Yes. Yes I most certainly would.
>she'd risk getting stoned to have Chad's dick instead of yours
I've fucked a high class escort once as a childhood friend of mine is succesful as fuck and rents them in Vegas to party with him and I was invited along. Nothing in my life will ever beat that feeling. Seriously when it comes down to it, life's just about sex. Maybe you get jaded from it after 20-30 years of it like Leo but right now I can't get enough of it.
who is that semen daemon?
Did you ever talk with your mom,sister, aunt or girl friends about politics?