So who talks first? You talk first? I talk first?

So who talks first? You talk first? I talk first?

Immediately dispelled all the tension I was feeling thinking "hey maybe this movie will actually be good."

Dispel this *grabs dick*

Subverted my expectations

I'm declining to speak first

lol at opening joke ruining movie

>So who kills Star Wars first? You kill it first? I kill it first?

who thought that was funny? Seriously, did they really think that scene was going to get laughs? All of the attempts at comedy were ridiculously bad in this flick.

Also it immediately ruined the Hux character, he went from being a pretty intimidating, scary character in the first movie to being a bumbling buffoon within the span of 2 or 3 minutes

>opening joke
Shit is this like the meme of dumbasses waiting for every song to have a 'drop'? This is a scene where a rebel is captured and face to face with like the most feared and hated member of the first order. Is that a good time for a quip?

>the two greatest actors in the movie
>killing Star Wars
Uh, no, honeybunch.

I kept expecting this guy to say "How you doin'?"

My entire theater except for me laughed at the line.

To their credit, I was the only one to laugh at Luke throwing the lightsaber, which I correctly predicted would be his response.

>droid please

how did he get away with this?

(sincerely, how, its offensive and bizarrely unnecessary)

He certainly is a charismatic actor.

This is actually a terrible joke from the beginning of TFA.

>build 80 seconds on tension
>add quip
>paid $85 million

He’s a Jew

better than guardians of the galaxy

Why does he look 10 years older in TLJ when it's supposed to be just a few days apart?

Dance-off bro, me and you.

Actually, no, it wasn't.

actually Yes it was fag

I legitimately wasn't bothered by this scene since if anything it just established the kind of character Poe is.
Character's being prone to saying somewhat funny things is fine, the problem in TLJ is that everyone is a quip master and everyone is played for jokes.

People have been programmed to chuckle humorlessly at unfunny shit.

Just watch some garbage like How I Met Your Mother or The Big Bang Theory with a friend or colleague and observe their reactions to the contrived attempts at humor

Kylo should had punched him for that

Guardians worked because its silly, everyone went in knowing the tone beforehand. This opening scene made poe the worst character in the new trilogy...

BBT is far more clever than you give it credit for.

Disney scripts are actually written by a computer program.


...there’s a lot of just oddness in the film, and there’s a lot of humor in the movie. I mean, we have jokes. We have flat-out jokes in the film. [Laughs] We have funny creatures. I think the part of the fan base that’s closer to my age, you tend to start thinking of what you’d want in a Star Wars movie in terms of the opera of it, and the seriousness of it. That’s a big and important element of it and I think we definitely served that in this movie, but it’s important to then remember, you know, Salacious Crumb [Laughs], and it’s important to remember the other side of these movies, which is fun.

>The OT had funny moments so I have to hamfistedly put gags and quips into every scene so

It's how lazy, unskilled and ineffective beta males deal with 'the moment'. They build up the tension, actually maintain peoples interest for a few moments, and then they don't know what to do. Because in that moment is when you inspire people, you tell them you're Maximus, you're William Wallace, you're going to save Marcellus Wallace from redneck rapists.

But not the beta bugboy writers of today. They've never inspired an audience. They don't even try.

So they quip. They subvert expectations. They deflate the scene. They remove all tension. It's just a movie, right kiddo? You didn't really think I'd be taking this too seriously did you? Why would I try, when I'm the Generation X and Y ethos of apathy towards anything except social justice causes? I wouldn't. The only time I won't quip is when a lesbian is refused a cake from a muslim baker, or a gay man is making gay love into another mans ass.

When Maximus and William Wallace give their speeches, remember this: This generation would shit their fucking pants and fuck it up, so they'll quip instead.

>"search him"
>"nothing, sir"
>didn't even look in his anus
Immersion ruined.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand BBT.

>day after opening night
>some friends went to see it
>ask them how it was
>"Probably the best one yet, really funny in places and a few awesome scenes and fan service"

>go see it
>enjoy it
>go back and try to discuss it
>they all hate it now

In all fairness, TFA is a movie thats worse the more you think about it.

They hate it because they read posts on the internet telling them to hate it.

Funny how in the moment people enjoy the movie but only come to hate it after a bunch of autistic fucks spend hours picking it apart. Really goes to show that you can only know how you truly feel about a movie as you're sitting there watching it.

>Really goes to show that you can only know how you truly feel about a movie as you're sitting there watching it.

naw widdle baby thinks cause someone disagrees with his subjective opinion theyre brainwashed by the big bad internet

i watched TFA and thought it was shit and didnt watch it again. i dont care about ape people or quiping OP guy. i dont care about the stupid junker girl. i dont care about phoning it in harrison ford or old as fucking shit coke head lady. i dont care about awkward handing lightsaber to luke ending. only someone who was already in love with star wars would like TFA. anyone who doesnt care and wanted to watch a good movie would be disappointed because it relied entirely on "please like this because you used to like something else which had the same sort of style".

You're different, you didn't have your mind changed. That was your opinion from the start.

These people, however, were brainwashed by the internet. They were told what to think by a voice of authority.

Like the silly joke in the intro of the last kedi...

Weird pic to choose, that part of the movie is actually pretty comedic. Granted, it's a lot more subtle and natural than a quip, funny-looking alien or gag, but still.

That being said, it wasn't out of place at all. the part works there because tarantino movies are supposed to be over the top and a little corny, it fits the atmosphere the rest of the movie has. Johnson's star wars jokes, however, are very rarely natural and feel like they were added just so parts of the movie would make people laugh. Rian added them just so the movie would have funny moments, that's the only reason they're in there, and it shows.

That one was better because it had a purpose to it. Because he was actually using it as a distraction and Hux is an idiot who somehow fell for the space equivalent of a prank phone call.

Kind of funny that it was Oscar Isaac doing it both times though. At this point I'll honestly be disappointed if IX doesn't have him cracking another joke in the intro. Might as well just go all the way with it and make it a tradition.


Get the fuck out JJ.

>you can only know how you truly feel about a movie as you're sitting there watching it.
Yeah, thinking about things is stupid. Just turn off your brain and shovel popcorn into your gaping consumerist maws, you fucking swine.

Go buy more Alex Jones products you anti-reality moron.



>Just witnessed the death of someone he cared about
>Stood in awe to see the shot from his blaster stopped midair
>Is now in a position where he is as likely to be killed as he is to be taken prisoner
>Brought face-to-mask with one of the most powerful men in the galaxy

Truly terrible writing

i think his point is if you actually enjoy it while watching it then over analyzing it isn't going to change your true feelings about it? your opinion on it may change but you still generally liked it so it's dishonest to go out of your way to pick something apart in hopes of finding problems with it because you want to hate it

he didn't say thinking about a movie is bad but those thoughts should embellish or justify the opinion you developed while watching the movie or what you felt

but he's still a retarded fag cuz it seems like he thought TLJ was so good that he can't fathom anyone disliking it for legitimate reasons

>Has been boarded by the Empire
>Has had every single person upon her ship completely murdered
>Brought face-to-mask with one of the most powerful men in the galaxy

While admittingly, it's not a quip, it's really not that different. It's just another dumb parallel to ANH. Anything beyond that is a difference of character.

He was doing the same thing in TFA. Stalling Kylo so that BB8 would get a head start on escaping.

She explains why she's this confident and sassy to him in the next few lines
>The senate will not sit still for this
Or whatever it was she said. She's clearly of the belief that she can bluff through it and be protected by the senate.

God it's so easy to tear any defense for this nu-wars trash to pieces.

He knew Kylo would get the information out of him, and he knew BB8 needed time to escape. So he quipped away to stall Kylo.

It's so quick too, it's like a blink and you miss it sort of thing. I didn't catch it until a later viewing. Why keep it in at all? It doesn't even fit Finn's character.

I don't agree. I've disliked/liked many movies while watching them, and when I went back to them with background info in mind or certain solutions to what I perceived as problems I changed my mind.
For example, Bladerunner 2049. Initially I gave it a 6, because my problem with it were the disappointing relationship and how androids worked. It was only after my friend pointed out why the relationship developed that way and I rewatched it, alongside with learning that androids were 100% organic that I accepted it and raised to an 8.
And people like that guy trigger me. I have a friend that unironically thinks that having anyone else sway your opinion makes you a sheep. It's incredible.

Why can't they make a STAR WAR movie for guys that don't feel like pissing themselves laughing? I bet it would make a lot of money.

>Know that you're facing an angsty manchild who has a history of taking time out to have a tantrum.
>Play to his weaknesses and mock him
>You succesfully buy time, meaning you have a chance at survival, or your death had a purpose.

Poe also makes a wisecrack when he's being tortured and interrogated by Kylo.

Assaid, she is technically a part of the Empire power structure so she has a few cards she can actually pull. Poe is 100% in the enemy factions hands and is not directly related to the Republic so no trade can take place. The Republic wouldn't help him since the Resistance isn't officially Republic backed.

Obviously is just saying it because it's her best chance out but she's relentless because she clearly doesn't fear death, and she never does. She only ever shows any fear when they threaten to blow up innocents.
Why is it so crazy to you that someone out of options and clearly outclassed would attempt to make light of their situation knowing that he's done his job, just as Leia known she had done hers?
There are so many glaring flaws with TFA, and this 'flaw' is just dumb.

Except in that situation no real person would quip like that. Sure they would insult them or even try to distract them in order to allow for the success of the mission but he should not be in so casual a mindset. A real person would be quite emotive (angry, sad, frightened) or uncharacteristically robotic.

>angsty manchild
That is known to us because we get to see what he is like out of the public eye. Poe would very likely not know this.

again, poor writing

what the fuck is wrong with his nose?

Thanks for reminding me why Poe is garbage.

If we ignore that he'd not met Rey and Fin, or the owner of BB8 -who were present at such moments- you'd be right.

People react differently. Some people switch to humour/quips in situations like that. It's really not that strange.

And making a joke like that IS an insult, and a distraction.

>If we ignore that he'd not met Rey and Fin, or the owner of BB8 -who were present at such moments- you'd be right
Wait, so you're saying at the start of the film, before any of those 5 characters had interacted, they had somehow been present at such moments?

I talk first. I always talk first. Except now, because you... god dammit.

>Some people switch to humour/quips in situations like that.

No they don't you stupid fucking redditor.

>le everyones so different

When people are faced with death they don't randomly become calm quippers. They try to survive. Your survival instinct didn't evolve to make you reddit.

You are right, and it hurts.

Fuck quips inserted into scenes just to distill all tension.

>Bruce Willis grabbing a katana to slice some fag hicks up is comedic
In what world? It's more absurd than anything.

And that is when I knew this movie will be shit.

I've literally seen people make jokes when faced with a bunch of guys about to beat the shit out of them.

Just because you're a pussy who shits himself when faced with tough situations doesn't mean everyone is.

There’s too much going through your mind, regardless of who you are, to make “quips”, and if you’ve already seen bodies blown apart and similar shit, there’s no humour in situations like that because you know what’s coming.

t. Soldier

I hope they include more of his Stannis hatred in the next one

>Hold my sword, this is gonna hurt

Just cause you're still in elementary school and you saw an autistic kid in the mirror shit his pants before a big bad 12 year old bully gave him a wedgie doesn't mean you have any fucking idea about how people behave when they're staring down death and they start begging for their life, you beta faggot

>comparing street fights to combat situations where people are dying around you

Back you go.

I agree but Star Wars is for kids so quips are expected just as they were in Indiana Jones.

>Staring down death
He was being taken for interrogation, and he knew it.

They slaughtered everyone else on the spot, but decided to drag him to their leader, so he knew he was at least safe for now. He also knew that if they searched his mind they would know BB8 had the map and was nearby, so he had to stall them somehow, and making a joke to mock the big bad guy is the perfect way to stall because it would be unexpected.

Right, so when Indiana Jones is possessed by Mola Ram, Spielberg made sure to insert as many jokes as possible so the audience would know that this isn't actually serious. Give me a fucking break

Good point, if he knew he had a safety net, as in, not dying then and there, it could happen