*murders your criminal empire*
*murders your criminal empire*
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not criminal at all.
If anything the rebels are the criminals, hence rebels.
I think he means Jabba's criminal empire.
*thinks really hard about murdering your son*
This bullshit!
Except he didn’t murder him he changed his mind. Why is everyone so caught on this Luke sensed it and thought about killing but didn’t. A moment of weakness isn’t a sin. He had the chance to kill someone would go on to murder thousands but stopped because he knew it would be wrong to murder a child. You’re all fucking autistic.
be le not my luke
If you casually think about murdering your nephew in his sleep, you might be a sociopath
Next you’re gonna tell me that if I think about fucking kids then I’m a pedophile
>implying Luke didn't also casually think about killing his own father before he rejected the Emperor
uh, do you?
All good and well but he was alright with trying to protect his father who literally genocides a pre-school on screen.
My uncle was pointing a shotgun on my face one night putting pressure to the trigger
It's OK tho, he changed his mind and didn't murder me in cold blood
You see why this is problematic?
did he really deserve to die?
If you don't casually think about murdering people in their sleep, you aren't normal
>You see why this is problematic?
Why does one word make me so mad
>Why does one word make me so mad
Of course not. Don't be silly.
>who literally genocides a pre-school on screen
On screen in return of the jedi or...?
its been ruined by those people
In Return of the Sith when you know Anakin walks in still completely human and just you know murders an entire classroom of younglings
Where you planned or destined to become a literal anti-Christ figure? If so then it’s reasonable. Would anyone say knowing what would happen that murdering Hitler as a child would be problematic?
>Vader lifts Sheev to the edge of the reactor staft
>Puts him down at the last moment
>Just a prank sheev, runs in my family t. Ani
>They laugh it off and continue to torture Luke
Damn, if Kylo just was as based as sheev all would be fine
considering the fact that a single threat against Leia made him lose control against Vader, i could see him casually murdering Kylo.
But Luke literally didn't want to kill the literal space Hitler in OT.
Yes it’s “problematic” because Hitler would be a child who didn’t commit his crimes. Murdering a child based on their potential future is unjustified. Murder children in general is unjustified.
Or you could just tell the imperial police force in Sarajevo the names of men planing to kill Franc Ferdinand.
He almost murdered the death out of his dad in RoTJ when Vader taunted him about Leia, it’s only when he realised he was giving into the dark side he stopped.
that's just your opinion, society by large has accepted the hitler child meme so it seems that most people are secretly okay with child murder.
*consider mudering his own nephew while he sleeps*
heh nothin personnel Hamill
Would it be any different if it was a flashback of Leia debating an abortion. If they had a scene where Luke arrived and told Leia he sensed her child would turn the balance uneven and she contemplated and discussed an abortion would that be different?
That whole subplot at the start of RoTJ made no fucking sense now that I think of it. Luke and Leia had the whole Rebellion on their side, why the fuck would they try some convoluted plan involving infiltrating Jabbaa palace when they could just send a message to Jabba threatening to orbitally bombard the whole place if he didn't give them Han Solo?
If you watch Stefan’s video on human evolution people in general are secretly okay with murdering people in general.
>redeems his father who's actually evil
>thinks about killing his nephew who isn't evil yet
>does fuck all when said nephew actually turns evil because of him
Name a worse character assasination, protip you can't
Because Jabba could just call the Empire or one of the thousands of imperial agents there (I.e. Boba Fett who just got done doing work for Vader and knew the Empire would pay for Luke) would alert them and suddenly tie fighters over the twin suns.
well I was going to follow that up with most people aren't actually capable of forming their own morals and only do what they are told. And the people who do form morals do so through pragmatism so everyone is only a few steps away from being okay with anything.
If you don't think about killing your nephew after you just had a vision of him killing your friends, destroying everything you had worked to build and becoming the next Hitler, maybe you aren't normal.
But Kylo didn't taunt him about Leia and to my knowledge that part was the only time in RotJ that Luke wanted to kill Vader
Kylo was just becoming another Vader aka space Hitler and Luke didn't kill the previous space Hitler because there was a small light in Vader. And Kylo surely had more light than Vader in him.
Also he was more probably emotional about Leia in RotJ as he had just learned about her and he was still young. And he probably was more attached to hus nephew than his father but that I can't say for sure
how much did they regret killing off Darth Maul in the first movie?
*saves the sequel trilogy*
Some might think so but all people have the potential for good or evil, killing them based on what might happen or what would happen later in their lifetime is still not justification. If you murdered baby hitler what is to say someone more efficient or someone who wasn’t unhinged at his command came to power and not only did the holocaust more efficiently but was able to either steer away from a Soviet invasion or capture Moscow. At that point you murdered a child for nothing. A fetus is not a person.
Enough to bring him back I guess?
Considering his character was so bland in the film he felt more like scenery than a character...
I think he would still try to turn him to the light. But the abortion question really depends on whether you think abortion in general is ok or is it murder.
If you killed Hitler the nazi party wouldn’t exist, Mein Kampf and the Jewish hate wouldn’t exist, and the leaders of Germany at the time were more liberal and embracing of arts and media. So yeah; things would be much different.
>Book Stannis: Stubborn mastermind strategist who makes an unholy alliance with a red witch to get out of a difficult situation, unites the north despite being a southron lord. Wants to be king because the laws say so. A direct rival to Tywin Lannister.
>Show Stannis: Some evil southron lord who is a master tactician yet also dumb when it fits the show's narrative, does dumb things while being a genius, also constantly poor because we can't have him unite the north instead od Jon Snow. Conveniently dies to make room for the mary sues.
tell that to the millions who died in WW2. when the greater good is so obvious all you are doing is burying head in the dirt for some childish sense of morality. in fact you could easily argue you are morally bankrupt for not killing someone like that
A child is not the untouchable being you seem to think it is. Again it just sounds like a very childish view of morality.
Fuck him. He’s the equivalent of pop musicians singing for some African tinpot dictator’s birthday party
It was the right decision. Maul was cool because he's a mysterious silent alien ninja.
If they'd kept him around and developed his character, it would inevitably have been disappointing.
>If they'd kept him around
>he escapes and takes dooku's place who ceases to exists
>Anakin gets revenge on Darth Maul in ep3
Anti-Jewish sentiment was large in Europe and the Nazi party existed before Hitler
Yes I’m hindsight his actions did that, murdering him as a child and then letting all play out and rolling the dice could have resulted in anything from an expansion of the Soviet Union/Invasion of Europe to a more rational and tactical Germany advancing farther with a different ruler resulting in more deaths at which point you’re just murdering all children in Europe based on what potentially would happen.
But we are discussing this in hindsight, knowing what we know now. Nobody is suggesting to start killing people based on what we think might happen, only what we've known has already happened.
Globalist, Feminists ruin everything just like they promised to at their UN
Womens Confrence ib 1995. read their agenda notes regarding wemon and media.
oh and great news their holding a new Confrence in Huston in Feb 2018
If I tunrn to dark will I die?
>It would be were unfortunate...
You're a Jedi Master
>*Drinks blue walrus milk*
Was sneaking to my room at night part of your plan?
>Of course... You refused my teachings in favor of Snokes, I had to find out what he told you.
Well congratulations! You sneaked to my room at night. Now what's the next step in your master plan?
>Murdering you...
>*ignites lightsaber*
>With no witnesses!
Wow, just like pottery
But again even though we know what happened in this version of the timeline is it justification to kill a child when there is a very real potential a darker outcome would result? Even knowing for a fact that child would in the future murder millions of Jews, and create the largest war on Earth does that give you the moral right to kill based on actions he’s yet to commit? If you say yes, just think for a second because everyone has the potential to in a variant timeline be that person.
You can argue you are morally bankrupt for the murder of what in that time is just a potential for what would come. You’re also implying the holocaust and WWII happened as you are told.
In some situations I would agree with you but I disagree with the premise that there is an equal chance of things turning out just as bad or worse. This is one of the situations that turned out about about as bad as it could realistically be.
>You can argue you are morally bankrupt for the murder of what in that time is just a potential for what would come.
It isn't a potential though, its a concrete reality that we know comes to pass. The argument against condemning someone for a crime they haven't perpetrated works because we cannot know the future, but that isn't the case here.
Ben Solo was 23, and for all we know, what Luke saw him thinking about was his plan to kill Luke in a few hours, and which fellow students to kill, and which to sell to a Hutt as sex slaves.
*saves your galaxy only to have his character annihilated 35 years later"
"See you around, kid"
Things could be far worse, realistically Stalin was planning an invasion of Europe. There were others in the party that would have listened to generals, there are some that would have listened to their medical researches and sterilized Jews and gypsys.
With our hindsight and being where we are after the event we can say yes the outcome was terrible but at the time of Hitler being a child he had yet to even think of politics let alone murdering Jews.
>The decision is yours but I warn you not to underestimate my power
>You should have bargained Jabba
>This is your last chance. Free us or die.
Stalin was in no position and had no ability to take Europe or control it. A Soviet invasion of Europe would be impossible and even if attempted would result in far fewer deaths.
Luke says he saw a potential in him and the dark side. What he saw was the future he created by literally standing over a sleeping child, molester style with a weapon engaged.
>tries to assassinate nephew and fails
>drinks freshly squeezed sea cow milk
>loses to a girl with no jedi training
>gets mocked by an insane Yoda ghost
>tells nephew "see you around kid"
>dies while hovering over a rock
>goes on twitter sperg fest
>slurps down mouse cock when they throw him a few million and give him a bit part in sequel as a ghost
So you're suggesting it was fated to happen and Luke was actually a slave to it's whim?
I know I'm in the extreme minority here but I would have liked it more if he actually tried to murder him. Even though either of these things are completely out of character for Luke the idea that he just though about if for second is a really underwhelming excuse for him being such a fuck up. It makes sense for Kylo to go nuts after that but it seems like a weak reason for Luke going into hide and waiting to die and never even trying again to redeem Kylo, a guy who is repeatedly mentioned in the movies to have good in him and is constantly torn between light and dark.
>Would anyone say knowing what would happen that murdering Hitler as a child would be problematic?
You clearly aren't a Sup Forumsack, faggot. If you'd lurk a bit you'd know wanting Hitler dead makes you a fucking cuck, or worse, a jew.
I should make myself more clear..
*you'd know WHY wanting Hitler dead makes you a cuck.