Luke, read the works of Paige Turners you should instead. Open your mind to the true nature of things, they will.
I think everyone here is getting this scene wrong. Yoda blows up the tree because he knew the books weren't there anyway. He's a force ghost so I assume he can see everything.
I would turn this Paige if you catch my Force drift
What else can he see?
The tree is still historically important and we’re shown space nuns that protect the Jedi ruins. Then Yoda just burns it to the ground like a cunt even though they’ve spent thousands of years protecting the tree.
I hated the way he pronounced texts. He stretched it into like three syllables.
You are right. Idk why I assumed the nuns were part of some other religion unrelated to the Jedi. Did Luke explain who the nuns were, right after Rey asks him "what were those things" like the absolute fucking racist piece of shit she is?
Why did Yoda look so weird in this movie? Did they intentionally try to make him look like a puppet for nostalgia points? While ironically the original Yoda puppet looked way more realistic. Either way it was a cool scene that really felt like I was watching Star Wars.
>Paige Turner's, they were not.
So whose were they?
puppetry does look better when it was at its height,
fact is its a lost art now, cgi killed it,
you're not going to find people that are going to be able to do it at the same level nowadays.
Rey and Luke destroyed the stuff that the space nuns were taking care of so it's not like they were innocent either.
>Rian Johnson’s first cut of the film was reportedly over three hours long, and with the theatrical release weighing in at a slim two-and-a-half hours, that means about 40 minutes of material got axed.
>The scene started out with Rey seeing a fire across the island, and Luke telling her that it’s from a group of bandits that regularly raids and slaughters the Caretakers — which is extremely horrible and very much not a beach party! Rey, in horror, says she’s going to save them, and Luke tells her that a true Jedi would leave it alone and allow the natural balance of the universe to claim the very judgmental but ultimately defenseless fish-nuns. Rey then effectively says “Screw that!” and with the help of an extra-fast “Force-powered run,” she rushes to the Caretaker village, bursts through a door with her lightsaber swinging, and finds the little dinosaur creatures waving glow sticks and having a raucous bonfire party with R2-D2 (wearing a “festive necklace”), Chewie, and a bunch of porgs in attendance. Ultimately, Luke’s macabre joke was a test to see if Rey had what it takes to be a new kind of Jedi, the kind of Jedi that doesn’t chalk up Caretaker slaughter to “balance” and actually intervenes for the forces of good. When Rey breaks down in tears, Luke realizes that he went too far.
Why does he burn the tree in the first place? How can a ghost interact with reality? In ROTJ, Yda was clear, he said to Luke he will not be able to help him when he will fight Vader. now he shows up and burns thing, what else can he do? why doesn't he kill Kylo Ren. Fucking retards
If the books were so important why didn’t the jedis simply digitize them?
space internet piracy
>the fat gook is Vietnamese
>this one on clearly Chinese
>somehow they are siblings
What did Rilynn Johnson mean by this?
all asians look the same to him.
Leave diversity to me
Because the texts were DRM protected and attempting to copy them would violate the NAP
Can't they just contact the force ghosts of the old Jedi Masters who wrote the book and ask them to dictate that knowledge?
>I bring you to burn, fire
>this one on clearly Chinese
She is Vietnamese too.
But they’re Jedis’, no?
Talk like Yoda you cannot
there didn't have force ghosts
That sounds terrible, yet somehow better than everything else Luke actually did in this film.
Why does that make me angry?
How did the sacred jedi books and planet and tree all survived Sheeve's plan?
>Vietnamese girls are either fat and ugly or suicide bombers
Hmm, could it be that Rian is still a bit sour about 'Nam?