Worst DC Earths/Timelines

We like to talk about our favorite DC Earths, but what about the ones we don't like? Which are the worst?

Personally, I think a good runner up would be the Injustice Earth, where every character was horribly assassinated, literally or metaphorically. So you have lots of dead guys like Shazam, Lex Luthor and the Joker, and other characters that don't even resemble themselves like Superman and Wonder Woman.

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This is actually a tough question, especially since you took what's probably the best answer.

good thing about the injustice comics are the fact the heroes actuallly stay dead.

At least it isn't as bad as Marvel Zombies.

How can you do a character assassination in an elseworld, where the point is to explore different ways characters can be portrayed?

I thought Injustice, at least the games, had a good take on a tyrannical Superman. He's still pretty sympathetic and emotional. Cyborg also got good characterization in Injustice 2. Only total mess is Damian but he's just a minor character in the games.

Yet they still die purely for shock value.

Marvel Zombies vs. Injustice
> Is a 5 issue miniseries
> Written by Kirkman and Buccellato
> Good artists. I can't think of a good pick of the top of my head

I'd read it.

For those of us living under a rock, what happened to Superman in Injustice?

JLA: Act of God is easily the worst and if you think Superman and Wonder Woman are bad in Injustice, wait till you see how they behave in Act of God.

Joker uses fear gas that caused him to kill Lois and his unborn son. Also detonates a nuke destroying most of metropolis. Superman drives his hand through the Joker's chest and decides to be a military dictator. Everyone rolls over because "lol It's Superman we can't do shit." He's urged on by Wonder Woman. Shit goes down. I can't honestly tell the timeline. It seem like the comics and both videogames take place in separate timelines. Perhaps someone could explain the timeline to us plebs.

WW and Supes is still my favorite OTP.

>Only total mess is Damian
Add Wonder Woman to that list. Honestly, Damian is better than her. Atleast I could see Damian diverging from Bruce's path. Wonder Woman is completely out of character.

Injustice is shit because it conforms to the whole "If Superman ever killed a SINGLE PERSON, even the fucking Joker he'd become literally Hitler." strawman.

Jesus, Superman in this games...The only saving grace for me was having the real Superman kick his ass in the first one.

Act of God benefits from being unpopular. I think the issue with Injustice is that its popularity can have a negative effect on people's perception on some characters.

No, at least they are still good there...fucked up people but good, Injustice on the other hand.

You've shit taste.

They never had any chemistry, even as friends, and every time they're feature as a couple in some comic they come off as extremely unappealing. The worst is that Wonder Woman's always thrown under the bus to make Superman look good.

It's a forced ship done for marketing purpose just because of the characters superficial similarities.

Tfw Nazi and comrade Superman act more like SUperman than one who was raised by the Kents.

Mine too, but Injustice didn't do them any favors

Video games pick and choose what's canon from the comics. They keep the Canary storyline developed from the comic and reference it in the games, but change the conflict at Arkham completely. Harley makes reference to ripping off Lobo's head like in the comic, but Golden Glider is somehow killed by the Regime in the games despite being one of the Rogues who lived in the comic. Dr. Fate is also full retard in the game but reasonable in the comic, Swamp Thing is full retard in the comic but reasonable in the game. Starfire was trapped in the Phantom Zone in the comic but nuked in the games.

Superman becomes pathetic a mean drunk because he lost his powers and so can't feel special and superior anymore, Wonder Woman becomes a depressed and suicidal mess because she also isn't any special or superior anymore and she accept to have meaningless sex with Superman with no strings-attached because she wants to feel special again, Superman leave Wonder Woman to continue to be a pathetic drunk and Wonder Woman almost tried to kill herself despite being pregnant.

Yeah, sure, they were evil, but fuck that characterization.

Thank you! That clears up a lot. Swamp Thing is pretty baller in 2 I think

Forgot about Wonder Woman trying to become Christian in her depression because she thinks she and all the metas were punished by God for thinking they were better than everyone else. Like, what the fuck?

Marvel Zombies was a good read but a horrible place to live. Then again, are there any settings you would want to live in that has zombie in the title?

> Both insanely powerful in a world of people they could easily crush like bugs
> Come from alien cultures and our alien to Earth's culture
> Balance each other out in a lot of ways
> WW helps Superman be a stronger warrior
> Superman helps WW be a better and less cold person

Nah Senpai. They are pretty great. WW just gets written like shit in most comic where she is paired with him.

But the originals are gone in the new one. Now we're stuck playing unlikable characters.

That's not what a strawman really is.

I don't get this line of thought. So just because a bunch of shitty Elseworlds had their characters act OOC means it's OK for writers to do this all the time? Fuck that. Unless they're actually straight up different people (like Anti-Matter Clark Kent or Earth 3 Kal-IL) it doesn't make a lick of sense that they'd act different for no reason whatsoever other than "different Earth lol". It's lazy hack writing and I hate that people here have no issues with it.

>I thought Injustice, at least the games, had a good take on a tyrannical Superman. He's still pretty sympathetic and emotional
No, Superman would NEVER go full retard, even if he accidentally killed his pregnant wife and his city got nuked. It's bullshit.

Diana is a good person and is not "cold" at all. Try reading a comic some time.

Wow that is bad. Injustice is just as bad though

while i find injustice's storyline to be in the "so bad it's amazing" category looking at injustice 2's story really dialed the retardation up to 20 and probably succeeded in finally making me hate batman

that said i agree that captain marvel's death was bullshit

If Superman's ending is canon, Im pretty sure he would want revenge.

I'm pulling from the New 52 where she would let people die in alien invasions and such. She was not warm and snuggly in the beginning.

Superman/Wonder Woman is not a good source for characterization. It's like if I brought up that time Batman said he peed himself in a Kevin Smith comic.

Most writers make her like that. Especially out of main line continuity.

New 52 is still cannon even a of rebirth. Superman/Wonder Woman is kinda shitty for characterizations but it still is a valid representation of both of them.

I honestly dislike some of the choices given for Earths introduced in Multiversity, especially the "homages of homages" one, like the Not-Image, Not-Supremeverse and Not-Astro City-Verse. Is it because those works are character-owned and can't be directly referenced unless the creator writes them?

I also find Tangent Earth to be a total waste of potential, given the concept behind it.

You just showed you don't know the characters at all.

>Both insanely powerful in a world of people they could easily crush like bugs

Superman's more powerful than Wonder Woman and can easily crush her like a bug as well. Either way, that's meaningless because both can interact with humans fine.

> Come from alien cultures and our alien to Earth's culture

Superman grew up as a normal kid in Rural America. He's as integrated as you can get. He only started developing his powers as a teenager, which is when he learned about the spaceship and Krypton by second-hand.

Wonder Woman as well grew up as a normal kid surrounded by other normal human. She only gained her powers as an adult woman when she won the right to bring Steve back to man's world and was blessed by her matron goddesses with super-powers for that mission.

>Balance each other out in a lot of ways

Every time they interact they bring the worse out of each other. Specially Wonder Woman who start to act out of character as a conceited and prejudiced cunt with god-complex who is attracted to Superman thanks to his super-powers and tries to convince Superman to accept and be proud godly status. Writers literally use Wonder Woman as a corruptive entity.

>WW helps Superman be a stronger warrior

She tries to help Superman abandon his humanity.

>Superman helps WW be a better and less cold person

She doesn't need Superman to be someone she was already supposed to be from the very start if it wasn't for the fact that writers make always make her act out of character when paired with Superman.
She's supposed to be the more understanding and loving hero out of the trinity.

God, i hate SM/WW fans.

>Injustice Wonder Woman

The writer must have really hated her.

>So just because a bunch of shitty Elseworlds had their characters act OOC means it's OK for writers to do this all the time?
Why is it OOC if that's the character for that world?

>it doesn't make a lick of sense that they'd act different for no reason whatsoever other than "different Earth lol".
So what's the point of having a different world if you want everyone to act the same and for the same things to happen?

Did Batman really love the Joker in Injustice? Dude was more angry at Superman killing Joker than actually be a compassionate friend. Could he not see that Clark needed him?

>Most writers make her like that. Especially out of main line continuity

That's because writers always throw Wonder Woman character under the bus to make Superman look good. That's why the SM/WW pairing is so awful.

>but it still is a valid representation of both of them

No, it isn't.

>WW just gets written like shit in most comic where she is paired with him.

Try all.

Superman certainly thought so.

Superman sound like he's jealous there.

>Did Batman really love the Joker in Injustice?

he probably did but it sounds more like he was upset at superman for breaking his toys

He really does.

Thank you.

They're great characters, but DC can't help but shit the bed when it tries to ship them.

I didn't say the same things should happen, obviously you can play around with the setting, or the events of that Earth, and that should affect the characters. Take The Nail and Another Nail, for example. In these stories Batman is pushed to killing the Joker after he horrifically kills Robin and Batgirl in front of his eyes. This makes sense because Superman wasn't there to stop him or de-harden him beforehand. However, just because Batman killed the Joker doesn't mean he suddenly became some crazy fascist asshole who wants to take over the world, he isolates himself and grieves his fallen partners. Again, it makes sense, it's faithful to Batman's canon characterization, but it's not something that happened in the canon comics.

You can do lots of things in Elseworlds that don't have to betray a character's core. In Superman: Kal, Superman is raised in medieval times, but he's still a good natured person. However, he will kill because the values of that time were different. Once again, it makes sense. That's what I'm talking about, that's the kind of things Elseworlds SHOULD be about, otherwise why bother setting the story in the DCU if you're not going to use those characters? Might as well make up analogues and have Hyperman go crazy after the Jester makes him kill his wife.

Kyle was especially pathetic in that story. Almost like one of the anti-Kylefags wrote the story.

Holy shit, everyone in this universe is so fucking shitty.

can't get worse than this pile of shit

the fact that green lantern was only non magic or meta affected by that at all triggered me

Hyperman is Superman and Wonder Woman's son dude

The Not-Marvel Earths already had its precedents. So I guess it's not surprising to assume there'd be Earth analogous to other companies. Supreme and Astro City are probably there because of the fact they used Superman analogues (and it's also possible that Morrison deliberately put a Supreme Earth analogue to poke at Moore, who did poke at Morrison in Supreme in the form of Billy Friday)

I kind of wonder if Earth-41 (the Image Earth) being opposite Earth-23 (Calvin Ellis' Earth) was deliberate, though.

Superman and Wonder Woman are actually my favorite DC characters, which is why i hate the SM/WW pairing so much, because it makes characters i love so goddamn unappealing. The main reason i like them is because they're so human despite their powers. They normally don't feel any special or different and just want to be part of the whole. But when together? Superman turn into a softer Zod and Wonder Woman into Faora, or Ursa, or Mala, or Maxima, or anything other than herself.

It was also an identity that an alternate universe Kal-El used, too:



Where Thrillseeker and Thrillseeker '62 began the Batgirl/Batman pairing.

>That's what I'm talking about, that's the kind of things Elseworlds SHOULD be about, otherwise why bother setting the story in the DCU if you're not going to use those characters?
Yeah, but you're severely limiting what an elseworld could be or do. All you're basically asking for is the same car but with a different coat of paint. Additionally there's also other well received elseworlds where the characters are completely different from the "standard" template such as the Crime Syndicate and Justice Lords. If your tastes are confined to such a limited palate, that's fine. That's your thing. But you're basically shitting on the concept of a more expansive elseworld framework literally because of "NOT MUH."

You get the idea.

But how is it limited? Only a hack would think staying true to the character's core is a "bad" thing.

>Additionally there's also other well received elseworlds where the characters are completely different from the "standard" template such as the Crime Syndicate and Justice Lords
We've never followed these universes though, so it's not the same thing. Also, the members of the Crime Syndicate are not the Justice League, Ultraman is Clark Kent from Earth not Kal-El, Owlman is Thomas Wayne Jr. not Bruce Wayne, Johnny Quick is obviously not Barry Allen or Wally West... if you had some kind of twist in Injustice saying that certain characters like Superman and Wonder Woman aren't Kal-El and Diana, and instead some other Kryptonian and Amazon, that I'd be fine with, because it wouldn't betray the core of these characters, but instead we get these hacky, lazy versions made only for shock value by people who clearly have no experience whatsoever with these characters.

>Ultraman is Clark Kent from Earth not Kal-El,

That's just Antimatter version though. New 52 Earth 3 version really was from his universe's Krypton.

Yes, but his name was Kal-IL. That small detail already shows a divergence, small as it may be.

He's not entirely wrong though. I think there needed to have been a better explanation why Superman snapped and killed the Joker and was willing to kill Shazam and others.

I mean, Taylor (or whoever) did give one reason being that the Luthor of Regime Earth was never Superman's enemy (until after Superman became tyrannical) so that sort of makes sense, Superman (and other heroes, since Luthor said he helped ensure their identities remained secret) had it easier and didn't learn all the lessons he needed.

I still think that if you put in Max Landis' Adventures of Superman story (which I didn't entirely like) as a prequel to Injustice, it would make even more sense because it would give an even better reason why Joker would target Metropolis the way he did, and why Superman and Batman were so quick to come to blows with each other, and why Batman would be making some really bad decisions he did in Injustice.

>Yes, but his name was Kal-IL. That small detail already shows a divergence, small as it may be.
But it's the same fucking character, just changed to be completely different to fit the narrative of the world the creator wants. Just like Crime Syndicate Superwoman is either actual Lois Lane or is Diana, who took on the alias of Lois Lane, in that universe. The same character, just changed to be completely different to fit the narrative of that particular universe. The fact that you can gloss over this but are so triggered by Injustice is hilarious. You have this complete NOT MUH reaction for whatever real reason you have toward the Injustice universe.

>But it's the same fucking character, just changed to be completely different to fit the narrative of the world the creator wants.
Not really, Superman isn't evil, Ultraman is. I don't know why this is so hard to understand.
Besides, it seems that thanks to what I assume was a heavy eugenics program in Krypton, infants were already ready to walk and speak despite being newborns, unlike our Kal-El, who was just like a normal baby when he arrived on Earth. So that's another difference between them, this time on a genetic level. They're two different people.

>The fact that you can gloss over this but are so triggered by Injustice is hilarious. You have this complete NOT MUH reaction for whatever real reason you have toward the Injustice universe.
I already explained why, we're supposed to take Injustice's story at face value and accept that Superman totally would go crazy after what happens to him in that game despite what decades of stories by better writers have told us.

So you are saying that Lex needed to be evil?

That's what they imply. There's been other imaginary stories where Lex was good and it kinda/sorta worked out.

Me personally I think both regular and Regime Earths in the first Injustice have Max Landis' Superman stuff as the backstory so that plus Luthor's personality being different on both worlds show why Regime Superman would go crazy but Kingdom Come Superman doesn't.

KC Superman also had time to grief properly. Fascist Wonder Woman only thought of searching him years later. Who knows what would happen if she had went after him right after Lois death.

You do realize that in the main universe of Injustice Lex was evil and would have been the one responsible for the explosion of Metropolis?

That's jar of Supersemen, right? If so, definitely worst earth.

No thats Created Equal

Nah, jar of supersemen is from JLA: Created Equal.

There are a lot of bad Elseworlds featuring SM/WW out there.

No, that was Created Equal.

Superman was so thirsty for Superman's semen in this Elseworlds, she even raised Superman and Lois' son as if he was her own. Too bad she fucked up royally his upbringing, but that's par for the course.

>Superman was so thirsty for Superman's semen
I-it's just like one of my obscure fanfictions!!

>Superman was so thirsty for Superman's semen
My sides!!

It took me until today to realize the kid is named Adam because Adam and Eve

>Superman was so thirsty for Superman's semen
Talk about an ego

The Brother Eye one or one where Darkseid won

I think Injustice Supes also needed a non-powered villain like Lex to keep him on his toes. It looked like he never had to deal with shit like the Joker until the nuke. Meanwhile normal Supes like Superdad would have been more careful, especially with a wife and kid coming into the picture.

Original Earth-3 Ultraman also was from Krypton, although I'm not sure if he had a Kryptonian name.

How did Conner came to be if Lex was never evil?

Everyones life is so fucked in this universe. Crazy bats (bat shit crazy man) is fun but everyones an asshole and or is shit on

He had a gay relationship with Clark for a while and they decided to collaborate on a test tube baby?

Cliche, then.

Like Ollie?

You guys got a mega or torrent for it? I want to see this

Byrne is such an ameriboo it's not even funny.

I kinda liked this universe desu, even if there weren't any actual superheroes in it.