What the fuck is his problem?

What the fuck is his problem?

He got was worse when TTG came along
I mean, he was always shit but when he saw TTG he went downhill faster

Is this a whys is Cluck Buck a terrible father thread?

to be honest, chicken little was a shit movie.
but aside from that, enter really is a crybaby bitch

Fuck, stop reminding me of his old title cards.
From what I've seen, his videos have increased to like 5/10 in quality recently, but it's still not enough to forget the garbage he put out on such a consistent basis.

Eh, he's on the spectrum. That doesn't make it any more tolerable, but it's not something that keeps me awake at night. Then again, my best friend is an aspie and there have been times I needed to calm him down over very mundane things, so I guess I'm sorta used to it.

Literally, unironically autistic

he has autism
granted low key autism but you can still tell by listening to him long enough

i just don't agree with enter at some points.
he's always rambling on about how all shows must end with some moral to teach, but that's bullshit, like seriously give me a break.
i'm amazed he's never done a review on squidbillies and say that early should learn not to cuck someone.

people who remember is chicken little that bad? I really liked it when I was a kid but I was also retarded when I was little.

Yes, the pop culture references are legit awful, the characters are a complete mish-mash and the tone is all over the place, and it has a weirdly cynical premise for a kids movie (everyone hates a child because he made a mistake as a child and for some fucking reason they all bought into it and then blame him for being retards)

I dunno, again, the pop culture is what kills it for me. It feels like Disney limping along after Dreamworks and saying "Hey...look...we can do it too..."

Basically like watching a beaten housewife turn to prostitution because it's the only way to stay alive

I tried watching the film, saw the climax.
>>You got to trust me dad!
>>I don't know
>>Rinse and repeat multiple times in 10 minutes
That's staggering.

Also, mind wiping a girl so she would be your girlfriend!

There are people like Lee, who resent the very idea of cartoons teaching a lesson or being morally sound, and then there are people like Enter, who demand that every show have some sort of moral standard, lest they're reminded of their "harsh childhoods".

>Dad basically pretends to understand his son so he stops crying

Holy fuck it's hard to watch

That's realistic

I know, that's why it's hard to watch

The problem with Mr. Enter is that he isn't playing a character, like James Rolfe or Doug Walker do in their 'review' videos. He unironically gets angry at lame cartoons, that everyone in their right mind has forgotten. He has very little appeal, entertainment value, and real insight.

what the fuck kind of "harsh childhood" did enter live?

shut up john


I can't listen to his videos anymore because he doesn't know how to balance his audio. He fucking screams into the mic without any regard for who's listening

i can't go 3 minutes of watching mr. enter;s vids without pressing the L buttion

i like how genuine his videos are but the autism also makes him freak out over stupid bullshit.
>thirty minute long video rambling about some completely forgotten kid's show that's like twenty years old because it had a typical "disabled people can do things too" plot that pretty much every kids show ever has had

As someone who knows aspie people and tolerates them, its really easy to see his Aspergers bleed through into his reviews. My main problem with his stuff, however, is how opinionated his reviews are, but he expects us to accept it as fact. as someone earlier said, he has no persona to go with his reviews. another problem is his own work, Growing around, having the premise of another failed premise from years ago, which i cannot remember the name of, wish i could. Overall i don't think he's bad, but he's really got a lot to work on. a lot of his stuff just feels lazy.

People actually listen to an autistic man child with just high school education who takes kids cartoons to serious.

>That one video where most of the time was spent bitching about his fans sending him requests, with only like 7 minutes being spent on the actual review.
I mean, you could've just made a seperate video.

He loves nitpicking and whining about minor things.

Still, Chicken Little was bad, and the father was the worst.

He's drawing shotas now lol

Should I redraw Timmy?


>Mother treated him like shit, dad and stepdad didn't give a fuck
>consistently bullied in school, told a teacher and he got pepper sprayed
Probably more to it, but those are the main points

This user gets it, he tries to be objective and treats dissenters like retards.

>he got pepper sprayed
How the FUCK?