I never understood this scene. Why did they keep her alive?

I never understood this scene. Why did they keep her alive?

To torture and rape her, obviously.

To torture and rape her. Sandpeople didn't have a lot of hobbies.

Breeding Just like they did in order to conceive Anakin

>rape her
Do we actually have sauce on this?

What else would they be doing? Search your feelings. You know it to be true.

it is heavily implied

Sandpeople are very opposed to showing skin, only doing it on their wedding nights (I think).

After all those Sup Forums memes about how the prequels aren't that bad I actually downloaded and started watching Episode 2 again. Never made it to the end, it's even worse than I remember. Get it together, Sup Forums.

Geroge Lucas had drawings.

>Tuskens were forbidden to take off their protective clothing in front of others, except in a few very specific circumstances: at childbirth, on their wedding night and during coming-of-age rituals (two events which were often one and the same), and as adults, only in the privacy of their tents with their blood-bound mates. Breaking this rule meant either banishment or death, depending on the specific tribe rules.

that one is pretty bad. Cut out all scenes with Jar Jar and Anakin speaking from episode one and its reasonable to watch. I like 3.

How do you know?

Yeah they're pretty rough. I like ROTS and even that is filled with awkward dialogue and bad CGI.

He's probably George Lucas. Who do you think makes all of these threads bashing Porgs and Luke's milk fetish while praising the prequels?

Not as bad as episode 6 if we're being honest

you just have shit taste

Humans don't count as others. In a society where nudity is so censored, they would have to release sexual tension in one way or another.

They can do what everyone else on Sup Forums does, jack off

>"a movie is only made by the story"
Read a fucking book then.

2 is godawful and irredeemable. 1 might work as a kids movie if you cut out about an hour of boring pointless scenes. 3 is the one with some lasting value, based Palpatine carries the movie hard and you kinda get into it with Anakin's temptation and betrayal. Very flawed but passable.

You never read the novel version of Attack of the Clones, haven't you?

Prequel trilogy can be reduced to a three hour version of ROTS using scenes from Episodes 1 and 2 as flashbacks.

I haven't.

Then stick to the sequel trilogy, faggot.

They're called tusken rapers for a reason

>the techno union army is at your disposal
Absolutely the worst PS2 CGI and unimaginative character design in any Star Wars ever. A literal Rick & Morty throwaway character.