Since we all agreed in the Boba Fett thread that no one wants a story centered around a meme character who died like a...

Since we all agreed in the Boba Fett thread that no one wants a story centered around a meme character who died like a bitch, is it settled that this is the story everyone wants?

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We don't want more star wars movies, let it fucking die already.

Edward Palpatine

They should let Lucas direct this one.

We already have an entire trilogy dedicated to Obi-Wan.

Only if Ewan McGregor is cast

Why would anyone want this movie? We see Obi's life from start to finish over several different forms of media, what's left to cover?
>he got so old on tatooine though!
so you want a movie about him sitting on some fucking sand for a decade?

fuck you you scottish motherfucker... I've been training for you Ewan and I will fucking take you down.

he fucked up fargo, terrible actor

>Obi-Wan trilogy
>First film is a straight-up remake of Yojimbo, Obi-Wan gets caught between two criminal factions in Mos Eisley and ends up playing them off against one another to save the locals, Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon makes a cameo
>Second film is mostly lifted from Seven Samurai, Obi-Wan and a team of six bounty hunters agree to defend the moisture farmers from the predations of Hutt gangsters
>Third film is a straight remake of Kagemusha: a high-level rebel general is unexpectedly assassinated, but the assassins are killed before word can reach the Empire. Obi-Wan is conscripted by Bail Organa to take the general's place to delay an Imperial attack on the Incom drive yards and allow the rebellion to smuggle out the prototype X-Wing and B-Wing fighters; constantly haunted by the force ghost of Qui-Gon warning him of impending doom, Obi-Wan adapts to life in the public eye once again, falling in love with the dead general's neglected wife. By the end of the film, everyone is dead and Obi-Wan returns to Tatooine a broken man

Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Edward Elric

I hate the idea of a Obi-Wan film but I'd be okay with that.

I would like to see Ewan McGregor play Obi-Wan Kenobi in a good Star Wars movie.

I get the feeling that I'm still not gonna get my wish.

It’s called Revenge of the Sith, my guy

A bunch of Star Wars movies just made by lifting plots wholesale from Kurosawa movies?! What a ridiculous idea.

>you want a movie about him sitting on some fucking sand for a decade

Yeah, because that's totally what it will be about. Take your non-sequitur elsewhere.

Elric brothers BTFO!!


Did you not read the first half of my post? The fuck is there to do on Tatooine? It's known for having fuck all to do and he has to keep a low profile to preserver Luke's anonymity. There is no direction you can go with the character anymore.

>not having a Darth Vader movie
>Darth Vader hunts jedi in hiding
>that one comic i read as a kid where a bunch of jedi lured him into a trap with an Obi-Wan message. He murders them all.

any of you faggots know the comic? And anyone willing to story time it.

>Stand-alone film in \Old Republic era remaking...RAN


It would have to be filmed like the first Terminator, have the film focused on Jedi and this fucking killing machine is after them. Could be alright

>Obi-Wan and a team of six bounty hunters
So one of the most wanted men in the galaxy working alongside men that track and capture fugitives.

You're a fucking genius.

Just write they were hired to hunt him down but they decided to become good guys

>more spin offs
>more mouse nu-wars
no thanks

>yfw they do a prequel and cast a teenage Obi Wan

So you establish reasons why each one of them doesn't want to turn him over to the Empire.



>Mos Eisley Spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. Unless the plot requires otherwise - then everyone here is just a good friend.

Protip: storylines where bad guys and good guys work alongside each other are very appealing to children. It has to do with the suspension of moral judgement and decision making.

You guys might find that personally significant.

Yes I did. That's why it's a non-sequitur. Your conclusion was a fallacy.

It's times like this I marvel at how quickly and comprehensively Disney fucked up Star Wars. All you need to do is borrow the story structure and cinematography of Kurosawa films effectively, add in some action scenes based on WWII movies, and top it off with a healthy dose of transcendental/metaphysical philosophy and you're golden.

A Darth Vader movie might be cool, he would obviously be hunting for Obi-wan, but fail so there wouldn't be much of a payoff.

The idea of having six guys passing through that spaceport that aren't complete assholes completely breaks your suspension of disbelief? They don't even all have to even be bounty hunters, just the Star Wars equivalent of a ronin, which could be a bunch of different things.

Why would you assume bounty hunters only work for the Empire when ESB made it clear they were hired as a last resort and neither the hunters nor the Imperial officers had any love for each other?

Look up what suspension of disbelief is and realize why you are using it incorrectly. Criticizing something for being stupid is not the same as criticizing it for violating internal consistency.

>They don't even all have to even be bounty hunters
In which case I wouldn't give a shit.

>Why would you assume bounty hunters only work for the Empire
I don't - why do you assume that someone can't be a bad guy if he doesn't work for the empire?

Bleep bloop robot XD Le Epic bait mate
Rate my face

Why do you assume that a person's alignments and morality are fixed and unchanging based on their profession even in a vast fictional fantasy universe like Star Wars? Do you think US Marshals are bad guys in real life?

found it guys

This might actually be great, especially since McGregor was genuinely good in the role and he's the perfect age to play a middle aged Obi.

The entire appeal of Star Wars is that it's a universe of white hats and black hats. It's incredibly dull, but that's how it is. At the very best, you can simply say that bounty hunters are amoral murderers and mercenaries who only do what a contract requires them to do. But they're not dispensers of justice or defenders of the weak, and wanting the scum and villainy of the setting to be turned into good guys because that makes it easier for Disney to pump out this capeshit tier garbage is really fucking stupid.

No, I want more sheev.

I just want to fuck a porg. I asked in another thread but it 404'd, anybody know the best porg merchandise that simulates a human vagina

Hasn't Disney done enough to the OT?

this would be pure kino
sheev: a star wars story
how he went from young racer from a middle class family on naboo, to plageuis apprentice, to full on sith lord and eventually emperor of the galaxy

also an obligatory scene of having femin-sorry rebels, shot en masse before his very eyes

The best version of that story would only have like, one bounty hunter. The rest would be guys who served some master or organization or another during the days of the Republic, but because of the Empire, it's either dead or gone and now they're just wandering around and wind up on Tatooine.