Why do women take over things made by men? Why doesn’t a woman write a withcheresc book?
Buh buh but!... I’m a white male! Better reply!
Whats to worry about? She said it herself, she aims to stay true to the books, there are some genuine woman characters in the series that are interesting.
Why don't you wait til it's out before you start throwing your dummies out of your cots?
Oh wait, I'm on Sup Forums, you're all mentally 10 year olds and unironically wear sonic the hedgehog themed microwaved diapers. Pathetic.
I've never seen any Trek and even I know there at least dozens of films. How do people like this even get jobs on such projects, not just as staff writers, but as fucking showrunners?
>married to produced Michael Hissrich
pretty much most of netflix is shit.... but i bet fags like you still pay for it.
it's not really about making their own art, it's about destroying other people's art. They COULD make their own art, but if they did that, art that they don't like would continue to exist - and they can't live with the idea of 'problematic' content being out there available. Everything that exists must comply with their ideology
Because straight males are still a large audience, and they didn't watch 50 Shades or Twilight
"Writers writing" doesn't cut it any more, there has to be a twist on the marketing, so every woman is now a feminist and that's how it's marketed, even if the woman in question is just trying to write for a living
>caring about Netflix shows
why would you?
>white m*n will still watch it though
nigger, I haven't paid for anything since the early 2000's
When will you people realize that whiteness and maleness is the cause for all the hum-drum bullshit hollywood keeps producing? They would never cast a female lead because it "doesn't sell as much as a male lead would!"
>never played a videogame
I think I got just the person to adapt the Witcher series!
t. netflix
based pirate bro
I don't watch capeshit, but wasn't Elektra the worst thing about Daredevil? At least that's what you fags told me
someone post the picture of how a hobby devolves as normans and roasties invade it
well they are adapting the books, not the games
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
t. haven't watched a single shitflix series and never will
because they can't make original content worth a damn
Name a single franchise that improved thanks to a woman's voice.
Daredevil was great but Elektra was probably the weakest part in many ways
there are not enough lads to wew
The first Star Wars film, but that's the only one I can think of.
>a shitty made for tv series about a terrible comic book character is being made for a shitty streaming service
there you go
the world can't wait for another ww and the jews get what they deserve
Star Wars
When I say Star Wars I mean George Lucas' ex wife. Fuck you.
It's all over.
Umm sweetie if you want tackle political issues please do it with things rooted in the reality we (presumably) share, not in the make-believe fantasy land of capeshit.
>i bet fags like you still pay for it.
>pay for it
>Sup Forums
Are you actually braindead? There's a reason all movie discussion only happens after the first cam leaks and then peaks after the first BluRay rip is out.
>Sup Forums had been memeing about it for months
>it literally happens
You can't make this shit up.
BLACKED LOTR is next on Amazon.
>She said it herself, she aims to stay true to the books
This is what they always say. Even the fucking Ghostbusters remake was "true to the roots" apparently. Why do they always lie? Because there's only negative outcomes from making the point you won't respect the origin book/comic/show in your adaptation.
The entire reason this is Witcher and not Generic Fantasy World is pre-established name recognition. Who the fuck would ever answer that question with "no, I don't give a fuck about the lore"?
> Why don't you wait til it's out
"They'll fix the CGI later!"
"Just because it's another ideologically driven piece of shit, doesn't mean it's going to taste like shit. Try a little of this shit before you judge!"
Get a new dog and pony show, this one is worn out.
It's exactly like Sup Forums predicted and that's starting to scare me. So it's gonna be 50% black cast for sure then.
Kill yourself r*ddit.
I'm sure she played as much of a role as the 250+ other people working on it. I said improve, not do their jobs...
And it will only get worse in the future. Remember the LotR series that's coming up? I wonder what they will ruin after that.
Why is society going out of it's way to prove Sup Forums right on a daily basis now?
Like seriously it's hard to not be on their side anymore, they've been warning us all for years we were just to blind to see
isn't the witcher a racist video game where you collect trading cards of women after you rape them
Women can't make anything good
yeah, it's the pinnacle of manliness and capitalism
>hunt monsters
>gets paid
>fuck women
You're a moron, she was the person HE consulted on big decisions in the movies, it was her idea to kill ben kenobi, her idea to put in the "kiss for luck" and her idea for the trench run.
At this point, I think you just like the feel of your head up your ass. So why don't you just keep to yourself and stay there?