You know what would be cool?if one of the big two ad Sun Wukong (Goku) to their universes...

You know what would be cool?if one of the big two ad Sun Wukong (Goku) to their universes. As a member of the JL or the Avengers with the huge power level of his anime counterpart. It could be a way to have an Asian character people actually like and the idea of a shonen brass,irreverent hero beating the shit out of Thanos or Brainiac could be awesome

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They already do have him.

Marvel already has Sun Wukong in their universe and he was last seen around Fear Itself era

Read New Super-Man and you get Bai She Zhuan for free

They has The Monkey King but they need to use him too. But I would rather see him have his own comic made by Liu Dongzi. Not even connected to the superhero universe.

He did the designs for one of the million Journey to the West adaptations, specifically one that came out in 2011. And possibly a movie too?

I am actually doing my own designs for Wukong but I don't want to fill up this thread with my own stuff.

Considering one of common Marvel characters is a freaking Norse god of thunder, Sun Wukong does not seem out of the ordinary in comparison.

>Current Marvel
>Going after my people now
I swear to heavens above if these baizuo fucks try this I will burn the office to the ground

some of the movies about Journey to the west show that i´ve seen the Monkey King is more like Vegeta rather than Goku personality wise

I don't care for the huge power levels necessarily, but sounds like a fun secondary character for say, Herc if they made more God Squad stuff. Weird that I don't remember him.

It's one thing if Chinese are fucking up the stuff ourselves; it's a whole different thing if some western company is going to take the character and fuck it up.
I'll let it slide if it's just some skin-deep adaptation like Enslaved or Into the Badlands. I will not tolerate if they take the story and pull a Thor on it or worse, pull a Jane Foster Thor on it

why is he so smug?

Don't you know who Monkey King is?
Here's a hint: pic related is a severely powered *down* version of him.
Sun Wukong has all the rights to be smug.

Nobody cares, Ping, your ancestral tales are no more sacred than others'.

Just post one

i get it, but come on Sung Wukong is a literally character like Sherlock Holmes, not a deity like Odin or Thor

Here's my take on the character.

To be fair, a good chunk of his story was basically that despite being super strong the other gods still showed him up when he tried to ursurp them/fucked up their immortality feast and then he had to join te tried to ursurp he journey because it was that or be stuck under a large rock forever.

I don't remember if it was just the head god or a team effort though, but basically i saw his story as a "Don't be smug and entitled" fable when i read it as a kid, which is a whole different beast then what DBZ did.

Why isn't Jesus a hero in DC or Marvel?

Sorry. Here it is.

The point is that I don't want my beloved characters butchered and mingled to fit an agenda

>Sherlock Holmes
>Remembering those movies with RDJ and Jude Law
>That and that Three Musketeers movie

Because he's not a transexual filipino midget woman who identifies as a remote control with all the fitting pronouns, you trips shitlord.

>my beloved characters
That's not how public domain works, lad.
I don't get why people get so autistic about adaptations, they don't retroactively change the source material.

if they make him middle eastern and call him Yeshua I´m sure no one would care

Because people want a character they like to continue being good in other media as well.
Especially if the new adaptation is going to be the gateway to the source material, you want the gateway to not crumble when people walk through it.

But really though, it IS just autism talking. I'm at no position to really point fingers since I buy Dynasty Warriors game after game. I'm just sperging out because it's what we do on Sup Forums nowadays instead of discussion

Only way source material can be changed is if a shitty sequel comes out
>to kill a mocking bird

Fair enough I guess.

The Great Saint is worshipped in some parts of China, I had a prof who witnessed a divination ceremony aimed at him. Romance of the Three Kingdoms characters are also treated as deities.

Actually, he was in Avengers World. He's working for SPEAR.


>Romance of the Three Kingdoms characters are also treated as deities.

Those weren't characters though. They were real people. Guan Yunchang is basically the equivalent of a saint.

But liberties can be taken with characters from Journey to The West because they're all fictitious.

>it's a whole different thing if some western company is going to take the character and fuck it up.
Bruh, it's already happened though.

I know they have. I just want them to be good.

In the chineses epic Journey to the West that monkey becomes the strongest being in the world in the first book and all the gods had to get Buddha to stop him.
Like OP levels of powers. He kinda lost some of his power once the real story begins but the shit is still powerful as fuck and he and everyone else knows it so most of the time Monkey just shows up at a fight and everyone just stops

He is boring

in the context, having to ask Buddha to stop him is basically asking ETERNITY... or somebody Really HIgh Up.

Wukong doped himself THAT much.

>In the chineses epic Journey to the West that monkey becomes the strongest being in the world in the first book and all the gods had to get Buddha to stop him.

I thought it was about intelligence, not power. Without the ring on his head he's just a beast. They gave him the ring for intelligence out of benevolence, and then once he could contemplate sophisticated thinking, he just started causing shit for fun. THEN they dealt with him and the story for him thus is learning humility or someshit.

>I know they have. I just want them to be good.
What does it matter then if what you fear has already long come to pass. More than once even.

Which is doubly hilarious because a lot of the time the monk's trouble is because the monster has a very specific OP power that Monkey can't punch his way out of and has to get help, like that one ox demon that has the bracelet that can suck any weapons away

I'm a sperg

I'm pretty sure that the headband was just so that Sanzang could keep him in check by doing a spell that tightens it? I don't think that it has anything to do with intelligence.

It kinds of work. Wukong became the Punchiest Being I The Universe.... but can't do shit against something he cannot Punch. Forced him to learn humility, IIRC

Buddha told him that if he could jump out of his hand the he would get what he want. Monkey was like "lol ok sucker" and jump out side of the fucking universe where fire pillars held up the universe. He came back to the Buddha to tell him where he was and Buddha was like "lol those 5 pillars was my finger ls" then dropped a fucking mountain on him.

By book 2 a monk (the main character of the epic) got him to do what he wants because of the golden crown and robe

Don't forget that he also peed on his fingers.

IIRC Monkey was told by Bodhisattva that Monk is coming to save him and take him on the trip, Monkey was grateful of the Monk and followed him, but he was unruly so Bodhisattva gave Monk the headband to keep him under control

Being under the mountain for 500 years taught Monkey about humility, but the trip taught him some more

Monkey was a working progress through most of the story. Also goddamn the gods pretty much did haft the work in that epic

>movies with RDJ and Jude Law
You mean those fun action films that didn't devolve into anime shit like the BBC show?

the whole epic is a metaphor for the path to enlightenment. The Monkey King is the human force of will and free thought, potentially limitless in power but fickle, self absorbed, and prone to self righteous tantrums, reckless hedonism, and petty slothfulness. It's the moral component of the monk Tripitaka that has to guide and better utilize the powers of the Monkey King toward a greater good.

I would really like to see an adaptation of Journey to the West in cartoon form. Something like Avatar: The Last Airbender.

I would love to see Marvel's Thor fight Son Wukong. I know everyone here will be bias, because of "Mai Odinforce", "Mai runes".

Thor, Odin, and Wukong can't do shit against Ravana. Unless any of you have read the Ramayana epic and know his secret.

There's some anime versions.
One by Po-Ju

I think it would be even better to see Superman try to have a go at him.

Who, Wukong or Ravana?

Wukong. With DC being so focused on having in universe complicated politics, I could see Wukong as China's answer to Supes.

Yeah there are a ton of them and live action stuff too, but it would be nice to see a "western" take on it with some budget. And Avatar is kinda anime-ish and has a good sense of action and humor which is what I'd kinda like to see. I would even be fine with them having a female Sanzang in it. He has been played by females before such as the classic Monkey tv-show.


What's it, hitting him with an astra or something?
Because Mjolnir is probably an equivalent.

Well there's Alakazam, though I'm not sure it was western and it probably just takes some key points and changes a lot of stuff.

Alakazam is japanese. Speaking of Monkey King features. I really should sit down and watch all of Havoc/Uproar in Heaven, the classic animated chinese movie.

>pull a Jane Foster Thor on it

Capcom already did it.

No God, divine beings or divine force can hurt Ravana. Mjolnir is out, Thor is out, Odin is OUT.

This is cool

Good, but seems out of character he's not smiling.

Was there ever a direct comic book adaption of Journey to the West?

Adam Warlock and Batman already exists, user.