Why did Disney reject the original Rogue One™ line-up?

why did Disney reject the original Rogue One™ line-up?

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You know darn well why.


because, fucking white people
and that green alien fucker identifies as white

Holy Shit, way too Like-the-old-crew-but-not. It's basically a mix and mash of a bunch of characteristics from the original trilogy character line-up.

Oh, and most importantly in this day and age: TOO WHITE.

A Star Wars movie with space aliens? Ridiculous

Kinda looks like the Guardians of the Galaxy crew

It was so fucking generic and fucking stupidly obvious.

Really? An entire universe filled with thousands of intelligent species and an Empire of obnoxious British White (Human) People is the only one with evil intentions as well as the power to subjugate the rest of the universe? Every other race and species can't succeed in being competently evil? Fuck off.

Because they needed to make the humans into the knights of ren after they got captured(instead of killed) after they completed their mission and then tortured and mind broken to the dark side.

Then they abandoned that idea for some reason.

Aliens and the two on the right are 10/10 and should have been there

looks like the alien from the MiB animated series intro



This was in the EU too, though. There were comics in the late '90s where the Empire put species onto concentration ships and experimented on and ultimately exterminated them.

Forget competently evil, how's about competent period.
In a universe with hyper speed, space travel, sentient and self aware droids among other things, Tusken raiders are stuck grounded to one desert shithole, only armed with primitive weapons with one shot, and rape and murder everyone they come into contact with.
And some of them, I assume, are good sand people..

That tranny with the five o’clock shadow should have been enough diversity points.

I was at a barcade last night, and guardians of the galaxy1 was on. I couldn't help but suddenly realize how much fucking better than gotg movies are than the new starwars. there's color, there's appropriate tone and humor, there's a diverse cast of aliens as both main characters and just background characters, and there isn't really any sjw bullshit hamfisted into gotg. It's just an honest to goodness scifi adventure movie, like the original starwars movies were.

tldr, gotg is modern day starwars done right, where as the pt and st are just pure garbage. R1 was ok, but I've given up on starwars movies. the mcu is basically the new starwars for this generation.

>SJWS made muh empire nazi!

pic related was from a 2004 comic

Because that's Guardians of the Galaxy

Because it has an alien in it. Star Wars is about humans not aliens



Wow having red flags is exactly like tweeting that the Empire is a white supremacist organization

>I was at a barcade last night
>tldr, gotg is modern day starwars done right
Shut the fuck up you fucking numale faggot.

>call disney wars shit
>still get called a numale

Nice use of buzzwords my dude, upvoted and subscribed.

but seriously, you can't refute that gotg shits all over disney wars in literally every way: art design, characters, ship designs, special effects, scenery, planets, the overall story, etc etc the list goes fucking on.

if you cant see the obvious symbolism there you're a tard


It's one thing to draw inspiration from the third reich in terms of aesthetics and another thing to equate the galactic empire that everyone is trying to use violence to bring down with "white supremacy".

What exactly is wrong with White supremacy as an idea? It's just a fucking opinion. It doesn't inherently lead to some slippery slope to genocide. Supremacist thoughts are pretty common among humans, sometimes its got a basis in truth, other times it doesn't.
Why is White supremacy considered so much worse than other supremacist opinions?

Is it because it is a rejection of fictitious human equality? or is it because Whites are actually inferior?

lmao that really depends which manchild you're asking but all of this shit is capeshit

No aliens allowed in nu wars

That totally explains Finn. He must be white

What symbolism am I supposed to see? Even if there was any connotation it wouldn't matter, no one cares about a fucking gay star wars comic book, very different from a major franchise film's developer tweeting that it was a white supremacist organization

The Empire is supposed to be human supremacist, not white. It only looks white supremacist because the movies were made in the 1970s/80s, when the United States was overwhelmingly white. Now that the country is like 60-70% white at best, the Empire does seem to be white supremacist from our PoV, but in order to think that was the intention you would have to be retarded or lying.



>he thinks the US is 60-70% white
Where do you think the 56% meme came from? Whites are in for a rude awakening once the 2020 census numbers are out.

That tryhard Vader reference might have been a decent look for her.

"Human supremacy" doesn't mean "white human" supremacy. It means humans in general are superior to other species.

For example, we can see black and other non-white teens being trained as stormtroopers in the rebels.

>we can see black

You mean African-Terrestrial? Fucking racist get out.


hahhahaha why would you say that. Are these people low iq? wtf they just keep digging.

>Where do you think the 56% meme came from?
Depends on whether you're using the Sup Forums definition of white or the normal definition of white. I'm including white hispanics when I say 60-70% (think Tony Romo, Ted Cruz, Jessica Alba, etc.).


SWs was made in the 70s you retarded shit.

The Empire isn't even human supremacist. It's not "suremacist" It's imperialist.

Hispanics are not, never were and never will be white.

I actually prefer the design of the droid that made it into the movie. That concept version is too much of a 3PO clone.


The Empire, and it's derivatives in the Old Republic time frame, were always human supremacist. Regarding the later, aliens were only more-than-tolerated if they were Sith. Regarding the former, only the exceptional (e.g., Thrawn) were able to stand out above the rank-and-file and earn recognition against the alien bias.

The rogue one writer literally said the empire was a white supremacist organisation.
JJ abrahms based on the first order on Argentinian Nazi's regrouping after ww2.

Unsurprisingly both of these individuals are Jews. I'm not entirely sure why so many Jews are gunning for the only race that seems to be willing to put up with them.
Everyone else seems to fucking hate them.
Blacks hate them, Arabs hate them, Asians hate them.

The movie would have been shit if they didnt die at the end. Having them live would have been a cop out.

Nah they had to die

Nope. Also the funny thing is the first order which has been made oit to be more naziesque has not only "diverse" members it has actual aliens as part of it.
The reason humans show up frequently in the Empire is because it was more straightforward to make uniforms just for humans.
Furthermore don't forget near humans. The empire had no issue at all with employing Aliens.
Thrawn completely disproves your bullshit.

This shit needs to stop. I had actually sat down with some jewish people and asked them if they ever thought the Empire was nazi while watching the OT they said they never thought that, these are people who dont like the real nazis.

What shit needs to stop?
Jews gunning for White people? or equating the Empire with White supremacy and nazis?

>Thrawn completely disproves your bullshit.
Thrawn was an exception, which is exactly what he already said.

Equating the Empire with nazis you antisemitic fuck.
This is what liberal progressives are turning the franchise into. Their politics, it was never about them and no one even jews thought that.

I actually like what we ended up with.

how the fuck does a "supremacist" organisation allow someone they hate to rise through the ranks and lead them? its like saying the Nazis would allow a Jew to become Furher.

Quit being such a fucking bigot


user, it's like you didn't even read the second half of the post.
>Regarding the later (Old Republic), aliens were only more-than-tolerated if they were Sith.
>Regarding the former, only the exceptional (e.g., Thrawn) were able to stand out above the rank-and-file and earn recognition against the alien bias.

The keyword is bias. They were supremacist, but that didn't mean they weren't going to use alien labor. At no part does the former (supremacy) preclude the ability to use aliens as a labor force. Moreover, it reinforces the desire to do so as they are seen as disposable/inferior. However, high ranking members tended to be humans because of the inherent human-bias due to the Empire (and its derivatives) being supremacists.

Because he was a fucking genius. That's the whole point. He was exceptional, they knew it, and they wanted to use his talents to benefit their overall war effort. Why waste exceptional talent?

>Equating the Empire with nazis you antisemitic fuck.

What have I said that was anti-semitic you dumb little faggot?

Nazis weren't even that hard on Jews. There were people of Jewish ancestry within the Nazi party. Hitler was a zionist who handed medals to Jews etc.

You know the first order right Snoke is an alien his allies are aliens.
You need to accept the fact JJ and the liberals saying this shit are mentally retarded.

>Snoke is an alien
He is?

This is what the nufans ie libtards coming to the franchise don't get about star wars,
When you see humans in Star wars you're not supposed to think its a human. It could be an alien. You just don't really know. So the entire thing is redundant. Even the human looking aliens are supposed to in some cases be related to humans.

Yes he is classified as humanoid alien.

Let's bypass the fact that I said already that aliens who were Sith were already more-than-tolerated in the last two posts.

>You need to accept the fact JJ and the liberals saying this shit are mentally retarded.
Absolutely fucking correct. White supremacist? That's clear fucking propaganda on their part and they can shove it up their ass.

But canonically, the Empire and its derivatives were human supremacist. I don't even think there was ever a discussion of (human) race in any SW media that I've played/watched/read/etc. To even bring that into the discussion shows that they have no clue what the fuck they're doing.

They never were canonically what you are saying ever.
That sounds like fan theory. If it was ever put in the EU blame someone being a faggot.
Thrawn completely disproves this shit.
Anyway why was the Empire not going on an alien extermination spree? Instead in the OT they are shown to repeatedly employ and work with aliens.

Being human supremacist doesn't mean they have to go on alien extermination sprees it means humans get first consideration in the division of the benefits of the Empire.

>reads that Snoke is an alien
>continues to claim Empire and its derivatives are "human supremacists"
You are literally brainwashed dude. The irony is the FO is supposed to be more nazi-themed. It was founded by a black woman and its leader is an alien.

A pile of Rian Johnson-tier bullshit. Nothing about them is meaningful in the slightest; they're literally the product of a committee.

occum's razor is the people working on nuwars and tweeting this garbage are lunatics.
This is why there is such a big fan backlash. They are ruining the franchise with their politics.

>why did Disney reject the original Rogue One™ line-up?

This. It isn't black and white. Just because you have a bias towards humans doesn't mean you want to exterminate every alien species in the galaxy. What good is ruling over a charred husk of a world if you have no labor force to extract resources/etc. Nor does it mean that you won't leverage aliens in positions of power if they're exceptional/it's politically required (e.g., puppet rulers). It's not that hard of a concept to get.

It's clear the FO is themed around "Nazis in Space!" That's why I said Disney has no clue what the fuck they're doing in and are blatantly injecting their own politics into the series.

Anyone sane could always see that the Empire was a reference to the British even though it had stylistic overtones of the SS in Vader just because Lucas was riffing on the most badass dudes in living memory.

That’s not a hologram of the Death Star.

Way, WAY too white for Disney.

Thats what im saying. The idea the Empire is nazi is farleft memery. These fuckers think everything is nazis.
FO is obviously being made by prog Disney and has been more nazified. Yet there is nothing nazi about them at all.
This just shows the fact they are idiots onsessed with politics they arent even aware of their own setting.

I'd love to drop this jiggle tits in the middle of the 3rd world.

It’s clearly a planet with land masses and oceans

Has no one scanned The Art of Rogue One?

Yeah it has elements of colonial Imperialism, The Romans etc being literally an Empire.
The biggest inspiration is Imperial Japan. Its scary this fact has been erased from wookipedia. Lucas flat out stated it was the inspiration.
The Empire was supposed to originally have Japanese actors playing Vader etc.

Makes sense.

They actually avoided the SS comparison by using grey as officer uniforms.

ripping off more of known space

There are a lot of guys wearing black in A New Hope.

The death star had oceans for recreation.


Black was reserved for pilots and commandos.

No shit. But I don't know enough about the nu-Canon to delve into the politics of the FO. Unfortunately, there's absolutely nothing about nu-Wars that makes me interested in the lore anymore.

That said, the previous Empire(s), in all of their various incarnations throughout galactic history, were always human (and Sith at times) supremacist to some degree. That didn't mean they went around exterminating alien species for shits and giggles, but there were heavily biased against aliens in the upper echelon (officers) of their military and political organizations. Aliens were used as necessary, but they were viewed as inferior. Only the exceptional stood out on their own, e.g., Thrawn.

Jedi were heavily based on samurai, no? Qui-gon was perhaps the most overt example, as I believe his concept art featured an Asian dude.

Did you forget about the guys who led the raid on the Tantive IV? The Death Star? This guy may as well have the Totenkopf cap on.

I didn't remember this at first but it turns out you're right. There's also the death star staff, although they seemed more like maintenance workers.

The space corps were all black dude they are the airforce.

Either way this is a clear SS visual reference.

maybe the empire just resembled the nazi's because of their top tier aesthetics

No it isnt you idiot.


Yeah, because the whole human supremacy thing popped up during Imperial rule. Disney better not screw up this, by making it non-canon.


It was around thousands of years before the Empire was even founded.

>wearing a dress
>top tier aesthetics