Why didn't Bill defend himself?
Eyes Wide Shut
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why are they calling him homo?
because he's a manlet
I honestly don't know, and I've seen the film 3 times. What does "San Francisco" have to do with his immediate demeanor for which they signal him out for?
Because in the original novel that the movie is based on they call him out on being a kike, and Kubrick did that it would have made things too obvious.
because he is outnumbered and just a weakling doctor, but also because his need to have a fling over extreme jealously of a man. his fantasy of his wife being fucked by the naval officer is prompting him to want to fuck a woman to prove himself. there is a mix of emotions here, in a way it is like his dick is out and somehow he didn't even consider that he could possibly want to fuck a man, or that a man could want to fuck him, or that someone in general could chop it off. if he fought them back it would be absolute confirmation the character is gay.
San Francisco is gay AF
t. californiafag
san fran population is super gay
because its tom cruise
because men who care about fashion and putting product in hair are faggot fucking faggots like you OP
>if he displayed an ounce of masculinity it would make him gay
How is this you conclusion? Never mind that he meets the prostitute the scene after, and is awkwardly unaware and inexperienced, suggesting the opposite of what you say.
>Pack of niggers attack him
You can't blame him. Of course you want to do something but in real world practicality, you're kind of fucked if a bunch of cowards attack you in a pack outnumbering you 8 to 1.
But the film is set in New York. Why did the gang of lowlifes conjure up a prejudice out of nothing?
theyre 6 white guys moron
he has no need to prove himself as being tough, in fact he is basically the opposite in most scenes. he is constantly being pushed around up until the end. he has no need to prove himself as not being gay or defending against someone saying he's gay because he's not. his problem is jealously.
I got news for everyone. If this happens to you normal people react the SAME WAY. only teenagers and morons get into public alterations. Adults just walk away if they can, because the world is full of road rage stupid psychos and it's NEVER worth it.
this was when Rudy Guiliani was still mayor
Looked like pack of niggers to me.
They're just lads having a laugh, you autists.
they're in new york (fake kubrick new york anyway)
he walks into them
they see that as queer
they tell him to go to a queer town
should be easy to understand for a board that calls people faggots constantly for no reason
Some people enjoy being mean.
t. Sup Forums user
what does nigger mean to you, exactly?
bill is a naive OP
boys are Sup Forums insecure homophobes
bill doesn't care/is surprised
they are all talk, no action
Why couldn't Bill keep his wife in line?
>bad attitude
>starting problem for no reason
>ganging up on people
>devaluing society in general
What's he gonna do, fight em all? Not like he's out looking for a fight, at this point he's on a mission to compensate for, well, being a manlet. Guess you could say he was damaged goods, not really in any state to fight back.
If a group of hobo looking wiggers bumped into me I would pull out my conceal carry and light them the fuck up.
how openminded of you
Soyboy mentality
Why couldn't Kubrick keep Kidman in line, that was an awful read.
they were not worth his time
he's too caught off guard and packing a mean boner in his naval officer fantasy
has anyone else noticed that most ominous scenes have a form of blue in them?
>y-yes officer, i feared for my life because the scary man called me faggot
i bet you think youre really tough
>Imagine getting paid to shoulder check Tom Cruise into a car and shout slurs at him
first time here wow really great discussion this board bye
They didn't get paid, Kubrick just had Cruise walk down a random street of New York and shot it with a zoom lens 100m away.
finally a rational person that isn't just ID BEAT THEIR ASS LOL
It is NEVER worth getting in a street fight unless you are in real danger.
People DIE from having their head hit concrete in these stupid fucking fights.
This means you DIE or you KILL someone and go to prison.
Real men can take petty abuse and not think about it, it doesn't bother them.
fucking lol
except it's LONDON
Be honest: would you believe him in the moment? Bill could have laughed it off and gone home non the wiser.
He's dressed really fancily
So why would a gang of chavs have an American accent?
why was edward norton in this movie?
you can cast american actors and shoot in london with them, hence how tom cruise is there
but this is not new york, it was shot in london
He played the man that had his eyes wide shut
Holy shit, I finally know what she says to him.
If I assume correctly, this is probably a moment to display how weak he feels his masculinity is, and those lads having fun probably remind him of it or represent his own mood at the time of that scene. I mean, I guess wherever this scene is placed, I don't remember after which scene this is from but I know it certainly matches the story.
that was a set
Was he at the mansion orgy?
Why didn't he refuse to take off the mask and then proceed to fight his way out?
He didn't becoem Jack Reacher just yet
>sad times
> "There were two men with him.....big guys."
Kubrick baneposting all the way back in 1999
>that ring
There definitely had to have been a sub plot about pedophilia that was edited out, there's too much symbolism. One hhop owner whoring his daughter out to gangster couldn't have been all there was.
the password scene doesn't.
so there goes your theory.
How many scenes did Kubrick take until he got the gay just right?
It's settled, then. Nothing to see here - merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
What did she mean by this?
the entire movie is an attack on Toms sexuality and masculinity. His wife cucks in him via dream, the two girls at the party, the chinamen blocking his path, him bailing on the hooker only to come back and find out she has AIDS, the list goes on
original release when?