Was it kino?
Was it kino?
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so has net neutrality destroyed internet in america like liberals promised yet? cause the quality on Sup Forums is still the same
Was this picture made by a child?
wtf my internet is exactly the same, it's almost like reddit and twitter were lying so they could stay in control of censoring people
>first it was climate change
>then it was nut neutrality
wrong every time, baby
how many death threats from raging teenagers and communists did he have to endure just to dab on them?
really literally did nothing utterly wrong
redpill me on net neutrality /po/. all the people I dislike say net neutrality is good so I assume it isn't but I need a quick rundown
based reddit bros, we did it again!
how delusional are you? Do you not realize every polar bear and ice cap is extinct and most Americans have to pay $1000 a month for full speed internet? Fucking Drumpfkin
>he's going to pretend like reddit wasn't for net neutrality
why does Driverpepe have a joint in his mouth instead of a toothpick?
Jewish big business can now pay internet providers to make gentile sites run slower to cripple opposition and keep slowly gaining control over every public forum.
Sup Forumstards celebrate this because it triggers le ess jay doubleyous.
all you need to know is that hillary and soros were both for it, pretty much every internet monopoly was pushing for it
things have stayed the fucking same.
cringe post is cringe
>things that aren't going to happen for $800
>If big business has the power to secretly take control now why don't they do it in the open immediately after the repeal when everyone makes the connection and is against it
They are our greatest ally after all. Why don't you tell me what you hated about net neutrality?
Even if they did, I would laugh my ass off if normies that ruined the internet had to pay a premium for their precious facebook access
90% of the internet is absolute garbage at this point, I say let it burn
whoever made this image should legitimately consider not procreating
jesus christ how fucking retarded
Thanks for proving that the only people against nn are the ones who know nothing about it.
It's not they who have to pay premium. It's facebook paying to slow down opposition sites so people get frustrated and stay in the jew approved part of the net.
>hurr durr nothings happened
Thats because it hasnt been fucking repealed yet. Wait until congress lets it through.
>slow down opposition sites
your tinfoil hat is on a little too tight, bro
Without it ISPs could decide to give more bandwith to the sites that can pay them and less to sites that don't, premium packages to access certain sites, etc.
Might happen, might not, who knows, law will be active in months, so for now it's all speculations.
Most of the net neutrality protest have died down on normie sites like reddit. They know they were herded like a bunch of sheep as if a decision to reverse an Obama power grab was going to destroy the internet, they don't even give a shit anymore and are moving on to "What Trump said in a Tweet now" mode.
Only Sup Forums still post about this shit so the contrarians can gloat that they were right, that nothing would happen.
>facebook paying to slow down opposition sites
there is no opposition to facebook. they cornered the market on social networking already. and that was under NN
t.GOP shill. Thank god I live away from shit country.
>Big tech corps never tried to cripple opposition
The absolutte state of Drumpf bootlickers
YOu know he gave the facebook example? And facebook doesn't only do social media. They did censor conservatives already during the election.
I guess Walmart sends out hitmen to shoot out the tires of Target's tractor trailers, too? Because it's as believable as one website paying to gimp the traffic flow of another. You're honestly being stupid.
Made by Sup Forums probably. So yeah, basically a child.
you mean during NN?!?
Yes and how the flying fuck is net neutrality going to stop that? You've fallen for the corporate distraction, hook, line and sinker.
>31 posts
>no one brought up Sup Forums yet
>I must shoehorn it in somehow!
Seek help you mental cripple
Good argument, I'm convinced
>getting this mad at your shitty board being made fun of
If walmart could do that without any consequences they would.
>falling for divide and conquer tactics.
Good goys
Is this a false flag or are Sup Forumstards seriously taking it in the ass to defend Donnie Smallhands that hard?
>Walmart sends out hitmen to shoot out the tires of Target's tractor trailers, too? Because it's as believable as one website paying to gimp the traffic flow of another
No. The traffic thing is far more believable. And now legal. If you think no company will pay to get faster traffic you're literally all the retarded.
>You're honestly being stupid
You're honestly dishonest. Because every company should and will try that. Which is why there was necessity to repeal nn in the first place you absolute fucktard
>zomg stop mentioning Sup Forums in a political thread you guise
>doubling down on your cringe behavior
Sup Forums isn't the issue here, faggots like you are, you derail every other thread with this low effort shit
Yes. But that had nothing to do with nn you moron.
Flumpfy just gave them another tool.
Fucking christ. Why can't you shitheads inform yourselves about stuff before you ruined the only media not completely jewowned yet
I love how underage fags make it so obvious these days.
>Sup Forums crossposters aren't the issue
>the fa/tv/irgins posting in them are!
step up your bait game
>They did censor conservatives already during the election
Someone actually believes this wow
Net neutrality is a completely different subject. And it allowed you to browse other websites just as smoothly.
It's literally impossible not to understand that if you would would have informed yourself about nn
They admitted to that so Idk what to say. Yes. Yes I actually believe that.
This is the level of argumentation that repealed NN. Thanks alot you braindead moron
"Oh, The Internet-chan," Ajit Pai moaned. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this. You wouldn't want me to be disappointed, would you?"
His eyes crawled hungrily over The Internet's sopping wet routers. He moved in closer, gripping it from behind with his thickly muscled arms.
The Internet wept softly. Tears were streaming down the trembling surface of its code. "N-no, Ajit… I would never…"
"Good," Ajit hissed, running his tongue up The Internet's delicate, exposed terminals. "I just want you all to myself, The Internet-chan. I don't want anyone else to have you."
The Internet shivered in disgust. It weakly tried to shove Ajit off of its body.
Ajit stepped back, appalled. His grotesquely swollen half-incher protruded like a livid, sexual mushroom out the front of his trousers.
"Stop resisting you cheeky fuck!" Ajit spat. "You think I give two shits what you want? I'll fuck you whenever I damn well feel like it. Now, spread your servers for me like the good little whore you are."
Consumed by a sudden burst of rage, Ajit roared, seized The Internet, and thrust it up against the wall.
"Oh, you're really gonna get fucked now, you mouthy slut," he growled.
Ignoring The Internet's cries of protest, he forced his hideous, bloated man-meat into the tender folds of its ISPs.
"Ajit-chan, stop- y-you're hurting me-"
The Internet sobbed and struggled, but Ajit pinned it down beneath his hulking, muscular frame.
"Stop fighting me, you delectable little tease… I just want that sweet, sweet, free-market economy of yours…"
He pumped his choad violently in and out of The Internet, his ears deaf to its anguished wails. After fucking The Internet for what seemed like hours, Ajit shot his sperm inside it with a bestial bellow. The slick slime of his climax began to dry inside The Internet, clotting and coagulating in its bandwidth.
>redpill me on net neutrality /po/
Well first you fold the paper like this, and continue to make the net interlacing your papers as so, but ensuring they stay neutral in the process
I love how all the crossposters rush to the "everything will be fine you conspiratards" because they genuinely never learned about what nn means and just regurgiated it to be on the drumpfy side
>the only media not completely jewowned yet
lmao you're delusional
When you can't post your shit for brains magapede propaganda vomitposting on Sup Forums without getting laughed out of the board, try Sup Forums.
Anyone else excited for an internet with less Americans? If we're lucky Sup Forums might just become tolerable again.
>haha take that sjw. liberals are against it so that means i agree with the repeal. based emperor trump haha he triggers those feminazi tumblrinas whom i hate even though i've never once met anyone like that outside of the internet. i'm gonna pretend to be a conservative republican even though they shit on people like me
You ruined it. You fucking doomed us all just so you could have your little memes. I hope you enjoy this moment because in the next few years you will see the internet as you know it change and crumble as we lose everything. our online freedom, our rights and our privacy. Only when it is too late you will beg for it to stop but it won't it will continue to get worse
WHen YOu cAN'T posT yOUR sHiT FoR BrAINS magapeDe propagANDa vOMItPOSTiNg On Sup Forums wIThOuT GeTTInG laUGheD out of tHe Board, TRY Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is turning into a Kekistan containment board
That graph is misleading. The areal extent of ice fluctuates wildly because of preassure. The graph also only looks at a 10 year period and still shows a decrease from start to end, pretty close to the -3% decrease in volume per decade.
Very cherrypicked.
You libshits are actually retarded lol
>Gore told us we'd drown in shit but we're only waist-high in it, check fucking mate libtards
Ironic how the first true "internet generation" immediately kills the internet. Maybe it's for the better.
I’ve got my passport ready.
I wouldn’t mind moving to Europe if it meant an internet without Americans.
Epic argument, check'd and subscribed
>elites scared shitless by the internet
>try to subvert it with vacuous social media
>no effect
>dude what if we just tried to control the entire internet
Loving every laugh
>nothing seems different two weeks after the vote so everything is fine
i mean climate change is real guys, just because your friendly media corporations deny it doesnt mean its not
yeah, every 3 months the season changes
I like how this chart doesn't contain Sup Forums. Because noone in there right mind would say these websites *rule* the internet. And if they would it would just be all the more reason to protect net neutrality
How do you think the elite controlled the internet via nn?
>nothing changes
>reddit still assblasted
Apple literally was just sued for causing iphones to slow down after only a year or so of use. Corporate conspiracies are very real and our entire society is pretty much built off them, friend.
didn't mean to quote obv
and are changing subtly every year to a more unstable and unpredictable state compared to the previous year, yes :^)
They couldn’t. That’s the point.
My apologies, I forgot my stance isn’t self-evident. Too many shills and retards nowadays.
>predicting the future is dificult
we're in the middle of an ice age
Is this happening elsewhere in the world too? The last six months have been wild as fuck in Central-East Europe, summer practically didn't end until November and today it's like 15 degrees where I live. Trees and flowers are reacting weird to it too.
and ice ages end broskis
>yfw nothing changes
so you be sayin, that climate changes regardless of human interaction?!?
You do know the greenhouse effect of CO2 can be prooven in a lab right? Right?
I mean I get not sucking green corporations dick over climate change but even shills like Shapiro acknowledge that man contributes to global warming
yeah man, but we're also having an affect wyteboi
Not as fast as with human influence
Experts say otherwise homie
Get back to me when
A. A lab has an accurate representation of the planet
B. Human CO2 has a statistically significant value
>A. A lab has an accurate representation of the planet
What? Did you just not read what I wrote or did you not understand it?
What part of it do you reject? That CO2 has a greenhouse effect or that CO2 goes into the atmosphere?
>B. Human CO2 has a statistically significant value
Here I am back at you.
Nice argument
>"I know better"
Repeal not in effect yet. Why do you bother commenting on this? You're completely clueless.
>expecting Trumpfags to care about political issues beyond memes
nothing will change, also television
I love how Pewds made a video arguing against net neutrality to appeal to his Sup Forumsbros but accidentally argued for nn so he had to take it down
Did ISPs made any misdeed to the consumer? NO
Did Government did any misdeed to the citizen? Yes
Checkmate libtard
Was it kino?
What misdeed did net eutrality do to you?