>do or do not, there is no try
>failure the best teacher is
what did he mean by this?
>do or do not, there is no try
>failure the best teacher is
what did he mean by this?
Women can't write.
>he expects me to read this thread
>like it’s a book
>stop browsing /r9k/
>No God but God, there is. And Muhammad his prophet, he is.
Might have gone a bit too fat there Rian.
yoda just says whatever the plot demands
the first line is a dumb idea. of course there is such thing as trying. and failure is the very feedback through which one's efforts improve.
I now understand why they couldn't have let Admiral Ackbar lead a spaceship suicide charge.
Also anyone else find that scene where Rose tazes Finn and tells him she'd "lynch his fat, nigger ass if he tries to desert again" kinda distasteful?
Yeah that took me off guard too. What really put me off was when DJ called the gamblers a bunch of "money-hungry kikes" though
I couldn't believe Rian was so daring. It's like when Poe went on that drunken rant after getting demoted about how Holdo sucked space dicks to get to her position and how he'd hatefuck her to death.