women can't fi-
Women can't fi-
I wonder how many takes it took to get this scene right, there is like 20 cuts in those 29 seconds.
-nd my car keys
>that atrocious fucking camerawork and editing
Youtube skit shorts look better than this shit.
But they both lost though
Thankfully strong black man was there to save them
>this is an "action scene" in a multi-million dollar big budget hollywood production
Based BBC saving the day.
If you keep squeezing my face into your crotch I'm going to lose this fight for sure, ha ha
>people pay billions of dollars to watch this shit year by year
nance a home without a male cosigner.
men are stronger than wo-
they're just shamelessly trying to generate scarjo porn gif parodies at this point
That armor probably has some mass effect fields
>at least 25 cuts
wtf is this bulllshit acceptable in a movie with 200+ million $ budget?
-lm an action set-piece at all
looks fun to me
>possesses a robot hand that can break through concrete and rip off the door of an armored SUV
>not just instantly crushing her windpipe
>not just popping all their heads like watermelons
women are we-
what parodies? post them
I liked the "Why didn't she do this to Weinstein?" meme with this webm
Why don't German women do this to the rapefugees?
>you in charge of knowing anything about the character
He doesn't want to kill them you fuckface, he doesn't even want to hut them.
I barely even finished watching this 30 second webm, can't imagine watching the entire flick.
that would be racist
Still fun.
how was this done? Post the behind the scenes video
women can't fi-
It's impossible to do that leg grab on the neck without the help of the person they are trying to fight.
>Sent the two roasties back to the kitchen
>Sent T'Challa back to the cotton field, where he belong
>The way he walks away
Winter Chad is truly amazing. No wonder soyboys hates him.
>be a literal living god
>start doing backflips and 720ยบ jumps to defeat mere humans
What the fuck? Just punch them. Why does she even needs the sword, doesn't she have super speed as well?
>Born from a God
Pick one.
men are stronger than wo-
Wew, never knew women were so stronk. No wonder they're taking over the world.
Jesus fucking christ how many cuts per second has this piece of shit? Where does ScarJo go from 0.04 to 0:09?
women can't fi-
The I've never seen a person move before, but I think it goes like this started pack
>he doesn't want to hurt them
>throws one of them through a table with a bunch of ceramic and glass on it that could easily pierce her heart and instantly kill her
Jesuschrist this is awful, I can't believe this wasn't edited out.
>has a steel arm or w.e the fuck it is
>chokes her instead of instantly crushing her neck
yea makes sense
Why tv show is this? Looks really cheap.
>a glass
>pierce your heart
LMAO, you fucking soyboy. Have you literally never been in a bar fight? How much of a closeted inexperienced fuck are you?
Yes, it makes sense, you brainlet. It's a hero vs hero fight, he doesn't want to kill her.
Women can't fi-
Why doesn't he just kill her? For fuck sake
>actually watched and angrily defends this trash
>calling anyone a brainlet
makes as much sense as the scene
Oh nononononono
this but unironically
Looks good
>I cannot comprehend: The Post
Spoken like a true brainlet. Don't use words you don't know the meaning of.
Nazis btfo by the wonderjew.
i keep watching it but i still don't get how she got that guy to spin in the air like that, even if she has infinite strength
Hello, I'm the internet bullshit caller. This is bullshit. Have a nice day.
Those aren't Nazis you idiot.
-igure out how to survive in the wilderness.
can we retire unfunny memes for the new year.
especially the not finishing a sentence meme.
its never been funny or quaint, ok.
Take a loot at the mirror, and realize your existence is also bullshit. How could your mom and dad, such wonderful people, create an abomination like you? Just look at the mirror mister bullshiter.
>Have you literally never been in a bar fight?
Are you implying they're a common occurrence? Stop LARPing as John Wayne.
She isn't full powered, she's slowly gaining strength, speed and endurance through the movie, she started being slightly stronger than humans then by the end of the movie she can fly and throw tanks with one hand
most heavy lifting is done with the back and leg muscles anyway so it's not unreasonable to assume he only has above average human fighting strength until he has to crush something in his hands
He gave those bitches free hits and still wiped the tables with them.
>this is a supermodel in Israel (capital: Tel Aviv)
Pro ice skater I see
>Are you implying they're a common occurrence
How would you know if you never leave the house?
Who is John wayne? What the fuck are you talking about?
Yea sure, but you aren't slamming people into tables in bar fights.
>vehemently defending soycore
>calling others soyboys
why do lefties always do this? Make up your own terms, brainlet
>A 58-year-old San Jose resident died on Friday after being flung from a golf cart and falling on the shards of two wine glasses she was holding, according to the California Highway Patrol.
>Debra Debard was being driven by her partner, 57-year-old Richard Clarke, in an E-Z-GO golf cart on a private olive orchard in Wallace, a small town southeast of Sacramento.
>After Clarke made a left turn near the end of the orchard, Debard was unable to "stabilize herself" and was thrown from the cart. The two wine glasses she was holding shattered and Debard fell upon the fragments. She died at the scene, and Clarke was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence.
Why are the germans the villains in a ww1 movie?
>, but you aren't slamming people into tables in bar fights.
No, you fall into them. Which is the same kinetic force applied.
Because National Socialism is the only true religion.
don't have it saved but there's that one of her getting jack hammered by hulk's foot long dingus
that part in the OP where she's getting choked would be perfect for one
Don't post my wife here.
I never watched this film but holy shit they look terrible.
The villain was actually english, I think
What is the point of those dumb slo-mo moments, she isn't even hitting anyone in them. Still miles better than OP's webm though.
I wish I had some wires and a human sized stool every time I wanted to get some guy's face in my crotch.
Commie shithole
Everyone look the fuck out, The Cooler is here.
>everyone who BTFOs me is a nazi!!!
can you go back to tumblr or whatever hole you crawled out of?
women can't fi-
when she crouches down she gets on the other side but the camera isn't inverted so it looks like she's still on the same side. While doing that, she's pulling the black dude's arm with her, while his other arm is locked with the shackles onto the white guy's arm., so his only choice is to spin
>Still miles better than OP's webm
Spotted the DC fanboy
Reading comprehension nigga. Do you speak it?
If women can fight then how come none have ever come out to challenge Mike Tyson to a fight during his life?
I would have loved to watch it.
women can't fi-
And also get beaten. Truly, the white man is King.
To be fair, he is retired and done fighting.
>soyboy telling me I don't know how to read
My eyesight's fine, you're the effeminate cuck who needs glasses. Maybe try sitting further away from your screen when you watch your kiddy cartoon movies
Reminds me of that scene about the jewish experiment that ends up raping the scientist.
>I'M ACTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>powerbombs small woman onto a table
>table doesn't break
Just like my WWEs.
Blue b- balls of mine
Damn night and day from the eye torture in OP.
Don't worry, a few hemorrhoids won't hinder him.
>he unironically watches anime
>calling anyone a soylent
Dumb soyboy. Read a book and lift. It's time to take the country back.