Is she right?

Is she right?

Other urls found in this thread:

>issa event. issa function.

>Issa assembly cut.

Tbh I didn’t think Twitter nogs were so pumped for thier cape kino.

Does she know the film is in English?

Remember in the 70s when there was a massive industry of 'black' films?

Why did they stop getting made?

I don’t understand a word that simpleton is saying

name one good movie over 90 minutes.
protip: you can't

Meesa propose Mahvel Bwana gibs da cut

>used to being in the barber shop, beauty salon and church ALL DAY

Funny she didn’t mention “work” here

Because black millenials see sense of humor as a weakness and love being demeaned by bugmen creating dead serious schlock like Black Panther.

because nobody watches them but a small as fuck % of the population

Black people keep coming up with new acronyms that I wont be bothered to learn.

Maybe they should reduce the running time by cutting out all the bits with white people in


What language is she speaking? It seems similar to English...


>tfw this gets 100% on rt because you will be called racist if you dont like it

Bih issa finna biiiiig booomba annie.

Daily reminder, these """""""""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""""""" are allowed to vote

>for 4 hours crime is reduced by 90%
Please do it Marvel

>finally we've become Gungas


WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT MEAN? I don't speak nignog, someone help.


What talmbout mayo skin ass I’m head ass here for this and if you ain’t you finna CATCH THESE HANDS . We finna be IN THERE Issa EVENT. Issa FUNCTION

Black people used to be so fuckin cool. What happened?

This is for the culture
This is kinda tragic desu senpai.

Blackmericans only culture is a movie about a fictional African kingdom, made by a company that's the film equivalent of McDonald's.

>Nogs not understanding how post-production and rough cuts work

Do they seriously talk like this even by text? Is that "the culture" I have heard about? Talking like retarded four year olds?

No wonder it took this long for a blockbuster to pander to them. The bar had to be lowered this low over time.

What is bih?


its ebonics for bitch

it's orcish

They became gungans

A corrupted form of “bitch”

In fairness white American culture is also capeshit and Macdonalds

I always thought "finna" was something Sup Forums used mockingly in those suicide squad threads


it means 'going to'
The Simpsons - Season

>(12 KB, 251x201)

I only just wrapped my head around "finna" earlier this year now there's "issa" whatever will they come up with next?

Hollywood started to put actual blacks into movies so blacks didn't have to go see "black movies" and the cost of film making is so high that it's harder to compete
Sorta like how segregation created some successful black businesses but when segregation ended they all kinda went away as they couldn't compete with massive corporations

because nigger rap music and jew sports found a way to exploit the black beasts

finna has been slang for at least 10 years

Going to > Fixing to > finna.


I agree. Release the 4 hour version in cinemas. The result will be hilarious to experience.

Yeah, theaters really needs blacks crowding their theaters for 4-hour intervals.

>niggers have no jobs or responsibilities so they can waste hours doing stupid shit

sounds about right

Have you tried sounding the words out? Shouldn't take longer than reading normally for someone of average intelligence

>10 years
It's ancient nogspeak. One of my negroid teachers was using it in the 90s and she'd been doing it since she was a kid.

But that happened in the 50's and most of the coolest African Americans were at large during the 60s and 70s

they're still cool, grandpa


niggers are just that lazy

Looking at the trailers can she tell it isn't being directed by the person who made Homecoming and Civil War? It looks the same as every other capeshit movie. Doesn't warrant 4 hours you bassmouth pickaninny dirty fighting blackerry!

I mean, she can do whatever she wants. I won't be bothered for a four hour MCU movie.
Four hour movies can be good, not a four hour Marvel Disney generic capeshit

With the end of legal racial discrimination and a groundswell of social support by whites, blacks in the 70s finally felt that they had the means to raise themselves up and take the world into their hands. There was a sense of confidence and black pride.

Then... they failed. Rather than a glorious new age where blacks proved themselves equal to whites, blacks found themselves just as, if not more, marginalized in society, only this time the poverty and failure was their own, not the result of white oppression.

The result was denial. Conspiracy theories about the CIA introducing crack cocaine to destroy black communities abounded. Blacks, unable to take responsibility for their own failures, decided that they were not less oppressed by whites but more oppressed, only this was a new kind of pervasive invisible oppression.

Now there's a whole new generation of blacks that has been raised who don't know anything about black culture other than these ludicrous ideas of 'structural racism' that fit into an oversimplified narrative of oppressor and oppressed. The irony of such concepts/narratives is that they implicitly say that blacks are not the equal of whites, and so blacks have to petition whites to do things for them, like make Black Panther, because blacks would be 'systemically oppressed' if they tried to do it themselves.

such a strange language

Literally who


This young man is rapper 21 Savage. In an interview early in his career he was asked about the significance of the cross tattooed on his forehead, to witch he now famously snapped back at the interviewer “ISSA KNIFE”. Thus a new slang word was born due to an inability to articulate the English language that other basketball Americans proudly welcome to thier lexicon. This is the proud and glorious black culture that white people are endlessly excoriated for appropriating. There is no predicting what will come next.

>Issa event
>Issa function


That gif, holy keks.

>we finna be in there
>issa event
>issa function

I dont get it

It’s an assembly cut. Everything shot in order before the editing starts. It will be around 90 minutes.

There arent any except the ones with the main antagonist so im not sure if that would be possible

>Black folk are use to being in the hair salon, barbershop & church ALL DAMN DAY
well it's not like they have a job they have to get to

Lord of the Rings

better than them committing crimes

There's literally nothing amusing about it at all. You probably read pop-up books for enjoyment too, dotard.

Issa(it’s an) event. Issa (it is a) function(social function/party. An opportunity for black people to congregate)

having a good time with the lads

>sit getting hair did all day
>paid for by welfare
>welfare paid for by taxes
>taxation is theft
>they're benefiting from crime

somebody rewrite this for virgins and BR2049's 4 hour cut

Were black peoples acting like this when meteor man or steel came out?

wouldn't work because br2049 wasn't a virtue signalling movie

watch this

go to 16m mark
go to 40m mark
>5 minutes of them traveling
>5 minutes of them just hanging out

it's fucking torture and these people like this fucking garbage

They can't even be quiet through a normal length film

>we sit around with our waifus all day we need representation!

Rap "music".

american CULTURE is watching 4 hours of mediocre capeshit lmao

Civil rights

>can only screen it twice per day
>movie bombs horribly

Are these people retarded? They understand that these 4h "cuts" are not watchable? a first cut to get an idea of how pieces should fit together?

Holy fuck truly /ourgal/

Are black people at all ashamed about being associated with this kind of thing?

>ill bring snacks
Im pretty sure you're not allowed to bring outside food/drink to a movie theater.

how do you say bih?
and what does it mean?

Do niggers love Titanic? What?

I think it's kinda cool how excited they are about it. I like that youthful enthusiasm, even though I personally don't care for capeshit

Not at all.

I understood that better than the OP.

Every unfinished movie is excessively long.
The fuck are those niggers thinking?
Why do they want to see a bad edited long ass movie?

>sheboonta eve

Hey everyone! Just want to remind all my Marvel bros that you’ll need to request permission from a black friend to go see Black Panther! Be sure to get a slip signed stating you’ve been approved. I’m so excited for this movie, I already got my wife's boyfriend to sign off on mine hahah.

Will this bomb because the typical marvel audience of low-t man babies will think they aren't allowed to watch the movie?

>We finna be IN THERE.
>Issa event.
>Issa function.
I hate Americans so fucking much.

Of course, but only because of the Russian disinfo campaign that made them believe that :)
