Be openly mocked an disrespected by company you founded

>Be openly mocked an disrespected by company you founded
>Able to forget being a laughing stock by playing god in world you created

>Deserve to die because of this

Bravo Brooker

When did the nerds on this board become such sensitive faggots?

He knew the people in the game were conscious and then he killed that guys son over and over.

its funny because if you were good enough to found a successful company in the first place you wouldn't be beta enough to be bullied by your own fucking staff

*waddles to keyboard, frothing at the mouth*
*wheezes in pain as lungs struggle to keep pace with the rigorous activity known as typing*
*fatty tears congeal in the corner of eyes, too thick and greasy to roll down cheeks, or perhaps too lazy*
*heart strains to pump blood through obese veins*
*praises Kek as the heart attack hits*

But they weren't people and they weren't conscious. They were lines of code imitating how that person would act you fucking retard.

#CodeLivesMatter user

The fact that the receptionist bullied him was unbelievable to me after I found out he was partial owner.

He is supposed to be the kind of guy whobis an awhile once he actually gets power but he has a shitload in real life.

If you were paying attention you would have noticed that his contribution to the company was the code, which his partner was able to build the company out of.

This. They are just 1's and 0's. NPCs in games like GTA scream when you shoot them and exhibit pain. From their perspective they are programmed to do that, just like the people in the ship.

But he is still one of the owners, rich and respected in his field.

We should be thankful for the technology in this episode. The alternative was him going postal on his coworkers.

He was a creep and never stood for himself. Anyway the new lady didn't do anything to him and yet he made a clone of her to be his slave. The guy is a psycho. He didn't make that simulation because people were mean to him. People were mean to him because he was always a weird creep

Since they made it past high school without getting laid. They're just bitter.

I'm not surprised these white dorks sympathize with this character, this is the same community that got someone killed by swatting.

Yeah but in Black Mirror programs are sentient for some reason, even Firefox is a conscious entity and it doesn't appreciate the websites you visit. Actually that's probably going to be a future episode.

This is a trope black mirror relies on too much, after san junipero it should never have featured again

This kind of raises questions though, about the nature of life. His code seemed to actually create sentient beings, or at least mentally recreate them. He didn't just write them up, making their mannerisms and intellect, but made seemingly 1:1 copies of it. From their perspective, and arguably from any cognitive standpoint, they were very much alive and aware and to treat a being like that is kind of horrendous.

Reddit got someone killed?

I find it unbelievable that he wouldnt yell and fire someone first.

He isn't some low level guy who guns everyone down. If he nutted up for a millisecond he could have fired anyone but McPoyle and realized he had power in real life.

>Playing god in a virtual world instead of trying to solve your actual IRL problems will eventually ruin your life

This isn't a bad message.

He just wanted to role play

>I'm not surprised these white dorks sympathize with this character, this is the same community that got someone killed by swatting.
The guy who did that was a nignog.

the guy that got someone killed by swatting was a brown mongrel reddit

Pretty scary episode when the villain is you. After all how many of us have been cruel and evil in their video games?

Is he really going to die? It seems like the company would've been destroyed by lawsuits by now if its huge worldwide video game was actually capable of trapping people inside it. There has to be some failsafe even if it's just the battery on the little doodad running out after a while.

I'm one of the more normal people in my workplace luckily

These passive aggressive beta types never come out and show any sort of gumption. They'll stew until they finally snap and do something extreme.

The new woman took blackie's advice when she brought him the coffee. That's why

I arguably think that was his initial intention, but also got caught up in the revenge fantasy aspect of it all. Maybe it's because I have a kid, but that shit about Daly throwing Walton's kid out the airlock kind of hit home. It wasn't the real kid any more than it was the real Walton, but both had all the memories, behavior, and cognitive abilities of their counterparts in reality.

>it's an /r9k/ sympathizes with the creepy sociopath thread

In Black Mirror dying does not eqaul deserving to die.

I guess the question might be did he know they were sentient? If so then did they deserve rights, more so than the millions of animals slaughtered for our food or the millions of brown kids in US and UK imperial wars for oil and control?

If he didn't realise they were actually sentient, then did that make him a bad person. Does watching BDSM porn make you a bad person?

Also, does this mean the main Infiniti program does the same thing also?

>create a program
>use it to be a textbook psychopath

Only /r9k/ would sympathize with a character like this.

I think the whole consciousness being copied with the DNA was very lazy and another way to explore the same idea they did in White Christmas. Like 5 episodes have the exact same theme or ethical dilemma.

Ghey really should have made him a mid to high level employee who made most of the important stuff and was taken advantage of.

Even as a super creep he was a rich partial owner of the company. Some slut would have taken advantage of him or at least boned him once to try to get money.

This is nothing. They spent months praising real life spree shooters like Elliot Rodger.

So the copies that escaped and entered the real game, are they just living npcs now?

>we need a soulless evil ginger
say no more senpai

I didn't like Hang the DJ for this reason, it felt like they'd done it before and surely the 1000 different copies of the guy and the girl in that were put through years of emotional torment in order to either escape or be matched. They were all killed in the end too weren't they. Are we supposed to feel empathy for the programs in Hang the DJ or just forget them at the end which had this bizarrely positive "true love has been found, the app worked!" twist.

I thought the better ending would have been for the guy and girl seeing the 98% thing and just switching to another person without thinking.

Yeah, the whole DANA thing was kind of lazy. I think it would have made more sense if he made neural clones from people who played the game.

I wonder what Jesse thought of hearing 4 voices coming from another ship. Does he see them as another player with a tag or are they outside the game ui

>I arguably think that was his initial intention, but also got caught up in the revenge fantasy
It started as revenge then grew intoi role-playing as an excuse. McPoyle was the only one there for ages as he tried to break him

>criticizing a shitty tv episode makes you a sensitive faggot

I can sympathise with how he's created something so amazing that people love yet people still exploit him and treat him like some insubordinate employee for being a creepy cracker, not even knowing that he's a psycho.

>emotional torment

It's just dating man

only normies would not

Exactly how tf do you get someones brain from a lipstick stain or enough of their consciousness they feel no lapse in time or just seamlessly into their new copy body. It's weird she has all her outside knowledge and no one else seems to know anything.

And of course cause she's a hacker gurl she figures out how to outsmart this literal genius in the dumbest most convoluted plot just to make him the bad guy and the good girl wins and becomes captain

Everyone on the ship was the same, they were just desensitised after being there so long.

I'm three episodes into the new season and so far they've all followed the usual "device on the side of the head that affects what a person sees / sentient AI" plot that nearly every other episode before had.
Do any of the remaining episodes get something unique?

I swear, it all feels so samey.

Hollywood’s morals are so loose they’re pushing people to do the opposite of whatever agenda they push

And we are just atoms made of protons, neutrons and electrons which can be found in every single object in this universe.

If your argument is "things built out of simple building blocks can't have consciousness" then humans are the perfect example that that's not the case.

We don't actually know how consciousness arises. For all intents and purposes the only difference between you and a virtual consciousness is that you run on biological hardware while code runs on technological hardware.

In fact it's even impossible for me to prove that you are conscious. I know I am because I personally experience my own consciousness but there is no reason for me to make any assessment about anyone else which is the reason the question whether "lines of code" can be conscious is extremely difficult to solve. First of all we would actually have to know what causes consciousness to make any statement about whether a line of code can be conscious or not.

I'm surprised that people are so quick to argue that the digital copies are just 1s and 0s without any sort of sentience.
I can't help but feel that if the episode was about a tumblrina gurl coder who was torturing white men in her spare time, the majority would be arguing for the copies.
That said, the most unbelievable thing in the episode has to be that one man was able to create a machine that could analyse a person's DNA and create semi perfect replica that could imitate sentience.
I mean, the implication that he's the only person who coded infinity is already a stretch but christ, the guy should really be making a fuck ton of money in the medical field if he can pull that kind of DNA manipulation bullshit from a bunch o' scraps.
The copies should have been killed by breaking bad boy, ending was way too light for BM

>It's weird she has all her outside knowledge and no one else seems to know anything.

They only had knowledge up to when they were uploaded into the game. Since some of them had been in there for months or even years they had no knowledge of what was going on in the world since.

>Since they made it past high school without getting laid. They're just bitter.
The fact that I made it past high school without getting laid does not make me bitter. What makes me bitter is that the same persons who ignored me in high school now make me the bad person in my own escapist entertainment

I can kill "clone" of you 1000 times in my little game and the real you would never know. Clones dont have rights either while we are on the subject. NOT REAL PEOPLE.

My issue was that her in the game was a billion times more confident and in control than outside.

Inside she refuses to be be pushed around for a second by a god while outside the game she robs the boss she idolized with just a little blackmail.

Fair point.

Metalhead doesn't have any of that, although there isn't really any clever situation or moral question so it doesn't feel like a Black Mirror episode

Still no one could figure out his game pad thing until the hot girl got there ?

Since shows went out of their way to turn every evil person in their shows or movies white and male.


Is that Matt Damon?

>Does watching BDSM porn make you a bad person?

No because they consent and know exactly what they are getting into including being to ask for certain elements to be excluded from their scenes (no faceslapping, no nipple clamps etc)

it doesn't matter who the original is, they're still sentient human consciousness

I think the couple should have freaked out when they found out that they were simulations that are getting prepped for deletion.
Should of had a slightly corny "I'll never forget you" moment while the world around them crumbles into binary code.
Then, the real couple should have had a hollow one night stand that didn't go anywhere.
That feels more in line with the "horrific ways that humanity and technology can interact" vibe of the series

What killed it for me is the DNA virtual characters retaining their memories. Suspension of reality for arguably achievable technology is fine, but implying memory can be retrived from DNA is fucking stupid.

I shoot NPC's in fallout just to see what happens. Do i deserve death user?

This. Broke the episode for me. And they just continue it in more episodes like it's not even an issue

at least the stronk independent woman didn't come out on top there. best episode of the season at this rate

There's absolutely no reason their copies should even have personalities. They shouldve been just physical and he has to program their ai

Only for giving Todd Howard money.

We are discussing whether they are conscious. The question whether someone deserves rights needs to be predicated on whether something is conscious.

This episode kills the soyboy

The show answers this for us tho. They don't even ask it it's just assumed and then their mission is justified because they're oppressed by the not Damon god.

The only way there can be conflict in this episode is if they're conscious. They really shouldnt be if you think logically but whoever wrote it definitely valued the story they wanted to tell more than internal logic

He deserved to die for being such a pathetic virgin piece of shit, its so funny watching th unironic incels on this board try and defend this numale just because it reminds them of how much time they spend with their skyrim mods

>Be openly neglected and antisocial in the school you attend
>Able to forget having no friends by playing god in a world you created

>Did nothing wrong

Bravo Japan.

The average soyboy is a feminist and probably rooted for the girl the whole time.

If you watch sci-fi shows and think you're not a NERD, I have bad new for you lad. I for one don't watch this trash because I'm not a soyboy like you

So wait, Coder Girl gets butt hurt when her avatar is being bullied? Isn't that every game ever? Isn't Coder Girl IRL literally a murderer?

No, the show didn't answer it. The only thing we know is that they are copies of the real person in personality and appearance. Consciousness is a difficult question because it is actually about personal sensation and perception.

For example, I don't know whether you are conscious or anyone around me is conscious. They act like me, they behave like me but the lights could still be out and they aren't aware of their existence. They are just elaborate biological machines that follow their biological programming without being aware of anything that happens to them.

Now whether the writers intended for them to be conscious is something else but effectively it's impossible to know whether the copies were conscious unless the Black Mirror episode happens in a time period where consciousness has been solved and you can find out whether something is conscious or not.

Normies love sci fi. Star Wars, Black Mirror, the list goes on.

Yes. Fuck outta here with that "Lines of Code" bullshit.

Even a sentient turd would deserve rights, simply because of its sentience.

did you not watch the episode or are you legitimately mentally deficient?

Her avatar blackmail her real self with nudes and gets her to sneak into his fucking apartment and take his dna shit.

But it didn't even matter when they didn't die in the wormhole. For some stupid reason the update locks him in the game forever. It's really dumb just feels convoluted and forced. There's no reason he shouldnt of had a backdoor in place he is a genius

But the only thing that he did wrong was making his conscience subjects have free will. Also, why wouldnt they disappear when the game is off? Why allow them to sit around with nothing to do but stew at how big of a dick he is? He should have just made them conscience only allowed to follow a certain parameter of emotion and dialogue.

>So the copies that escaped and entered the real game, are they just living npcs now?

Yep. However, considering how advanced the game is, ALL the NPCs could be "living". Pretty fucked up.

This. This tells me they're conscious
How can they act on their own and even contact her real self without being conscious and aware of her existence ?

She was programmed to do that.

They were definitely conscious. Theres no way to debate that, they struggled with free will all episode, follow Dalys orders or rebel.

Honestly when I first saw him with the glasses I thought it was him.

dunno they somehow think acting like "this" will make them look anything but more pathetic
i mean at least Gamergate redpilled alot of people but both sides are now equally retarded reactionary cunts

More like Han Soyhi

Shut up NERD

Soy boy is a word we use for pol tards newfag

Why do you think it was about him deserving to die? He was an idiot that created shit capable of killing him, that was the story.

>How can they act on their own and even contact her real self without being conscious and aware of her existence ?

>They were definitely conscious. Theres no way to debate that, they struggled with free will all episode, follow Dalys orders or rebel.

you are both wrong with your assessment about consciousness because you think that deliberation and action is a precursor for consciousness. The problem with consciousness is that it's a sensation that we can not detect in other beings just through their actions.

If we build an extremely complex robot that looks human, can move like a human and act like a human then the only thing we can say about it is that it's an incredibly complex machine with the sole purpose of imitating humans. But if I wouldn't tell you it was a robot and would just let it interact with you you wouldn't even question it. You would think that you are talking to a human and if I'd ask you whether that human is conscious you would say "yes". But since I've built the robot I'd now that every single thing it does is very elaborate and clever programming.

The issue here is that we don't know whether something is conscious just by looking at its actions.

Maybe he should have stood up for himself in real life? That’s the point of the episode

its almost like he was torturing clones of people he knew or something

They should have left him alive and fine and just call their irl selves from mmo after they escaped to snitch on him.

What annoyed me most about this. At first that new girl liked him, then that nigger woman says to stay away because he's weird, then the new woman acts differently, takes him coffee and leaves without saying anything. Bitch just took the gossip as fact and then basically murdered him at the command of fucking NPC's, just so her noods wouldn't get out. She seemed cool at first then she was a bitch like everyone else, yeah their all the same dont trust anyone, kill em all johnny they all hate you and laugh at you

I agree with your assessment, but I think the show or writers disagree. It seems to me they meant for the copies to be conscious. Whether we think they are is irrelevant.

We are probably having a deeper discussion about their consciousness than the writers did.

It seems obvious what the story was saying or of their copies behavior. The show practically says they are conscious. They really shouldn't be, but there was no programming to their copies, they just got uploaded and the show assumed you won't question the consciousness being part of your DNA even tho that's stupid.

>genius capable of transducing the entirety of human consciousness and agency into a digital format that can be maintained on a home PC by means of a simple 30 hour passive scanning process, thus essentially ensuring cheap, straightforward immortality for mankind, starves to death in his own apartment without anybody knowing about his creation
