Aquaman #23 Storytime

So, I didn't see this around in the catalog, so here we go.

It's time for Aquaman!

No phone this time, so I won't be able to keep this bumped by myself. I trust the aquabros of Sup Forums though





Not a quiet day in the life of Arthur is there












Well shit, I am not alone. Thanks for the bump user, I was getting worried

I don't remember this Leot guy from previous issues....but apparently he was introduced in issue 21.




Thanks for saving me the effort of storytiming this. It was a decent enough issue.

And that's the show! Tune in for next time in...

>“CROWN OF ATLANTIS” finale! Hopelessly at odds with the people of Atlantis, Arthur is finally stripped of his crown. In his place, and to Aquaman’s horror, the previously imprisoned Atlantean fundamentalist Corum Rath is installed as the new king! Every step of AQUAMAN REBIRTH has been building to this!

Hope you guys enjoyed it, wednesday is not the same without Aquaman in the catalog

No problem, any opportunity to do a storytime is appreciate by me. I'm waiting until I have more time to do a huge one

Hey, someone else doing the next issue solicit greentext. Neat

Wasn't going to at first since I just sort of stumbled into the issue by accident, but decided to look for it. Luckly it was easy enough to find

>Page 6
Let's fix that.

these covers remain the highlight of rebirth

thanks OP

thanks OP

Look is another story where Atlantians question Arthur's kingship. N52 Aquaman just can't get a break, his stories are on repeat. People callling it a decent issue. Maybe next storyline he is going to look for his mom and then Mera will usurp his throne. They will make up, another stand off in the surface......repeat.

why dey always tryna catch my man Aqs ridin dirtty?

Thanks OP, shame Aquaman always storytimed last.

>dat Mera ass


Jesus H. Fuck.

I'm surprised. I though he would give up his kingship. He seemed to be not fond of it and he seemed to be concerned with the will of the people


He might have if someone else was picked to replace him like Tula. But he doesn't want someone like Rath in charge.

bump because this is too good a issue to get so little replies

No Murk, you were supposed to be the new best boy.


Why can't anything go right for aquaman in this run. I bet as soon as he's king again something will happen to make the surface hate him again and when he solves that Atlantis will hate him and that pattern will continue.

Where even is Orm? I feel like it's been forever since Nereus found him.

Why didn't they just all confront him in the first place instead of attacking him? Especially since Rath says they knew they couldn't beat him.

Creepy but great cover, BTW thanks a lot for the storytime.

So they released everyone imprisoned not just Rath and his men?

That seems stupid.

This is an absolutely BEAUTIFUL cover. One of the best covers of the year.

Thanks, OP.

Well at least it's a entertaining cycle with its respective variations each time (as Arthur banging the sister of Mera the last time).
She has always had an anbsolutly amazing body, I think it's one of her powers because that is too good to be natural in any human woman.
Arthur should let them burn in hell, I mean the Atlanteans have always been in the better moments petty with him and if I remember well he even died for them in the pre-Flashpoint universe around the time if the Infinite Crisis right???

I kinda hope Aquaman doesn't get his crown back immediately, but that Atlantis ends up going to shit and they have to beg him to return.

the dead will rise tap dat ass.

>the dead will rise tap dat ass.
And exaclty that he did back then, he came back from the dead just to tap that ass (Indeed he is a really lucky dude).

I really liked the blue collar vibe that pre-Throne of Atlantis Aquaman had.

Probably shelved for when Johns and Abnett get to Rise of the Seven Seas.

Which means he won't be in the comics for a long ass time.


Cheers OP.

One more bump.

Thanks OP

Late reading bump

This shit right here is why Arthur should stay in Atlantis, and Mera should be the one on the League.